Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1308: where are they

Ye Han walked slower and slower, and suddenly stopped: "Luo Qi, you said, you can't find it on the outer layer, did they run inside?"

The battleship is divided into inner and outer layers, but what Ye Han said here is obviously the outermost part of the battleship, next to the armored spaces, not the entire outer layer.

Luo Qi was startled: "It's possible, we've been staring at the outermost layer. If they run to the inner layer, where do we go to find them?"

"It makes sense!" He Lu also said in the communication, "The more than 20 of them were encountered when they were walking to the outer layer. When they got there, they didn't find it. They must have run inside!"

Ye Han hurriedly said: "All units pay attention, give up the outermost layer, repeat, immediately abandon the outermost layer, all combat groups advance from their current positions to the inner layer, search for targets along the way, and report immediately when they find them; Come back and go to the inner layer; also, from now on, no one will be allowed to enter or leave the inner layer until the order is cancelled!"

There was silence in the communication, and there was no answer, but the confirmation signal of receiving the order kept flashing in front of Ye Han's eyes.

Ye Han also took Luo Qi and others to the inner layer.

Luo Qi asked quietly as he walked, "Master, can you do it like this? Is it possible to leave a few sentinels..."

Guessing is speculation after all. There is no evidence that the snake lizard is heading towards the inner layer. What should I do if the judgment is wrong?

"No." Ye Han's answer was firm, "If it's lost inside, what's the use of guarding it outside? I'd rather transfer the troops back to guard the inner layer."

"Yes, I understand!"

The team continued to move under the leadership of Ye Han, but Ye Han received a notification from the bridge before they had gone to a few cabins. Several battle groups had already rushed to the outer periphery of the inner layer, but none of them found the snake lizard.

This is not how fast those groups of people moved, but the shape of Leishan is similar to a shuttle. The widest part of the battleship is only 72 meters, and the distance between the middle of the two sides and the inner layer is only more than 20 meters, but Two or three cabins, only thirty or fifty steps on foot.

And Ye Han and others were still in the direction of the bow when they set off. The straight-line distance was seventy or eighty meters at least, and their speed was naturally not as fast as the teams on both sides.

Ye Han was in pain for a while after receiving the report. He really couldn't think of any countermeasures, and he couldn't keep the troops outside the inner layer. After thinking about it carefully, he was about to order the troops to carefully search for the cabins close to the inner layer. The report to the bridge, and He Lu's tone was very urgent: "Captain, in an emergency, the spider found another bug machine, near the left power compartment!"

Ye Han's cold hair stood up all over his body: "Transfer someone right away... Don't worry about the cabin, go directly to the power cabin, the sooner the better!"

Thunder Mountain has two power compartments, which are located on the left and right sides of the middle and rear of the battleship.

If the bridge is the brain of the warship, then the power compartment is the heart of the warship. How could Ye Han not be in a hurry to find the bug machine in such a critical position?

He was not in the mood to continue searching for the snake lizard at all, so he raised his legs and walked towards the stern of the ship: "Luo Qi, you bring a group of people to continue the search, and the other group of people come with me!"

Luo Qi didn't know what happened, so he hurriedly asked, "Master, what's the matter? Should we all follow?"

Ye Han hesitated for a moment, then agreed immediately: "Keep up, the spiders stay."

"Good!" Luo Qi quickly followed, and followed Ye Han step by step.

Ye Han was not in the mood to care about him at all. He turned off the magnetic shoes before taking a few steps, and floated up and moved forward quickly: "He Lu, what's going on, how did the bug machine get to the power compartment?"

He Lu replied: "It should be that the armor on the left rear is damaged, and this bug machine got in directly."

"Aren't there any other discoveries nearby? Did you see the snake lizard?"

"No, spiders only see bug machines."

Ye Han was even more anxious: "What about the power cabin, how's the power cabin?"

"There is nothing abnormal in the engine compartment!" He Lu said with great certainty.

"Nothing found?"

He Ludao: "I don't have a picture of the engine compartment, but there is nothing abnormal about the reactor."

"Understood, report the situation of the engine compartment at any time!"

At the end of the communication, Ye Han's anxiety was not relieved much. In his mind, the soldiers rushed to the power cabin, only to find that the power cabin was destroyed by the snake lizard.

Fortunately, everything was his fantasy. In less than a minute, the first combat group rushed to the power cabin, and the leading officer reported the situation directly to Ye Han: "Master, the power cabin has not been found, and the reactor is all normal!"

"That's great!" Ye Han rejoiced, "From now on, your mission is to guard the power compartment, and you can't leave under any circumstances, understand?"


At this time, another group of people also rushed to the right power compartment, and also found no abnormality.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time became even more confused. There are hundreds of snakes and lizards, and after tossing for so long, they still can't find any clues. Where are they hiding?

Um...haven't had any clues?

Ye Han had an idea: "He Lu, mark all the locations that have been monitored by the boss, and mark the monitoring blind spots, and focus on searching for monitoring blind spots!"

"Yes, it will be fine soon!" He Lu replied very quickly, but his mood was not as exciting as before.

In the past, every time Ye Han came up with a solution, He Lu felt that he could find the snake lizard right But the result was disappointing every time.

This time, he still felt the same way, but he no longer dared to hold on to hope.

Although there was no danger in the power cabin, Ye Han still took the team to the power cabin. After confirming with his own eyes that there was no problem, Ye Han led the team to search and monitor dead spots without stopping.

On the surface, he didn't have any problems, but he was even more confused in his heart, and he always had a bad feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

At this moment, everyone was working hard to find the snake lizards, and suddenly an exclamation detonated the communication channel: "Captain, found them, found them!"

Ye Han instantly returned to his senses, and the whole person jumped up: "Where are they, where are they!"

"The fuel tank, they are in the fuel tank, they are still moving backwards!"

Ye Han's heart skipped a beat: "How many? How many?"

"It's almost two hundred, and there are more!"

Ye Han shouted without hesitation: "Everyone, go to the fuel tank, hurry up!"

It's all clear now, the snake lizards are not missing, but they have a very clear target from the beginning, and that target is the Thunder Mountain's propeller!

The fuel tank is full of nuclear fuel made into plastic pellets, and the possibility of snake lizards being interested in plastic pellets is very low.

But behind the fuel tank is the propeller, which is the leg of the battleship, one of the most important parts of the ship!

Ye Han had some doubts in his heart. Seven of the eight propellers were burned out. Is there another reason for the snake lizard to run back.

But now that the situation is urgent, he has no intention to carefully scrutinize whether there are some or not. Stopping the snake lizard is the first priority.

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