Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1283: common name

The second half of the smokescreen finally dissipated, revealing the human battleship hidden within.

The eight warships did not know when they were divided into two groups. The Chinese and Western warships were clearly separated, each occupying one side to form two in-line formations connected end to end.

Asteroid debris is not divided into enemy or foe. Long before he ordered the bombing of Base No. 3, Duan Zhiyang was mentally prepared to bear the loss.

In order to minimize the losses, Duan Zhiyang ordered the fleet to line up in two lines in advance. The Chinese side had the Beihai at the top, and the friendly forces decided on their own. Duan Zhiyang didn't know which battleship would be the top one in the end.

Until the smoke screen dissipated, Duan Zhiyang found that it was not Spruance who was at the front, but the Farragut with the same awkward name.

The bow of the USS Farragut has been changed beyond recognition in the impact. The first half of the battleship is full of potholes and bumps. Judging from the degree of damage, 100% of its combat power has lost 80%, and it is a sure thing to withdraw from the battle.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the Farragut, Duan Zhiyang knew that the Beihai must not be much better, but after calling up the tube damage interface, he was still shocked.

Beihai's situation is more serious than that of Farragut. Except for the stern, there are traces left by the impact everywhere. The closer it is to the bow, the more serious the situation is. The bow is the hardest hit area, and was directly hit by a boulder. In the middle, the boulder was embedded in the lower left of the bow, which not only blocked the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun, but also smashed the adjacent turret.

The originally straight barrel was twisted weirdly, and most of its roots were broken, and it seemed to fall off at any time.

Duan Zhiyang, who witnessed all this, suddenly realized, no wonder the vibration was so strong just now, no matter how strong the battleship was, it would not be good for such a super brick.

However, the loss of the ship watch is second, and the loss of weapons and equipment is even more serious!

All twelve main turrets of the ship were hit by fragments, seven of which were seriously damaged and were not worth repairing. Three of the other five had to be overhauled, and only two were lightly injured and could continue to shoot.

The situation of the close-up guns is not much stronger, and only two rapid-fire guns and a light gun are intact.

In addition, the armor of the ship, the cables leading to the turrets, and the internal structure are all damaged to varying degrees. Fortunately, there is no problem with the power system... This is simply a miracle!

However, the miracle can only ensure the flying ability of the battleship. With the status quo of the Beihai, it is impossible to continue to participate in the battle anyway.

Although these two battleships suffered heavy losses, they blocked debris from Base Three for the friendly forces behind them, and the battleships behind suffered minimal losses.

The smoke screen has just dissipated, and the bridges of the six human warships are filled with various combat commands. Each ship is rising, sinking, or moving laterally. enemy.

The aliens who suffered heavy losses were not afraid. Hundreds of bug machines and a dozen warships quickly assembled and rushed forward to the human fleet.

In addition, there are hundreds of insect machines with different injuries staggering behind.

In terms of numbers, the enemy army is not only assisted by thousands of insect machines, but also the warships are twice as many as humans. But in terms of quality, six human warships completely exploded the alien fleet.

This time he was completely relieved, and he nestled in the chair without image, hehe silly.

In this battle, he used all the means at his disposal, and even gave up base No. 3, but what does it matter? Victory is truth, victory is justice, and being able to achieve overtake in the case of absolute disadvantage is the truth of truth, and the text of justice!

What's the point of paying a little price for victory?

Some people may think that Duan Zhiyang's approach is too extreme and not worth it, but Duan Zhiyang is not a fool. If it wasn't for the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, would he need to go to extremes?

Besides, the base is dead, and people are alive. In exchange for the No. 3 base, not only 10,000 to several thousand worm machines, but also changed the strategic situation of the entire asteroid belt, and achieved strategic transcendence and counterattack. , This is a favorable situation that all parties want to change, let alone just one base No. 3, even if the No. 2 and No. 4 bases are all built in, Duan Zhiyang will not blink any more.

Not only was the bombing of Base 3 not a stain on his military career, but it was the most glorious moment in his life!

It's not that he is cruel, and it's not that he is ruthless, but that the situation on both sides of the enemy forces him to do it, and it is worth it, that's all.

Even if all the great powers aside, this battle is of extraordinary significance to Duan Zhiyang. The victory of this battle has opened up the situation of the asteroid belt. The name Duan Zhiyang will go down in the history books together with this battle, and may even be associated with the history books. The famous generals who turned the tide and shined through the ages went hand in hand.

As a soldier, as a soldier who regards honor as his life, is there a higher reward than leaving a name in history?

The battle has developed to now no longer needs Duan Zhiyang to continue commanding, and he is also happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Both the enemy and the enemy made up their minds to fight to the death. The two sides quickly rushed together. The six human warships were full of fire. The main guns were on the enemy ship, and the secondary guns were on the insect machine. Countless beams and shells hit the enemy like a torrential rain. In the military, nuclear bombs are thrown out without money, even if a nuclear bomb can only destroy a bug machine.

The dying aliens fought back desperately. All the bug machines tried their best to rush to the human battleship with various strange movements and various tricky angles, but no matter how smart the insect machine was, it was not as fast as the light defense guns on the human warships. Avoid being shot by light defense cannons one by one.

More than a dozen alien warships fired at full force and sprinted at full speed. Even if they collided, they had to be determined to win, but no matter how firm their determination was, they were no match for the earth-shattering nuclear explosion. It is not only the ultimate weapon of human beings, but also the power of stars. The source is the most basic source of energy in this universe.

Having lost their numerical superiority, the alien warships are no match for human beings at all.

When the last enemy ship was shattered in the nuclear explosion, the human fleet fell into a brief silence. Everyone seemed to be unable to believe that this was true. Everyone had the same question in their hearts. Is this true?

But everyone soon realized that this was not a dream, and that they had indeed won the final victory in this battle.

In an instant, cheers resounded throughout the fleet, but they were unable to vent the complicated feelings of the soldiers. At this moment, no one could use words to describe the feelings of the soldiers at the moment, or in other words, no language could describe the feelings of the soldiers. .

At this moment, the soldiers have no distinction of skin color, nationality or faction. All of them have only one common name: Human! rw

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