Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1316: absolutely unexpected

"Three, two, one, fire"

"Ignition" He Lu's finger firmly placed on the screen, and the command was turned into a signal and sent to the stern of the ship. The propeller, which had been silent for more than 20 days, restarted, a flash of light suddenly flashed, and then disappeared.

"The ignition of No. 3 succeeded, and the ignition of No. 6 succeeded." He Lu shouted excitedly, "Captain, both units have succeeded."

"How much power"

"No. 3 is 12, No. 6 is 14." He Lu said, "From the current data, as long as it does not exceed 20%, there is no problem."

"Okay, left full rudder, target Earth." Ye Han was in high spirits, and the depression that had accumulated for more than 20 days was swept away.

"Full rudder left, target Earth" The others were also beaming, wishing to fly back to Beiyuezhou immediately.

Ye Han added, "Let me know, except for the damage management team and the Marine Corps, all other departments can sleep. When they wake up, we'll be home."

While conveying the order, He Lu asked curiously, "Captain, do you still want to repair the remaining thrusters?"

Ye Han nodded, "Two sets are too few, so I have to build two more."

Don't look at the fact that two thrusters have been restored to work, but with the technical strength of the Thunder Mountain, it can only be repaired rather than repaired. The total power of the two thrusters combined is less than half of the intact thruster.

This power is only 5 in the past. To put it more directly, it used to take ten days to change direction, but now it takes a full two hundred days.

This gap is too big. No matter how big Ye Han's heart is, he can't stand such a strong contrast.

So the engine has to continue to be repaired, and even if a propeller is replenished, it can add a lot of power.

One thruster is 5, and the total of eight thrusters is 40. If we put together half of the thrusters, how can we not repair it?

However, the rest of the work does not require so many people. It is enough to leave the damage management team and the Marine Corps. The rest will not only waste their lives, but also consume supplies. It is the most economical and affordable plan to arrange hibernation for everyone. .

After the order was given, the qualified soldiers happily returned to their cabins to lie down after having a full meal. When they woke up again, the Thunder Mountain should be docked at Beiyuezhou.

On the other hand, Ye Han also promptly reported the situation of Leishan to Nanzhou and Beiyuezhou. A few days later, Nanzhou disengaged from the enemy and also embarked on the return journey.

Nanzhou suffered some minor injuries during the entanglement with the enemy, but the propulsion system was not affected, and it could return to Beiyuezhou in more than two months at most.

As for the Thunder Mountain, it would be miserable. At the current speed, it would take more than nine months to return to Earth.

Some people may ask, even if the Leishan propulsion system is severely damaged, why does the Nanzhou propulsion system have no problem, but it takes more than two full months to return to Earth.

This question is not complicated, because the voyage is not only related to the propulsion capability of the warship, but also has a direct relationship with the speed, direction and position of the warship. Returning, can the time spent on the return journey be the same?

Another very important point is that the position of the earth must be considered. If the earth is just on the other side of the sun, at least one astronomical unit should be added on the way home, and if the earth is at the farthest point, that is an increase of two astronomical units.

That's a two-month voyage

Right now, the earth is not on the other side of the sun, but its specific location is not very suitable. It is not bad to only increase the voyage by one-third. If the earth happens to be on the other side of the sun, can we go back in the first half of the year?

Of course the answer is absolutely impossible

And Ye Han didn't want to wait for nine months, so he had to continue repairing the thrusters.

Under Ye Han's personal leadership, the remaining crew on the ship took more than half a month to make up the other three thrusters one after another, reducing the time to return from nine months to more than 100 days.

Ye Han is very ambitious and wants to make up for the rest. In view of the serious situation of the remaining three, this time it was also more than half a month, but only one was reluctantly made up, which is still the situation in the three thrusters. The best one.

As a result, the reaction chamber exploded directly after the machine was turned on, and almost affected the repaired thrusters next to it. Only then did Ye Han completely cut off the idea of ​​continuing repairs.

At this point, all the work that the damage management team can complete is over. Ye Han simply arranged the order of duty. After leaving two officers on duty, everyone else went into hibernation.

This day is January 27, 2032, the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month. In a few days, it will be the day Leishan will leave Beiyuezhou for half a year.

Ye Han, who sank to sleep, didn't know that because of the scarcity of his own warships, Beiyuezhou had already prepared to send a transport ship to pick up the Leishan. Unexpectedly, the Leishan recovered some of its power, and the nine-month voyage was abruptly reduced to three. months.

Beiyuezhou can't wait for nine months, but it's okay to wait three months. Even if the rescue ship is sent out, it will take two and a half months for Leishan to return.

So the bosses canceled the response plan and waited patiently for the Thunder Mountain to return.

In late April, the broken Thunder Mountain returned to Beiyuezhou smoothly. After Ye Han woke up, he saw Luo Qi's serious face at first sight.

He stretched his waist and looked at the time on the wall, "It's in port"

Luo Qi shook his head, "Not yet, I just received an order from let me wake everyone up in advance."

Ye Han couldn't help but startled, his brain slowed from hibernation only woke up after a while, "What's going on?"

Luo Qi said, "I don't know either. I received a direct order from the headquarters, asking you to contact Commander Huo immediately after you wake up."

"Ah." Ye Han was even more confused, and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that something happened?

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately got up, and his stiff limbs crackled, "Go, take me to the bridge"

A few minutes later, Tenacious appeared on the main screen, and Ye Han immediately saluted, "Chief, you're looking for me"

Huo Qiang nodded, "I just woke up, how are you feeling?"

Ye Han grinned, "It's good, but I've slept for a long time, and my body is very tired."

Huo Qiang said, "I'll give you two days, can you slow down?"

"It's definitely no problem, one day is enough." Ye Han said.

"It's not just you, everyone on the ship counts."

Ye Han was startled and didn't understand what Huo Qiang meant, but he nodded without hesitation, "Two days is enough, chief, call us in advance, is there any mission?"

Huo Qiang smiled, "I have a task for you."

"Guaranteed to complete the task" Ye Han immediately shouted a slogan to show his determination.

Huo Qiang continued to laugh, but there seemed to be a bit of unintelligible things in his smile, "Don't be so nervous, it's not a combat mission, it's a good thing."

Ye Han blinked in surprise, "Chief, I don't understand"

"Haha." Huo Qiang laughed even more happily, "You and the soldiers are ready to participate in the welcome ceremony organized by the joint headquarters the day after tomorrow."


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