Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1291: To gain time


At the same time, the bridge of the Thunder Mountain.

Ye Han watched the battle on the screen, his face getting darker and darker.

He and Gao Kai originally planned to hold off the enemy with a low-intensity exchange of fire, but the development of the situation was simply out of control, and the fight turned into a full-scale conflict.

It may not be so accurate to say that it is out of control. The Nanzhou has not directly exchanged fire with the enemy ships and can withdraw from the battle at any time, but the Nanzhou did not hold the Nanzhou four ships. There will definitely be a loss, and the opportunity to hold back the fourth alien ship will be completely lost. The plan of Leishan's confrontation with the second alien ship will definitely be in vain.

Ye Han's brows were tightly twisted together, and he suddenly made up his mind: "Luo Qi, call the Nanzhou number and ask them how long they can hold on; He Lu, speeding forward, the faster the better, the engine will be lost. Rush to me too!"

"Yes!" The two voices said in unison, the voices did not fall, the power of the thrusters had reached the highest level, and the light in the reaction chamber kept flashing... Overspeeding will cause too much damage to the power system, so it must be reserved for critical moments. .

Then Luo Qi received a reply from the Nanzhou: "Commander, the Nanzhou said that the carrier-based aircraft will last for at most half an hour, and after half an hour, the missiles will run out."

Half an hour?

Ye Han looked at He Lu: "Is it too late?"

"It's too late, the time is too short."

Ye Han squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "Turn, target the four alien ships!"

"Ah?" He Lu was startled, "Captain..."

"Excuting an order!"

"Yes!" He Lu hurriedly agreed, "The right rudder is nineteen, the lower rudder is four... Captain, what about the speed?"

"The speed remains the same!" Ye Han looked at the battlefield in front of his eyes, "Also, launch long-range missiles, half of them are aimed at the alien four ships, and the other half are aimed at the transport ships!"

He Lu immediately complied, and all the remaining long-range missiles were wiped out in one breath, and then stared at Ye Han in a daze.

The original plan was to use Nanzhou to hold the enemy ship, and Leishan took the opportunity to break through the blockade and go straight to the No. 7 star. How could Ye Han make such a change and make a breakthrough?

Ye Han threw himself into the battle, and didn't notice any abnormality in his subordinates at all: "He Lu, is there any movement from the enemy ship in the direction of the seventh star?"

He Lu quickly returned to his senses: "Not yet... eh? They are turning, they are turning, turning to the direction of the four enemy ships... Speeding up, they are speeding up!"

"Very good, my ship maintains the current speed, it doesn't matter if it reduces a little... Luo Qi, tell Nanzhou to back away a little, don't put so much pressure on the enemy!"


At this point, He Lu finally got a glimpse of Ye Han's thoughts.

The Thunder Mountain originally flew directly to the No. 7 star, and the goal of the fourth and second enemy ships was to intercept the Thunder Mountain.

Now that the Leishan is actively throwing itself into the battlefield, the two alien fleets naturally do not need to continue to intercept, and the four enemy ships do not even need to move, they can turn around and deal with the Nanzhou directly.

In this way, if the Nanzhou ship does nothing, the possibility of the four enemy ships leaving will be greatly reduced.

More importantly, the fierce battle between the enemy and the enemy is in full swing. Although Leishan cannot change the situation that the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is also a very heavy weight when placed on the battlefield. In this case, the second enemy ship must be close to the battlefield, and it is speeding up. battlefield.

And Ye Han's purpose is precisely to mobilize the enemy ships, let them stay away from the No. 7 star earlier, and create an opportunity for himself to annihilate the enemy's second ship.

When I figured this out, everything in front of me suddenly became clear.

However, He Lu soon discovered that he was wrong. The four alien ships did not turn around to deal with Nanzhou, but continued to intercept Leishan.

He Luma figured out its joints. Although the Leishan has completed the turn and accelerated to the battlefield, the original inertia will take a little time to offset, so the Leishan is just aimed at the battleship, and the actual battleship is still flying. Xiang No. 7, under such circumstances, how could the fourth enemy ship turn back?

But it doesn't matter if the fourth enemy ship doesn't turn back, the key is that the second enemy ship is accelerating!

At this time, Gao Kai also understood Ye Han's thoughts, the Nanzhou no longer launched an attack, and the carrier aircraft that had been sent out received the order to return.

Before the two aviation divisions flew to the offensive position, Gao Kai called back without a shot, and everyone was extremely depressed. But an order is an order, and no matter how reluctant it is, it must be carried out honestly.

But the drone swarm ran too far, and now it has been strangled with the insect swarm.

Gao Kai knew very well in his heart that the drones of a whole division were estimated to be finished. In line with the idea that one could be saved, the firepower of the Nanzhou immediately tilted towards the drones, and the laser main guns fully covered no one. The fleet is withdrawn.

In order to prevent the enemy ships from taking the opportunity to approach, Nanzhou also launched a batch of nuclear-tipped missiles at the eight enemy ships, not to kill many enemy ships, but to delay the speed of the enemy ships.

The insect planes in the direction of the four enemy ships suffered heavy losses under the full force of the laser. The drone group finally seized the initiative with the assistance of the laser cannon. .

The battle between the drones and the insect drones was not long, but nearly half of the drones of the entire division were lost. Gao Kai couldn’t help but secretly rejoice that it was only the drone division. If it was the 9th or 13th division, it would only lose so much. The pilot could make him cry.

The remaining drones approached the Nanzhou, followed by some unwilling bug machines, but they were first wheeled over and over again by the laser main gun, and after breaking the 160-kilometer limit, they were fully suppressed by the light defense gun. Killed, and in the end the entire army was wiped out, and not a single one was able to escape.

At the same time, the missiles flying towards the eight enemy ships also encountered swarms of insects. The large swarms of insect aircraft smelled the smell of flies and rushed towards the missiles in groups. They not only intercepted the missiles with fine light, but also flew in front of the missiles to block the missiles.

The missile's equipment found the obstacle ahead, and immediately started the evasion procedure, and the straight line immediately turned into a snake-like maneuver.

However, the mobility of the bug machine was so good that a large number of bug machines blocked in front of the missile. In addition, the long-range missile was not known for its mobility, and the missile finally crashed into the bug pile and exploded into a dazzling light.

The missiles that can blow up at least half of the enemy ships, and in the end only kill dozens of worms. This result makes Gao Kai feel bad. He really can't understand how the worms are so powerful. There are dozens of missiles. , there is not even a single breakthrough interception, which is too outrageous.

Cannonballs can't work, and missiles can't work either. Is this the rhythm that must eliminate naval guns and missiles?

The Nanzhou lost a lot, but Gao Kai was not an impulsive person. After the last drone was recovered, he immediately ordered the Nanzhou to retreat.

However, the Nanzhou was not fast to retreat, and always kept firepower contact with the enemy if it was off the ground, trying to buy time for the Leishan.

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