Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1318: best choice

At the end of the welcoming ceremony, Huo Qiang stopped Ye Han, who was about to leave, and took him to his office. After sitting down, Huo Qiang took out a plastic box with a decent workmanship from the drawer and put it on the table. Pressing the box with his fingers, he pushed it in front of Ye Han unhurriedly: "For you."

Ye Han looked at Huo Qiang in surprise: "What?"

Huo Qiang retracted his fingers holding the box and made a gesture of invitation, "You'll know if you open it and see."

Having said that, Ye Han was not polite, picked up the box and opened it, revealing a brand new light board.

Ye Han suddenly raised his head: "For me?"

Huo Qiang nodded: "What is your expression? Are you surprised?"

Ye Han smiled: "It's not too surprising. I think there should be hope this time, but there has been no movement since I came back. I thought it was over again."

Huo Qiang was amused by Ye Han's tone: "Looking at your progress, why are you in a hurry?"

Ye Han smiled embarrassedly: "Well, I'm thinking about it. The promotion will be put to the ceremony and the effect will be final. Since it was not mentioned in the ceremony, there must be no hope."

"What you think is good!" Huo Qiang was both angry and funny. "Lieutenant general and general general have not been broadcast live around the world. Do you think you can get this kind of treatment when you are promoted to major general?"

Ye Han touched the back of his head, grinning non-stop, wishing he could change this rank now.

This is a major general. From this moment on, he officially entered the ranks of generals. When he was sailing on Jinghu Lake for a living, he never imagined that he would still have the opportunity to become a general in his life.

Huo Qiang put away his smile and folded his hands in front of him: "Besides the promotion of military rank, there is one more thing I am looking for you."

"Speak up, chief!" Ye Han quickly straightened his posture and quietly put the military rank into his pocket.

Huo Qiang said: "It's about your position, and you know how your captain came here. No one thought that your temporary captain could make such a big news. Now there are two opinions. One is that Give it back to the Airborne Division, but it's too subservient to do so; the second is the high-ranking low-profile, the temporary position is changed to a regular, and the Leishan continues to command; the third is to transfer you to the headquarters as a staff officer... Do you have any ideas? ?"

After listening to the third, Ye Han couldn't help but be moved, and almost agreed on the spot.

That is to be transferred to the headquarters, that is, you don’t have to fight with the insects that are all over the mountains and fields, and you don’t have to fight desperately with the vicious aliens, not to mention how rare the opportunity to transfer to the headquarters is, and the safety is more guaranteed than the front line.

But after thinking about it, it felt wrong: "Sir, I don't quite understand, is this for me to choose?"

Huo Qiang leaned on his chin and nodded slowly.

Ye Han struggled violently in his heart and hesitated for a while before asking, "Chief, is there any reason I don't know?"

Huo Qiang pursed his lips and took a deep breath: "I don't need to mention the first point, you are originally from the Airborne Division; the second point is the meaning of the fleet, they feel that it is too ingenious to put you back in the Airborne Division; third The point is the idea of ​​the headquarters, on the one hand, you think your brain is good, and on the other hand, there is a high voice among the people, hoping to transfer the best commanders out of the front line, maybe that’s it.”

Ye Han considered for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Sir, what do you want me to say?"

"Tell the truth!" Huo Qiang interrupted rudely, "I don't want to listen to nonsense."

Ye Han grinned: "Airborne division... I really don't want to go back, let's put it this way, how many bugs can I kill by fighting with bugs every day? If I fight for a lifetime, it's better to sink an enemy ship; as for transferring to the headquarters Well...To be honest, I am very moved. Being able to stay in Beiyuezhou is not only safe and secure, but also can be reunited with my family often..."

"Then you want to stay at the headquarters?"

Ye Han shook his head with difficulty: "If possible, I'll continue to command Leishan."


"It's decided!" It was difficult for Ye Han to say these three words, but after speaking, the whole person completely relaxed, "To tell you the truth, if I left it before, I would definitely choose the headquarters, but now, I hope to be able to stay on the line."

Huo Qiang was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "It's fine if you understand what you want. I'll take care of this for a few days. If you regret it, come to me."

Ye Han nodded: "Thank you, Chief."

"No." Huo Qiang's expression was very subtle, "Go, go home and have a look after you've been away for so long."

"Yes!" Ye Han immediately stood up and saluted.

"Well." Huo Qiang nodded, suddenly remembered something, "by the way, bring your soldiers tomorrow and go to the laboratory to find Professor Qin."

Ye Han was stunned: "Headmaster, can I ask us what to do in the laboratory?"

"It's okay, a routine check."

"Yes, Chief, I'll go first!"


Ye Han turned to leave, his steps were firm and calm, but after leaving Huo Qiang's office, his pace immediately slowed down, and the perseverance on his face disappeared, turning into a lingering loss.

Does he not want to stay in Beiyuezhou? Of course he wanted to, but he knew very well that staying in Beiyuezhou was not a good thing.

My family knows their own affairs, and it is indeed a good thing to stay, but where is Beiyuezhou? Where is the headquarters? There are many high-ranking officials here, and there are many generals. As a newly promoted major general, he needs real power but not real power, and he needs qualifications but no qualifications. When will he be able to get ahead?

In Gao Kai's words, the higher the status, the more political wisdom he has to talk about, and what Ye Han is the least good at is intrigue, he might sell it, help people run out of money, and he still doesn't know what happened.

Continuing to stay on the front line is Since he can command Leishan to achieve so many victories, he will definitely sink more enemy ships in the future. As long as he can continue to create glory with the battleship, there will be no Man can suppress his merits.

And Ye Han doesn't think the front line is really that dangerous at all, at least he can't beat and run,

So after thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea of ​​staying in Beiyuezhou.

Unconsciously, he walked to a porthole, and Ye Han's eyes fell through the porthole to the airport outside the window.

Nanzhou, Beihai, and several other battleships were lined up, and the red navigation lights on the battleships were one after another, flashing very regularly.

After a lapse of three months, he didn't have time to understand the situation of the asteroid belt, but he knew that the Nanzhou had been back in port for more than a month, and the Beihai had returned a few days earlier than the Nanzhou. Supplies, ready to leave and sail at any time.

A little further away is the orbital factory. The broken Thunder Mountain is parked in one of the docks. Engineers from the military are disposing of the ship's bug machine.

Well, hopefully their research comes out sooner.

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