Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1284: 1 meal not less

On the bridge of Leishan, after watching the entire battle from start to finish, Ye Han breathed a long sigh of relief. Although the process has some twists and turns, he is very satisfied with the outcome of the battle.

If the base is gone, it can be rebuilt, but if the victory is gone, it will never be found again.

Ye Han is not as deep as Duan Zhiyang thought, but he also understands that this battle has opened up the situation of the asteroid belt, which can be said to be the best news he has received since entering the asteroid belt.

So Ye Han smiled and recorded a video: "Old Duan, I have seen the situation, you did a good job, and congratulations on your promotion to major general, I am indeed behind you in this matter, and I will meet you later, I have to salute you first. , I have to find a way to climb up quickly, at least my rank can't be lower than you... Unfortunately, I'm unlucky, I can't make it in time, or I can get some military exploits and come back, maybe after this battle, I will directly promoted..."

After a long talk, Ye Han said all the things that should be said, and then Ye Han told Luo Qi to send the video to Beihai.

At this time, the battle in the direction of Base No. 3 has basically ended, and only some tails have not been cleared, such as those bug machines that have burned out their eyes and are flying around.

Judging from the current progress, the finishing work will continue for some time.

However, the frontal confrontation between the enemy and ourselves has ended, and Duan Zhiyang's command is no longer required, and each ship can complete it on its own.

Duan Zhiyang, who was very tired, was sitting in the chair and closed his eyes, and unexpectedly received Ye Han's congratulations.

Duan Zhiyang turned on the communication device, and he smiled bitterly without saying a word: "Captain Ye, my Captain Ye, don't be scornful of me, neither of us know who? , I blew up base No. 3 before my **** was hot. To tell you the truth, I'm still panicking in my heart now. Don't mention the credit or anything. After accumulating virtue in the last life, the ancestral graves are covered with green smoke..."

He does have some ideas in his heart, but no matter how much he thinks, it will not be so shallow that he can say it, and it is even more impossible to show it off to his old comrades. The necessary modesty is absolutely indispensable.

It's not impossible to be complacent, but it's too bad to get carried away.

After Ye Han received Duan Zhiyang's reply, he read it twice before replying: "Don't talk to me about the useless, no matter how important the base is, it can be more important than victory? Are you panicking? What are you pretending to be a big tail wolf with me? ? It's still a promotion on the hotline, and a promotion on the hotline is also a promotion. I don't have that chance! If you don't fight this battle, you, the major general, may not be able to sit firmly. Said, the general has become a general, and it is no problem to have a good meal with you, right? Don’t say a word if it is useless, there are no conditions now, and it will be no problem to invite you again when you return to Beiyuezhou. A good meal is not afraid of being late. I can record it for you first..."

Duan Zhiyang, who received this sentence, couldn't help laughing for a while, and replied: "What is a meal? Just because of a big victory, I will invite you if you don't get promoted. I don't dare to say anything else. As long as Beiyuezhou can find it, I will. I'll find it for you, what a big deal? But, don't just know that you run on me, you won't be promoted, right? I've heard that if your brother is on this mission, the alien battleship will be all you need. It's been more than 20 years, my dear, you have caught the aliens, right? If you go around a few more times, the aliens will all be dead... Such a big credit, do you think it's enough for you to get a promotion? Major General? I don't need you to remember this meal, and I will definitely be without you, so I will ask you, when will your meal be invited?"

Ten minutes later, Ye Han, who received this sentence, laughed and said, "This kid, the counterattack is quite sharp."

He had really thought about this issue in private, but when the record was reported again and again, Beiyuezhou didn't respond at all, which was a bit frustrating.

But if you think about it, it is not incomprehensible. Although Ye Han is currently in command of the Thunder Mountain, he is actually an airborne soldier instead of officially being transferred to the fleet as captain.

Now it's troublesome. If you give Ye Han a promotion order now, should he be promoted to the first-level officer of the Orbital Airborne Corps, or should he be promoted to the captain of the fleet?

Orbital airborne troops are new, soldiers and low-level officers can be drawn from friendly forces, but there are only a few senior officers with actual combat experience.

Qiao Wei didn't let anyone go. Naturally, it was impossible for the fleet to overtake him. As a result, Ye Han's promotion was blocked due to the coordination problem between the two departments.

I can't do anything, just be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day, I'll worry about things in the future: "I received a call, it's definitely no problem to treat a guest, and the time is easy, you see when I became a general like you, when did you Call everyone and come to me together, I will definitely arrange your arrangements properly, I dare not say that death is like a home, at least eat and drink We are not the kind of people who are on errands..."

When the news came out, He Lu asked curiously, "Captain, do you have such a good relationship with Commander Duan?"

"Haha, old comrade-in-arms, both of us and Commander Gao are the first generation of Beiyuezhou people, alas, I really miss it..." Having said this, Ye Han couldn't help but think of the hard years when he arrived at the moon at the beginning of the year.

Thinking about the desolation of Beiyuezhou at the beginning, and thinking about the glory of Beiyuezhou today, Ye Han was sighed by the earth-shaking changes, so he turned out what happened in the past and talked about it casually, and He Lu was stunned.

The longer we spend together and the more we understand Ye Han's past, the more I feel that this guest captain is not easy, but He Lu never thought that Ye Han's resume would have such a heavy stroke.

Just based on the past of the first generation of Beiyuezhou people, Ye Han is indispensable in the history books of the Republic.

At the same time, Duan Zhiyang on the Beihai was idle and bored, so he simply found out the location of the Leishan, and he also looked at where the Leishan was.

But after finding the Leishan, Duan Zhiyang suddenly discovered that the Leishan was moving away from the No. 3 base!

Doesn't it mean that all the warships are concentrated to the No. 3 base? What is Thunder Mountain doing?

He couldn't wait for Ye Han's reply, so he sent another message and asked: "I said Ye Brigade, I saw you just now, why are you heading in the wrong direction? Don't you fly towards me? Don't you mess around at this juncture? Here, the rank of injury... the rank of military rank!"

Ye Han couldn't help laughing when he received this sentence, and replied casually: "Thank you for your concern, just put your heart in your stomach, I have no problem here, I don't fly to you because I have a mission, what is it? You should ask Nanzhou about the task, if our commander is in a good mood, maybe we can really tell you..."


Duan Zhiyang, who received the reply, looked stunned: What is the mission in that direction? 8)

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