Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1290: Runaway Nanshu

Ye Han and Gao Kai's discussion ended, but the action did not start immediately.

It's not that the two of them don't want to, but the timing is not right now.

The current situation is that Nanzhou is dragging a group of enemy ships near Star 7 without attacking. Leishan is located on the flank of Nanzhou and is on its way to Star 7.

If two human warships are connected with Star No. 7, it is basically a right-angled triangle. Star No. 7 is the vertex of the right angle, the short side of Nanzhou, and the long side of Leishan.

The four alien warships branched out from the Nanzhou were flying towards the midpoint of the long side. They should have wanted to join the two friendly ships from the seventh star there, and then deal with the Thunder Mountain together.

No matter how you look at it, the current situation should be done immediately, except for one thing—the two enemy ships from Star 7 have just set off, and they are too close to Star 7!

The two of them are Ye Han's real goals. If he starts now, it won't take long for the aliens to guess Ye Han's intentions.

At that time, the two enemy ships are very likely to return to the seventh star, and it is possible that the enemy ship that stayed behind the seventh star will come to support. In short, unless the enemy has a headache, it is impossible for the Leishan to have a chance to fight against each other. An alien warship.

And what Ye Han and Gao Kai need most is precisely this opportunity, so they can only temporarily suppress the temptation to act immediately and continue to deal with the blocking alien fleet.

In order to confuse the aliens, Ye Han and Gao Kai formulated a series of confounding tactics. The first step was that the Nanzhou suddenly launched an attack and opened fire with an extremely determined attitude.

This was the first firefight between the two sides after more than a week of confrontation, and the alien fleet immediately launched a counterattack.

However, the Nanzhou used shells and missiles with a much longer range than the Slimlight, and they did not seek hits but only harassment.

It's a pity that the Nanzhou ship is like a gust of wind, and its momentum comes and goes quickly. The stormy attack soon cleared the sky. The Nanzhou ship, which stopped the gust of wind, retreated one after another, and it retreated at an accelerated rate, heading directly to Leishan. withdraw in the direction of the number.

The alien battleship that had dealt with the attack was chasing it fiercely, as if it had a grudge against Nanzhou for killing his father and for taking his wife.

Well, the development from guerrilla without attack to firepower test is a big improvement for Nanzhou, but for aliens, it is Hong Guoguo's tune.

Originally, it was an endless hostile relationship, and it was strange that the aliens did not run away.

However, the scene that surprised all the aliens was staged again. The "escape" Nanzhou was still unwilling to stop, and halfway through, it opened fire on the four alien warships that left early!

At present, the eight and four groups are located in the right front and right rear of the Nanzhou. It is not much different if they are not attacked from both sides. If they attack from both directions at the same time, at least the Nanzhou will not be able to converge with the Leishan.

If the aliens did this, it would be right in their hearts. Gao Kai could laugh out loud in his dreams. The problem is that the aliens seemed to see something. The four ships were unmoved at all. Desire to fly to the interception direction.

Gao Kai and Ye Han's brains were overclocked at the same time, and they analyzed the aliens' psychology from various angles, and finally came to the conclusion that the possibility of the aliens discovering their intentions is not high, and they should simply execute the interception order.

Nanzhou had to hold back the fourth alien ship before Leishan could face the second alien ship.

Gao Kai gritted his teeth and ordered an entire division of aviation to be ejected into the air. Hundreds of fighter jets ejected out of the ship one by one, lined up and rushed to the four alien ships.

The fighter's endurance is not very good, but the acceleration and deceleration is much faster than that of the battleship, and the formation rushes towards the alien four ships at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the critical moment, the aliens were also unambiguous. The eight alien ships and the four alien ships released a batch of insect machines at the same time, and the two insect swarms approached the human fleet from the front side and the rear side respectively.

The situation was very unfavorable for Nanzhou and the human fighter group. However, Gao Kai took a heavy heart and did not back down. Together with the fighter group, Nanzhou and the fighter group launched a fierce attack on the enemy ships in both directions.

Since you can't stop the enemy ship, it's better to use the battle to hold the enemy ship.

It only took more than ten seconds for the fighter group to wipe out the missiles carried on the plane, and the group that was still aggressive just turned around and ran away.

Just after turning around and flying back here, Nanzhou ejected a batch of fighters again, still more than 100.

Two fighter jets missed it, one returned to Nanzhou to recover, and the other fired at the enemy ship one after another, and emptied all the missiles in one go.

Inside the Nanzhou, the 9th Air Division and the 13th Air Division are already ready to go. When the second group of drones returns, the 9th Air Division will set off immediately.

There were originally only the 9th and 13th Divisions on the Nanzhou. Later, the organization was adjusted and two divisions of drones were added. The whole ship has more than 400 fighters, and Gao Kai has enough fighters to take turns.

While the fighter group was frantically dumping missiles, the Nanzhou was not idle. All the weapons on the ship were fully fired, and the guns were the same. The key lies in the laser main guns on the ship!

Their target is not the enemy ship, but the approaching bug machine!

The beams flashed one after The insect machines that flew up and down kept vaporizing and disappearing in the beam.

The speed of the missile is too slow to hit the worm machine at all. The most effective way to deal with the worm machine is the laser, and even the nuclear bomb is not so efficient.

The Nanzhou has done its best, but the worms are still approaching. This time, the drone swarm with all the missiles fired did not return, but rushed towards the swarm without hesitation.

Anyway, it’s all drones, so I don’t feel bad if they lose it, but the loss also has the value of the loss. Gao Kai never thought of giving the drone to the aliens for nothing.

So the drone swarm rushed to the four alien ships regardless, and even if the bug machine fired face to face, it was not shaken at all... A bunch of unconscious electronic chips couldn't shake it.

At this time, Gao Kai finally ordered the 9th Air Division to dispatch. Soon after, the Air 13th Division also received an order to set off. The two units acted separately. The 9th Division dealt with the worms in the direction of the four alien ships, and the 13th Division targeted the eight alien ships.

The 9th Division took the lead in bringing the swarm into range, and the long-range air-to-air missiles fired at full force. In just a split second, thousands of missiles flew away from the fighter plane.

Then the 13th Division also fired missiles at the swarm.

A few seconds later, a large number of missiles encountered the insect swarm in front of the 9th Division, and a series of dazzling lights burst out in the dark void. They formed a wall of light full of death between the Nanzhou and the four alien ships. , Even aliens don't know how many bug machines died under the wall of light.

Then the same wall of light appeared in the direction of the eight alien ships, and most of the swarms were killed and injured.

crack metal theory

This chapter is difficult to write, the plot has to be reasonable, but also to create opportunities for human beings, it is really racking my brains.

At this moment, how much I hope that there is a professional staff team to help me design tactics!

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