Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1319: very convenient

Later that day, Ye Han and the soldiers left the space station in a transport boat and returned to Beiyuezhou smoothly.

After six months of separation, Ye Han finally reunited with his family.

Gathering less and leaving more, Ye Bai and the two cherished the short reunion time, which also contained some joys and sorrows. The most frequently asked question by Bai Xiaoting was how long they could stay this time.

Ye Han didn't know how to answer this question, but he would stay in Beiyuezhou until the Thunder Mountain was repaired, and the time should not be too short.

The next morning, Ye Han brought Luo Qi and the others to the laboratory. After explaining their intention, the guards who had been notified long ago informed the laboratory. It didn't take long for an experimenter to bring Ye Han and others into the meeting. In the guest room, he said apologetically, "Captain Ye, everyone, Professor Qin is very busy and will have to wait for a while to come over. Please be patient and wait here."

Ye Han smiled: "It doesn't matter, we can just wait here."

He said this, other people naturally have no objection, and everyone knows the relationship between him and Professor Qin, even if they really have an opinion, it is impossible to say it.

The experimenter said happily: "Thank you for your understanding, I still have work, so I won't accompany you." After that, he turned around and left.

Ye Han hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute, what is the professor busy to reveal?"

The experimenter was very surprised: "You don't know?"

Ye Han was stunned: "Should I know?" He only knew that Professor Qin didn't return overnight.

The experimenter was startled, but immediately returned to his senses: "Professor is studying the bugs brought back by Leishan, and there are already preliminary results."

"Even the results came out?" Luo Qi was astonished, "Can you tell us about it?"

The experimenter quickly shook his head: "I'm sorry, don't say I don't know, even if I know, I can't say it."

Luo Qi's face was full of disapproval, Ye Han squinted at him, and smoothed out: "It's okay, he just asks casually, you can do your job."

The experimenter gave Ye Han an apologetic smile and turned to leave the reception room. The door opened and then suddenly stopped: "By the way, Captain Ye, if you're bored, there is something next door that you should be interested in."

Luo Qi asked curiously, "What?"

"Some research results." The experimenter said, "Most of them are weapons. There are individual soldiers and warships. Some have not yet produced results, and some are not suitable for large-scale equipment. You can see it."

Ye Han asked cautiously, "Is it convenient?"

"Convenient and convenient." The experimenter nodded again and again, "It was originally a semi-public exhibition, and we also wanted to hear the voices of the front line. Of course, it was very convenient."

Ye Han suddenly became interested: "Okay, let's take a look, who else is going?"

Luo Qi was the first to stand up, followed by He Lu, followed by more than a dozen soldiers, and then more than 20 people stood up, and the rest were eager to move.

Ye Han immediately stopped: "In batches, ten people at a time, let's go."

The group followed the experimenter out of the reception room, took a few steps and then turned around, and arrived at the ground.

However, the so-called exhibition hall is narrow and long, and the exhibits are lined up on one side of the aisle. Luo Qi couldn't help but be extremely disappointed: "What kind of exhibition hall is it?"

Ye Han understands it quite well: "Be content, it would be nice to have a place." Beiyuezhou has limited space, and it is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is worth every inch of land. Even a key unit such as a laboratory cannot really hold an exhibition. hall.

The experimenter didn't leave in a hurry, pointed to the passage and said, "This is the individual soldier's weapons exhibition area, there is the battleship weapons exhibition area, and there are also some display terminals, you can check those things that are not suitable for being placed here."

Ye Han's eyes were sharp, and when he saw a rifle with a particularly long barrel on the first booth, he directly copied it in his hand and asked, "What kind of gun is this?"

"Electromagnetic rifle." The experimenter's answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Han looked at the experimenter in surprise, and then took a closer look at the rifle in his hand: "This is an electromagnetic rifle? How's the performance?"

The experimenter said embarrassedly: "It's just a bit stronger than ordinary rifles, and its power is not as good as armored rifles, but this is only the first generation of products. In the future, the second and third generations will come out, and it will definitely improve."

Luo Qi couldn't help but said, "I just don't know how much to improve, do I?"

"Yes!" The experimenter nodded without hesitation.

Ye Han held the electromagnetic rifle and made an aiming action: "What's wrong with it?"

The experimenter said: "The main reason is that it consumes too much electricity. Originally, the electromagnetic rifle's ammunition is simple, and the load should be reduced, but this thing can last 30 to 40 rounds with a single battery, and it will be boring to use it again, so in addition to the ammunition, it also Bringing a few more batteries will not reduce the load, but increase the load a lot.”

"Where is the battery?" Ye Han asked.

"The stock, the stock is the battery."

Ye Han put down the rifle and said regretfully: "No wonder the **** is so thick... It's definitely not good for a rifle. Enlarge it a bit, and it's almost the same as a close-up gun."

"Yes, there is a close-up gun!" The experimenter immediately introduced, "But the electromagnetic close-up gun has already been finalized, so it is not placed here."

The principle of the electromagnetic gun is very simple, but it is easy to make it bigger and longer, but it is difficult to shrink it.

Ye Han raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, put down his rifle and asked, "Are you ready for the troops?"

The experimenter's eyes suddenly became a little more stunned: "Don't you know? The above plan is to change the Leishan, and the electromagnetic close-up gun is one of them."

"Is there anything else?" Ye Han didn't hear a word, "Is there anything else?"

"Then I don't know, I heard this by accident."

Ye Han walked to the second booth in disappointment and found something that looked like an oversized dumbbell there. He couldn't help asking curiously, "What is this for? How come I've never seen it before?"

"This!" The experimenter suddenly showed a playful It is the legendary lightsaber! "

"What?" Ye Han almost bit his tongue, "Light saber? What are you kidding, laser saber?"

"No, no!" The experimenter immediately denied, "This thing looks like a lightsaber, but it's actually a plasma, similar to the setting in Star Wars."

"Impossible?" Ye Han stretched out his hand and took a little effort to pick up the dumbbell. "What does it use to condense the plasma? Is it a magnetic field?"

The experimenter said with a smile: "In the beginning, we also thought about the magnetic beam, and we did create a sample, but the magnetic field that bound the plasma was too strong. With that thing, there can't be anything about magnetism in the whole body, otherwise the beam of plasma will be too strong. It may get out of control, and finally give up without even making a sample.”

Ye Han waved the dumbbells with some difficulty: "What about this? What is it?"

The experimenter said sternly: "It's called a laminar arc plasma beam, and it's the only lightsaber that can be practical at present!"

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