Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1302: Spider Sea Tactics

The bridge of the Thunder Mountain. CO

The light and shadow on the main screen change, constantly feeding back the situation ahead.

One of the windows was facing the A5 cabin door. Ye Han saw Luo Qi rushing out alone and waved his hand. The soldiers waiting in the passage immediately followed Luo Qi and rushed to the A4 cabin.

On the other window, there is the hole in the corner of the A5 cabin. Several soldiers are surrounding the hole, several rifles are pointing at the hole, and everyone's fingers are on the trigger, ready to fire at any time.

Luo Qi rushed to the A4 cabin with the troops, made a few gestures quickly, and the soldiers immediately surrounded the cabin door.

At this time, Luo Qi's voice was heard on the radio: "First class, let the spiders go!"

The pictures on the row of windows at the bottom of the main screen moved together. The pictures on the windows were all the holes, but the angles were different.

Several mechanical spiders climbed through the hole one after another, and the situation next door appeared in front of Ye Han and others. After seeing the situation on the screen, everyone gasped in unison.

The A4 cabin is located above the bow. It is the viewing equipment cabin of the entire bow and the eyes of several turrets in the bow.

Originally, this cabin was full of precision equipment, but now it has changed beyond recognition. The precision equipment has been destroyed and damaged, and there are floating debris everywhere.

This is nothing. The bulkhead in the direction of the ship's bow has actually shrunk significantly. Not only is the area in the cabin less, but the armor above the cabin is torn as a whole. When you look up, you can see a bright starry sky and the floor in the cabin. It also cracked more than two meters wide.

The spider turned around, but couldn't find the shadow of the target. A spider stopped at a crack in the floor and looked down. The situation on the next deck was clear at a glance, and it also failed to find the shadow of the target.

He Lu couldn't help but be stunned: "Didn't you run outside?"

Luo Qi immediately said: "Master, I request to pursue!"

"Don't be busy yet." Ye Han African cautious, "He Lu, haven't there been pictures outside yet?"

He Lu shook his head: "No."

"What about our eyes? Two rounds and everything?" suggested a bridge officer.

He Lu still shook his head: "Both sides are smashed, and there are missiles that can't be fired..."

Ye Han said: "Let's use spiders, Luo Qi!"

"I got it, it'll be fine right away... First class, the spider goes up and sees it!"

The mechanical spider located in the A4 cabin immediately climbed to the wall, first climbed out of the cabin, then climbed over the several-meter-thick armor fault, and quietly climbed onto the ship's surface.

Luo Qi was not idle either. He instructed the second class to open the A4 cabin. After entering the cabin door, he looked up at the starry sky, and then lowered his head to point to the crack: "Second class put the spider, go down and have a look!"

The second shift complied immediately, and a few spiders quickly crawled into the crack.

At this time, the picture on the main screen of the bridge was divided into two groups, one group was provided by the spider group on the ship's surface, and the other group came from the spider group that climbed into the crack.

Ye Han's eyes first fell to the watch.

Although the watch of Leishan is not smooth, it can at least be smooth. However, it is completely different now. Wherever the camera can see, there are cuts left everywhere, and they are crisscrossed in different shades. One, the armor in many places is pierced by thin light.

One of the shots is just facing the turret not far away. The original mighty turret is missing a small half, and the barrel is also broken.

On the side of the turret, a bug machine was inserted straight into the armor, and most of the front half of the body was drilled into the armor. Only the rear half of the body with its four wings unfolded was still standing outside. From the spider's point of view, this thing Actually a little higher than the turret.

Farther away, there are several other bug machines plugged into the armor. Their strange appearances are abrupt and unusual, and they don't match the surrounding steel painting style at all.

Then Ye Han found that the damage under the spider's feet was more serious than expected, not only the A4 cabin was opened, but the A3 cabin next door was not spared.

Ye Han's head was as big as a fight: "Luo Qi, have you seen the situation on the ship's watch?"

"I see!" Luo Qi said, "The target should be brought by the bug machine!"

"That's not what I said." Ye Han almost rolled his eyes, "The watch is so badly damaged that if the target escapes, he can hide in any crack. If he picks one that penetrates the armor and gets in, what a hell. I just found out where it went!"

Luo Qi was dumbfounded: "Master, where can I find this?"

Ye Han said: "If you can't find it, you have to find it. How many spiders do we have?"

"Hundreds." Luo Qi said.

He Lu said softly: "Not counting the ones brought out by the Marine Corps, there are still four hundred and seventy-two."

"Send them all out!" Ye Han said, "Half of them go out and show me all the penetrating injuries, and the other half are put on the outer layer, and all the cabins are swept for me, and there can be no dead ends."


"Also, notify the pipe damage and immediately repair the monitoring and detection equipment on the outer layer!"


"Notify all departments to prepare for battle, bring weapons to me, and check their own sites carefully, without missing any dead ends, and report the situation immediately!"


"Regardless of the inner and outer layers, all gates will be closed. If problems are found, they will be reported to the bridge. The bridge will decide whether to open or not. If necessary, unimportant partitions can be abandoned."


"Luo Qi-"

He Luda got used to it and almost picked up the conversation, but fortunately, his brain responded in a timely manner and abruptly gagged the words in his mouth... Finally a replacement!

Luo Qi's voice came from the radio: "Here!"

"Your people are responsible for the safety of the damage personnel, understand?"



"Yes!" This time, the two of them said in unison.

However, the next action is not so easy. Just controlling hundreds of spiders into place one by one is not a small project.

And the first step of the action, UU reading is to release the mechanical spider first!

To this end, He Lu specially dispatched a team of people and rushed to the warehouse where the mechanical spiders were stored, and took out these small things one by one and put them on the ground.

Then the activation command was directly issued by the bridge, and hundreds of mechanical spiders unfolded at the same time. Then the spider group left the warehouse under the control of the bridge, and then divided into several strands and left the inner layer from different directions.

Wherever the spider swarms go, the green light is all the way, and the closed airlocks are opened one by one until they leave the inner layer.

The next step is to get all the spiders in place one by one. This troublesome and meticulous work can no longer be commanded by the bridge group.

Fortunately, manipulating spiders does not require any skills. The bridge immediately organizes officers and soldiers who have no missions. Each person controls three or five spiders, and then allocates a small task area. monitor.

Ye Han believes that after all the spiders are in place, it is equivalent to laying a tight monitoring net on the inside and outside of the ship. I dare not say that there are no dead ends. At least most places can be controlled. Unless the target hides and does not move, it will be sooner or later. Exposed. In the sight of the spider.

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