Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1311: Intracavity blasting

Luo Qi was a little confused: "Master?"

He extremely suspected that Ye Han was in a hurry. If it wasn't for the helmet on his head, he would have to touch Ye Han's forehead.

"Master, what a master, hurry up!" Ye Han took off the grenade and threw it into the hole.

The grenade exploded in the reaction chamber, and the sound of the explosion spread immediately.

However, there was a vacuum in the engine room, and the soldiers floating in the air could not hear anything. Only a few who touched the propellers heard the sound of the explosion. In the gap between the explosions, they could also hear the crisp sound of shrapnel hitting the reaction chamber.

Ye Han threw away the few on his body in a few moments, and the nearby soldiers immediately gathered and threw grenades into the hole one after another.

The soldiers who arrived after hearing the news joined the ranks of throwing grenades, and quickly pushed Ye Han who had thrown all the grenades aside.

The order is so simple that there is no need for a command. Anyone with a long brain knows how to do it.

Ye Han, who stepped back to the side, continued to shout, "The Demoman, did the Demoman bring explosives?

Are you going to throw explosives in it? Luo Qi couldn't turn his head around, and carefully leaned forward to ask for instructions: "Master, I'm all confused, what's the use of this?"

Ye Han replied in the same low voice: "I don't know if it will work, I just want to try it and see if the explosion can blow the snake lizard out."

Luo Qi couldn't help but startled for a while, and then suddenly realized, thinking that this brain hole is too peculiar.

There is no gas in the vacuum, but the explosion of explosives can generate a large amount of gas, and it is a gas moving at a high speed. If the snake lizard in the reaction chamber does not lie on the wall of the chamber honestly, it may indeed be blown away by the airflow.

However, the grenade charge is limited, and the explosion power is too small, so the possibility of blowing out the bugs is very small. Otherwise, Ye Han would keep shouting the blaster, and throwing a few explosive packs at random would be able to withstand hundreds of eighty grenade.

At this moment, a soldier hurried over: "Report, I'm a Demoman!" He raised one arm, and took off a brick-sized dynamite box with the other hand from behind him.

The texture of this thing looks similar to the armor, it is a dark green matte surface, there are several buttons on the front, and there is an LCD screen for timing.

Luo Qi took the explosive box in his hand: "Just this one?"

"There is one more." The Demoman picked another one and handed it over.

Ye Han said: "Two is too few. Eight holes can be sent in for such a big hole."

Luo Qi imagined the appearance of eight dynamite boxes stacked on top of each other, and nodded: "It should be fine... All units pay attention, all blasters will move closer to me immediately!"

After speaking, he suggested: "Master, I want to take two groups of people out to see the blasting effect from the outside?"

He Lu interjected: "Let's send spiders over, it's too dangerous to go out."

Luo Qi explained: "It's not just about the effect, but if the bugs crawl out, they can block it."

Ye Han said: "Then bring more people, not only the aircraft, but also the safety rope. Let's go."

Luo Qi agreed, and immediately ordered a few groups of people on the radio, and everyone rushed to the outside of the ship immediately.

As soon as Luo Qi left, a few blasters rushed over and helped Ye Han gather eight explosive boxes.

So he asked on the radio, "Luo Qi, where have you been?"

"I'm going out of the cabin soon, I'll be there soon!" Luo Qi said.

"Okay, let me know as soon as you're seated." Ye Han handed the jammed explosive box to a Demoman, "Go get ready and wait for my signal."

At this time, Ye Han heard Luo Qi's voice: "Come out!"

Luo Qi had already jumped out of the hatch, kicked his feet on the door bars, and floated towards the outer edge of the No. 7 nozzle.

At this time, he couldn't reach the sky or the ground. He could only hear heavy breathing in his ears. Half of his eyes were the starry sky, and the other half was the huge No. 7 nozzle.

Since the Thunder Mountain left port, Luo Qi has been living in a weightless environment, but the weightlessness inside the ship and the weightlessness outside the ship are not the same feeling at all.

To put it more bluntly, no matter how you float inside the ship, there is safety guarantee, but outside the ship, if you are not careful, you may drift away from the battleship, and finally get trapped in the armor to death of thirst and starvation or even suffocate to death.

In the face of this situation, no one can not be afraid, and this has nothing to do with courage, it is purely the natural instinct of terrestrial creatures.

Slowly floating to the edge of the nozzle, Luo Qi grabbed the ring buckle inlaid on the edge of the nozzle, pulled out the safety rope and put it on the ring buckle, fixing himself on the outer edge of the nozzle.

The soldiers came one after another, each fixing the safety rope, and no one had an accident.

Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, we..."

Before he could finish speaking, a snake lizard suddenly emerged from the inside of the nozzle, and the terrifying triangular head was facing Luo Qi, and the straight-line distance between the two was less than five meters!

Luo Qi held the gun subconsciously, but before he could fire, the soldiers had already pulled the trigger, the muzzle jumped silently, and dozens of bullets instantly hit the hapless snake lizard.

The warheads drilled into the snake lizard's carapace one by one. Although none of the warheads penetrated, the huge momentum made the snake lizard unable to climb the cavity wall. First, the two front claws were detached, and then the hind claws began to loosen. .

It swayed its limbs vigorously, trying to return to the cavity wall, but how could the soldiers give it a chance? With a random shot, the last point of adhesion between the snake lizard and the cavity wall was forced to break. The unlucky snake lizard fluttered away from the battleship with its limbs and was gradually thrown away by the battleship.

Luo Qi was happy to see the snake lizard flying far away. Is there such an operation?

But more snakes and lizards emerged from the nozzle, and his smile immediately froze on his At this moment, Luo Qi heard Ye Han's voice: "Luo Qi? What's wrong with you?"

Luo Qi didn't even bother to answer, and squeezed the trigger with his index finger: "Fire—" While shooting at the snake lizard, he shouted on the radio, "Master, the bugs are coming out, they are coming out!"

The words had no beginning or end, but Ye Han understood in an instant, and immediately made a gesture to the blaster: "Quick!"

The Demoman opened his arms and slammed the explosive box into the hole. The explosive box slammed into the hole a few times and successfully fell into the reaction chamber.

The Demoman did not hesitate to send out the detonation signal, light flashed in the hole, a column of fire spewed out of the hole, and then a large amount of gas gushed out, and the air flow immediately blew away the soldiers who surrounded the hole.

Everyone heard the explosion, big or small.

Only a small part of it came out of the hole, and most of the gas from the explosion rushed along the reaction chamber to the nozzle.

Despite the huge volume of the propeller, the volume of the reaction chamber is only more than 100 cubic meters. The gas generated by the explosion is several times the volume of the reaction chamber. The gas instantly fills the reaction chamber and is ejected at a very high speed.

The effect of this explosion is almost the same as that of detonating the fuel ball. Although the amount of explosives is too small to achieve the strong acceleration effect of the fuel ball, it also causes a slight fluctuation in the speed of the battleship. ...


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