Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1317: fame

April 26, 2032, the Moon.

Over Beiyuezhou, more than a dozen warships were lined up, forming a welcome queue. Among them were the Nanzhou, Beihai and other warships belonging to the Chinese side, as well as the Charles, Farragut and other ships belonging to the international fleet. battleship.

The Thunder Mountain in the distance flew directly to the north pole of the moon. When it passed the first battleship, fourteen battleships fired salutes at the same time.

No sound could be heard in space, only the flames of the muzzle could be seen, but the salvo of a dozen warships still gave everyone a great shock.

At this time, Leishan should have returned the salute by firing a salute, but all the naval guns on Leishan were finished, not even one that could fire was left. Ye Han could only take all the bridge officers to pass the Salute in return.

This scene was transmitted back to Beiyuezhou by radio waves, and then from Beiyuezhou back to the earth, and was broadcast synchronously to the whole world.

When Ye Han heard that Beiyuezhou was going to broadcast the whole ceremony to the world synchronously, the whole person collapsed. What is the situation?

However, no one told him the details, he could only complete the ceremony step by step according to Bei Yuezhou's order.

Ye Han heartily rejected some flashy ceremonies, but the military orders were like mountains, and the orders issued by the superiors had to be carried out meticulously.

After the salute was fired, the Thunder Mountain slowly entered the dock of the Orbit Factory. The robotic arms stretched out from all directions to firmly fix the Thunder Mountain in the dock.

After the ceremony, Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and said to everyone, "Let's go, don't let the chiefs wait."

At the same time, the broadcast camera has been moved to the multi-purpose hall of the space station. This place is usually a restaurant. When necessary, it can be arranged as a conference room or any place that needs space.

As the commander of the Space Fleet, Huo Qiang is standing on the stage and giving an enthusiastic speech, starting from the record of Leishan, extending to the glorious history of the Beiyuezhou Fleet, and then extending to the struggle of the Combined Fleet, and finally focusing on the various aspects. The outstanding contributions made by the ** side in the previous battles against the swarms and aliens, as well as the great sacrifices made by the ** people

In short, all aspects are taken care of, all achievements are boasted, and all sacrifices are remembered.

By the time Huo Qiang's sending party was over, Ye Han and representatives of the officers and soldiers on the Leishan had already arrived at the conference hall.

Next, the representatives of the United Fleet spoke, the officers and soldiers spoke, and finally it was Ye Han's turn to make a summary speech.

Well, the speeches are all prepared in advance. I don't know who is the ghostwriter. Anyway, Ye Han just needs to read it with emotion and word for word.

Don't think it's easy to read it. In order to read this manuscript well, Beiyuezhou arranged for a teacher to guide him. Ye Han practiced for two whole days before barely meeting the standard.

Ye Han also complained in private. In his opinion, reading a manuscript is more difficult than fighting a war.

After reading the manuscript, it’s not over yet. Next is the question-and-answer session. Journalists from all over the world have the opportunity to ask questions.

However, the military did not plan to hold a press conference, but presented the Thunder Mountain in an interactive form.

At this time, the military's photography team had already boarded the Thunder Mountain, taking pictures from all angles and distances, seeing the Thunder Mountain from the inside out, and showing the Thunder Mountain's tragic close-up in front of the world.

The camera first gave a panoramic view. At this time, a reporter who had been arranged in advance stood up and asked why the Thunder Mountain became like this.

Ye Han was silent for a moment, then began to tell the reason why the battleship was so embarrassed, focused on the potential dangers of the special environment of space, and finally explained the necessity of such a modification.

Then the camera switched to show a set of comparative photos, which were precious shots taken before the restoration of the Thunder Mountain, such as the sunken bow, damaged armor, and twisted cabins, etc.

Seeing the broken battleship in the photo, everyone knew that the restored Thunder Mountain was much stronger than before, and everyone seemed to have a lot of unspeakable heaviness in their hearts.

Finally, the damaged propeller and the repaired propeller are shown. The two sets of photos are put together for comparison, and Ye Han will explain the difference.

The reporter's questions were interspersed in the middle, and Ye Han answered them according to the pre-arranged remarks.

Just as the show was about to end, a foreign reporter stood up and asked in unbelievably fluent Chinese, "Captain Ye, you and your warships have achieved such brilliant results, and the Leishan has already been beaten. With this look, I would like to ask you, how will the Thunder Mountain be scrapped and dismantled in the next step, or will it continue to serve after repair, thank you."

Ye Han said, "First of all, to correct a problem, it's not me and my battleship. The Leishan is not my own. This achievement is also the result of the joint efforts of all officers and soldiers. Secondly, emotionally, of course, I hope to repair the Leishan, but what is it? Dismantling or repairing, must be decided by the fleet, not my personal will, thank you."

This is a question that has not been arranged in advance, but the content is very simple, and there is no difficulty in answering At this time, Huo Qiang said, "I have a few words to say about this question. First of all, for Leishan For such a meritorious warship, our opinion is to try to repair it as much as possible, and if there is no value in repairing it, try to maintain the status quo, and in the future, it can be used as a witness to this war."

"Is there any value in repairing the Thunder Mountain?"

Huo Qiang smiled, "Then we have to ask our engineers, but the Leishan has just docked, and it will take a while to assess the situation of the battleship. But I will make a guarantee here that even if the Leishan cannot be repaired, we will build another one. The new battleship will pass down the glorious name of the Thunder Mountain and the spirit of the Thunder Mountain from generation to generation."

Ye Han's eyes are full of circles, when will Leishan still have spirit?

The reporter asked again, "If a new battleship is built, is it still a destroyer?"

"This question is difficult to answer." Huo Qiang said calmly, "From my personal point of view, I don't need to be bound by the formality. The new ship can be a destroyer, a frigate or an air carrier. After all, a ship is dead and talented is alive."

Another reporter stood up, "Commander Huo, I want to ask a question that the general public is very concerned about, that is, whether the new ship will inherit the record of Leishan."

Huo Qiang pursed his lips and smiled, "This question is very sharp. How should I put it? We haven't discussed this issue yet. From an emotional point of view, I hope that the new ship can use as much as possible from the old ship. Inheritance, the record is also one of the aspects. But according to my personal understanding, there is no precedent for inheriting the record, so we still hope that the Thunder Mountain can be repaired. I personally hope that it can return to the battlefield and reproduce its glory. "

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