Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1303: hit the gun

The swarming mechanical spiders kept coming, the bridge received more and more monitoring signals, and the main screen was constantly changing like a magic light. Road, only show key cabins!"

"Yes!" He Luma did as he did, and the revolving lantern-like picture finally slowed down, but it only slowed down, not as strong as the flash before.

"Too many signals!" He Lu explained embarrassingly.

The main screen is indeed not small, but no matter how large the area is, it is still a screen, and the number of divisions is limited, so it cannot display so many signals at all.

Ye Han said: "Cut over if you find it, and put it aside for the time being if you don't move... How's the tube damage?"

"Checking the line."

"After the surveillance is repaired, take out the spiders and let me go outside." Ye Han said.

"Yes... there is a discovery in the G area, confirm the target!"

"How is that possible?" Ye Han blurted out subconsciously.

The G area is located at the rear of the port side, a hundred or several dozen meters away from the bow of the ship. After the target escapes from the A4 cabin, it should be no problem to run to the G area in one breath, but Ye Han feels that the target should hide near the A4, not far away. Run across the bow.

Luo Qi's voice came from the radio: "G area? I know, Ma sent someone over!"

"Wait!" Ye Han immediately stopped, "Luo Qi, you just said that this thing was sent by a bug machine!"

"Yes! I also want to say that I should check the bug machine."

"How many bug machines do you have there?"

Luo Qi switched signals and counted: "Seven!"

He Lu lowered his voice: "Captain, the target was found in Area E." Then he gestured to Ye Han, indicating that this was the second target the spider found.

Ye Han's face was grim: "Is there a bug machine near the target?"

"Yes, there is more than one."

"That's right!" Ye Han said, "I neglected this issue just now, Luo Qi, you took someone to check the bug machine and found that the target horse opened fire!"


"He Lu, all places with bug machines are listed as priorities, and so are the cabins near the bug machines!"


"Also, raise the alarm, and arrange for the horses to pick up the bullets. People will not leave the guns without leaving the bullets... The personnel drawn from the fleet will stick to the inner layer, and the others will be organized to clear the targets separately!"

"Yes!" He Lugang agreed, when Yu Guang suddenly saw Ye Han get up from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but be taken aback, "Captain?"

Ye Han smiled slightly: "I am also from the airborne division."

He Lu just remembered that most of the hundreds of people on the ship were from Ye Han's Airborne First Division, and the number of people drawn from the fleet was less than three digits.

He had almost forgotten about it after the battleship had been in the air for a few months.

Ye Han closed the magnetic shoes and floated to the hatch: "He Lu, the bridge is under your command!"

"Captain!" He Lu quickly stopped, "You can't leave the command post!"

Ye Han smiled slightly: "I am your captain, but also their division commander. The soldiers need me now."

He Lu still wants to talk, but Ye Han has already floated out of the hatch: "I can rest assured that the bridge will be handed over to you, and let me know if there is any situation."

The hatch was closed, blocking Ye Han's figure. He Lu's face was helpless, but there was a little bit of joy in his heart... Well, more than a little bit.

He did not dare to neglect, and quickly conveyed orders to various departments.

The soldiers who received the order almost didn't explode, and everyone rushed to the ammunition depot to receive long-lost equipment. After a while, hundreds of strictly trained marines were fully armed.

When he left the port, Beiyuezhou did not plan to let Leishan carry so many marine equipment, and there were very good reasons: Leishan was a multi-purpose destroyer, not an assault ship, and Leishan's mission did not involve landing operations.

However, Ye Han believes that Leishan is far away from the earth, and anything can happen in the asteroid belt. What if it is necessary but not prepared?

Therefore, Ye Han insisted on bringing enough land combat equipment. Considering that Ye Han and most of the soldiers were still in the Airborne First Division, and the land combat equipment did not occupy much space, Bei Yuezhou reluctantly agreed with Ye Han's suggestion.

No one expected that these equipment that had been idle all the time would come in handy at this time.

When Ye Han arrived at the ammunition depot, the soldiers had already finished grouping, and more than 300 people were divided into two reinforced companies. Everyone was ready to go, only one order away.

Many fighters are from the same company platoon, or even comrades from the same squad. All teams are brought together by the most familiar people, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely guaranteed.

Ye Han looked at the team that couldn't see the end in the corridor, and laughed out loud on the spot: "Haha, the aliens of the dog, the sun, the idea of ​​which ship to hit is not good, and they have to hit our guns? Several times? You haven't touched a gun for months, are you confident?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Master, our bones are almost rusted, look at it!"

"Well, the spirit and energy are good, I won't say much nonsense, everyone pay attention, take them away according to the assignment of the bridge, but all the living things that should not be will be killed by me... Let's go. !"

"Yes!" The officer on duty stood at attention and saluted, turned around and relayed the order loudly: "Go!"

With an order, the soldiers left in neat steps, and the steel military boots hit the steel deck with a loud sound.

Ye Han laughed and scolded in a low voice: "These stinky boys, are you doing it on purpose? Delaying time..." He said so, but he did not intend to destroy the atmosphere of the battle in front of him. After bringing all the equipment, he followed a team heading to the bow of the ship. At the back, he floated away unhurriedly: "The bridge, how is the situation?"

He Ludao: "Unidentified biological activities have been found in many places in the outer layer, and tasks are being assigned."

"No wonder." Ye Han said, "These things must have come in when the bug machine collided with the battleship. It's been so long for him, they can't stay near the bug machine all the time... No problems were found in the inner layer?"

He Ludao: "The inner layer is no problem, and the cabins close to the inner layer are also no problem. The most dangerous is the port side, where there are the most worms."

When the worm machine collided with the enemy, it happened to be on the port side, so all the worm machines were gathered on the port side of the battleship, and none of them were found on the starboard side.

"Then give priority to the port side...Is the mission dispatched?"

"Sent down."

"Okay, let's do this first, and report any problems in time." After speaking, Ye Han switched lines: "Attention to all units, I am Ye Han, there are a few things to clarify, the time when the unknown creatures got in. It's not too long, and now I can't make it in a hurry, so you all give me a little bit of stability. After leaving the inner layer, don't worry, carefully search one cabin after another, and focus on the key search with holes in the wall, and gradually compress the target's activity space until the target is completely removed. Do you understand until the unknown creatures are exterminated?"


"Okay, act!"

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