Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1309: Strong attack (very bad state, only 1 today

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up—" In the anxious urging sound, a battle group quickly passed the fuel tank. According to the instructions of the bridge, the front was the tail cabin where the snake lizards were entrenched.

The squad leader who was at the forefront suddenly stopped and raised his clenched fists to his shoulders. The soldiers behind him hurriedly braked, stopped in time, and immediately raised their rifles to guard.

The squad leader listened carefully, and quickly raised his head: "All attention, the order is canceled, and stay alert!"

The soldiers didn't ask a word, and immediately executed the order, setting up a cordon only a dozen paces away from the tail cabin.

At the same time, a similar scene was also staged in other passages leading to the aft cabin. The team that arrived early quickly blocked the passage, and the team that arrived later entered the cabin separately and guarded all the passages and cabins leading to the tail cabin. When they got up, each group performed their own duties. I dared not say that a fly could not fly in, but it was definitely not that easy for the snake lizard to pass through this line of defense.

After a while, Ye Han led Luo Qi and others to the defense line, and the squad leader in charge of blocking the passage hurried over to greet him: "Master!"

Ye Han nodded: "Is it blocked?"

The squad leader said, "It's blocked, they're all in the seventh cabin."

Ye Han paused: "Is there no other cabin?"

The so-called No. 7 cabin is the "No. 7 maintenance cabin". It is next to the No. 7 thruster. It is the place for maintenance and inspection of the thruster, and it is also the heart of the thruster.

"I've checked them all, and found nothing."

Ye Han pondered: "It seems that the worms are running towards the propeller... Strange, how do they know that the propeller is good?"

No one can answer this question, but everyone who hears them shuts their mouths tightly and regards themselves as a gourd with a sawed mouth.

Fortunately, Ye Han didn't expect anyone to answer it, and immediately put the question she couldn't understand behind her head: "Is the situation inside clear?"

The squad leader shook his head: "I don't know. I've put spiders a few times and the bugs have bitten them up. What I can see is very limited."

"Say what you see." Luo Qi suggested.

"Yes!" The squad leader agreed, "I saw bugs hiding in the maintenance cabin. Some bugs destroyed the equipment, and others were unclear."

Ye Han bared his teeth: "The bridge, do you know the situation in the seventh cabin?"

He Ludao: "It's not clear in the cabin, but I can't see the situation of the No. 7 thruster here. It is likely that the insects destroyed the sensor. I plan to transfer a batch of spiders from the outside and climb into the reaction chamber to see if there are any use."

"No need." Ye Han sighed, "The situation is already obvious, the bugs came from the thrusters... Luo Qi!"


"Organize a manpower attack, don't care about equipment, don't care about thrusters!" Ye Han said calmly.

Luo Qi was shocked: "Master, we only have this one that can be used..."

Ye Han's tone was still calm: "The bugs have all entered, and we can't keep it if we can use it. Hurry up, if the swarm spreads, we will have no chance at all."

Luo Qi quickly shut up, turned around and stretched out his fingers: "You, you, and you, come here!"

The four groups named by him immediately grabbed Luo Qi.

Luo Qi said solemnly, "Is it clear what the snake lizard is?"

"Definitely!" The four of them said in unison.

"Well then, I don't need to say more about the danger of this thing? Now the commander has ordered us to storm in. My plan is like this..."

As soon as Luo Qi explained it, he quickly arranged the offensive tactics. The four squad leaders went back to make arrangements after receiving the order. Luo Qi made arrangements on the radio again, and the battle group that received the task immediately took action.

The first four teams to accept the mission quickly approached the No. 7 cabin, approaching the cabin door from both left and right directions, and after reaching the attacking position, one of the squad leaders reported on the radio: "The main door is in place!"

Luo Qi replied, "Wait for my order!"

Then Luo Qi received a report from another direction: "The sixth cabin is in place!"

"Cabin No. 8 is in place!"

"The third cabin is in place!"

"The bilge is in place!"

Every time he received a report, he would reply with an order to wait, but after receiving the news that the bottom cabin was in place, he still did not move, and had no intention of ordering a storm.

It's not that he doesn't want to attack, but that there are two groups of people who are not in place. These two groups of people are outside the ship at this time, looking at the broken armor under their feet with a heavy heart, and drifting quietly to the stern of the ship.

After flying to the rear of the battleship, the two groups of people quickly turned around. The moment they saw the rear of the ship, everyone was stunned.

The nuclear power engine is huge, and the diameter of the outer end of the trumpet-shaped nozzle is as high as 15 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a five- to six-story building; the bottom of the closed nozzle is also over nine meters, which is not too different from the height of a three-story building.

At present, half of the eight nozzles have been completely destroyed, some of them seem to be crushed by an invisible big hand, and some are like being smashed by a giant hammer. Others are simply missing most of the side, leaving only a small section at the bottom.

The remaining four can still see the original trumpet shape, but they are more or less deformed.

The soldiers didn't have time to delay, and immediately flew to the No. 7 nozzle.

Marching between giant nozzles, armed warriors are like ants at the feet of giants, all stunned by these human-engineered creations.

But everyone just took a few more glances, no one dared to waste time because of this.

The two groups of people quickly flew to the vicinity of No. 7 The squad leader led by the team opened the secret door on the side of the nozzle and led the team into the battleship. At the same time, Luo Qi heard the long-awaited voice: "The back door is in place!"

"Attention all units!" Luo Qi finally shouted out the lines he had prepared for a long time, "Three, two, one, start!"

With an order, all the troops acted at the same time, and the soldiers outside the main gate immediately threw the long-prepared grenades into the maintenance compartment.

At the same time, the four cabins up, down, left and right exploded the bulkheads at the same time, also throwing grenades wildly.

Due to the special environment of weightlessness, the grenades used by the soldiers are all time-delayed fuzes, not the kind of impact fuze that must hit something to explode.

As a result, many grenades exploded in midair, and the swirling shrapnel immediately enveloped most of the maintenance compartment.

After several rounds of grenades were thrown in, the battle groups in the middle and central directions rushed into the maintenance compartment at the same time, and even the two groups of people who walked through the back door rushed in in time.

The maintenance bay is a mess, full of damaged equipment and casualties of basilisks.

The only action of the soldiers is to shoot, no matter if they are injured or dead, as long as they are within sight, all the snakes and lizards are baptized by intensive firepower.

For a while, the gunshots were loud, and the continuous gunshots were endless, but the gunshots soon became sparse, and the reports were endless.

Luo Qi immediately reported to Ye Han. Ye Han led everyone into the maintenance cabin, but after a glance, he immediately discovered the problem: "Why are there so few? Are there more than 300? What about the rest?"

Luo Qi's face was extremely ugly. He was about to ask a question when a soldier in the distance suddenly raised his arm: "Master, here—"

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