Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1310: People can't, equipment can

Ye Han immediately entered the engine room. The first thing he saw when he entered the door was the thick and long main body of the propeller. The long-term ultra-power operation caused obvious deformation of the cylindrical reaction chamber, especially in the middle and rear of the propeller. Expanding a full circle, the originally not very spacious space is even more narrow.

The soldiers were squeezed into the gap between the propeller and the bulkhead, and as far as their eyes could see, there were floating snake lizard corpses everywhere. , will pop up immediately.

Ye Han swept his gaze, but only saw a dozen snakes and lizards. He couldn't help frowning: "Why are there so few? What about the rest?"

"It should be behind." Luo Qi said uncertainly.

He didn't want to be so vague, but he really didn't know what was going on deep in the engine room.

When it comes to the engine room, everyone's first reaction is to be big, and the second reaction is to squeeze.

Why do you say that? Because the diameter of the main body of the propeller is close to ten meters, which is a little more than a three-story building, and its length is more than thirty meters, which is equivalent to a ten-story high-rise building.

The engine room can hold this big guy, which is naturally a little bigger than the propeller. Its length and width are both 12 meters and 44 meters in length, and its volume is as high as more than 6,300 cubic meters, which is the largest on the ship. cabin.

However, the large volume is useless. Most of the space is occupied by the propeller. The gap between the propeller and the bulkhead is very narrow. The widest part is less than three meters, and the narrower part is only one meter at best. Five or six, two soldiers stand side by side, and they can block it tightly.

No matter who came, it is impossible to have a panoramic view of the entire engine room.

Ye Han also knew the problem, and asked dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and ask?"

Luo Qi quickly agreed: "All units pay attention, all units pay attention, count the number of snakes and lizards as soon as possible, and report to me immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Qi had already received a reply: "Luo Ying, there is a hole here!"

"Hole? What kind of hole?" Luo Qi was angry, I was counting the results, what can you say if you found a hole?

The voice quickly replied: "Luo Ying, you should come and have a look. This hole has penetrated the reaction cavity, and the snakes and lizards have gone inside!"

"Ah?" Luo Qi's whole body was not well, so he quickly turned to look at Ye Han, "Master?"

Ye Han immediately acted: "Go and have a look!"

A few people floated out quickly, using their hands and feet together to float around the main body of the cylindrical thruster for half a circle, and finally saw the hole the size of a washbasin.

Ye Han stared at the hole, full of inconceivable eyes.

It is indeed a hole that penetrates the reaction chamber, but what is the reaction chamber? Is the place to withstand a miniature nuclear explosion!

Ye Han didn't know how this thing was made, but he knew that this thing was made of a special alloy. The thickest part of the cavity wall was four meters, and even the thinnest part was about two meters. Don't even think about blasting it open for a while, just so few bugs, in such a short time, actually penetrated the reaction cavity?

Although the cavity wall in this place is not four meters, it is more than three meters, right? These worms are too bad, aren't they?

Ye Han had all kinds of messy thoughts in his mind. He leaned over to the hole and looked inside, but it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

Turning on the headlight, a beam of light illuminates the hole, and immediately sees the curved cavity wall opposite the hole.

This is really open!

The edges of the hole were fairly neat, but obvious signs of corrosion could be seen, and Ye Han couldn't help gasping for air.

How powerful is the acid of the snake lizard?

It may be that the light beam caught the insect's attention. A triangular snake-lizard head suddenly appeared across the hole, and it came face-to-face with Ye Han.

Ye Han subconsciously wanted to draw the gun, but as soon as his arm moved, the snake lizard dodged away and never came out again.

Ye Han was full of doubts, and couldn't help but say, "Why are they running into the reaction chamber?"

These things were made by aliens. The aliens sent them up with the purpose of destroying the battleship. So Ye Han didn't find it strange no matter where they ran.

So when He Lu reported that the swarm entered the engine room and destroyed the equipment, Ye Han didn't feel wrong at all.

But what happened to them running and staying in the reaction chamber?

None of the people present spoke. After a moment of silence, He Lu's voice came from the radio: "Captain, it may be that the temperature in the reaction chamber attracted the snake lizard!"

Ye Han immediately became interested: "How do you say it?"

He Ludao: "The No. 7 thruster has not stopped working, and the current temperature of the reaction chamber is still five or six hundred, which is the highest temperature in the whole ship. If the snake lizard is going to the temperature, then it all makes sense. "

Luo Qi interjected: "Isn't it right? What about the engine compartment? The engine compartment is hotter?"

"On the contrary." He Lu said, "The temperature of the reactor is indeed high, but the reactor and the engine room have thermal insulation, and the thrusters and engine room have nothing..."

"Okay, I'll study the reason later. I just want to kill all these bugs... He Lu, can the propeller still work? How about blasting a fuel ball directly?"

No matter how powerful the snake lizard is, it is still a creature, and it will definitely not be able to stop the power of a nuclear explosion, even if it is only a miniature nuclear explosion.

He Lu shook his head subconsciously: "No, I can't control Unit 7!"

The propeller can only detonate one fuel ball at a and the explosive power of this fuel ball is converted into TNT, about 15kg to 30kg, the equivalent is not very high, but enough Destroy all bugs in the reaction chamber.

Many people will be very surprised when they hear this news for the first time. They are all the same fuel balls. How can the power be doubled?

No way, the power of nuclear explosion is too strong. Taking uranium as an example, the energy released by the fission of one kilogram of uranium 235 is equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT. Contains only one thousandth of a gram of uranium-235.

Such a small content is a great test for manufacturing technology, and it is impossible for the uranium-235 contained in every fuel sphere to be so precise.

Moreover, the main raw material of Beiyuezhou to make fuel spheres is helium 3. The energy released during the fusion of helium 3 is much higher than the fission of uranium 235, so the helium 3 contained in each fuel sphere is far less than one thousandth of a gram. , it is much more difficult to manufacture than fission raw materials.

Being able to control the power of the fuel ball to about 20 kilograms is already the limit of the existing technology, so it is not surprising that there is a little error.

Luo Qi reluctantly said, "It would be great if the hole was bigger, I'll take someone to punch it in!"

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional, Ye Han's eyes lit up: "People can't get through, but the equipment is fine! Luo Qi, throw a grenade into the hole immediately!"...


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