Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1320: nuclear power vector propulsion

Ye Han couldn't believe it, such a big man was the legendary lightsaber. What was wrong with it, it had to be made into a large dumbbell?

Not only are they identical in shape, but they are also similar in weight. He waved a little with difficulty: "Can I open it and try?"

"Of course!" The tester nodded in agreement without hesitation. "The lightsaber is about one meter long, but it is also powerful at three to five meters from the front. Don't face people and things... Have you seen the switch?"

"I see." Ye Han has long been staring at the switch on the side of the handle, feeling that one hand is not quite sure, he simply holds the dumbbell with both hands, and presses his thumb lightly on the hilt, a light beam with blue in white It spewed out with a low whistling sound.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed in unison.

There is no way not to be surprised. Although this thing is not the same thing as the lightsaber in the movie, the plasma beam is 70% to 80% similar to the sword in everyone's impression.

If it weren't for the dispersion of the end of the ion current like a flame, it would look like a bluish-white sword.

The soldiers whispered and pointed, and Ye Han couldn't help but waved twice. The weight of the original pressing hand seemed to be much lighter: "Good thing, how is its power?"

The experimenter proudly said: "The highest is 20,000 degrees, and the lowest is 200 degrees can be adjusted arbitrarily!"

Ye Han's interest is even stronger, like a child who got a favorite toy: "Can this thing cut worms? Is there anything for me to try swords?" Think of a group of motor infantrymen holding lightsabers, cutting melons and cutting melons. The picture of sweeping the insect swarm like a dish is not too star wars.

Of course, he just thought about it, no matter how powerful this thing is, it can't be compared to machine guns and cannons. It can be equipped with 13, and it's better to go to the battlefield.

"No!" The experimenter hurriedly shook his head. Before his head came straight, the beam of light on Ye Han's hand shrank rapidly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the experimenter together.

The experimenter shrugged: "This thing consumes too much electricity, and the best battery can last for ten seconds."

The dream was shattered before it could be realized. Ye Han had the urge to curse: "What are you struggling with in ten seconds... No, didn't you just say that the temperature is adjustable? How long can it last if you lower the temperature a bit? ?"

"Two hundred and a half minutes, twenty thousand degrees and ten seconds."

Ye Han was speechless and said disappointedly: "This is too tasteless, even if it can take three or five minutes!"

The experimenter responded with a reasonable sentence: "That's what we're working towards."

Ye Han put down the dumbbell regretfully, and Luo Qi immediately tried it in his hand: "It's so heavy? No wonder it's a semi-finished product... I guess, when the reactor can be installed, it will probably be able to equip the entire army."

Everyone was amused by Luo Qi's appearance, and He Lu teased: "The power armor doesn't use the reactor, and you still expect this thing to be used? Why don't you carry the reactor on your back and go to the battlefield."

Luo Qi put down his lightsaber: "Come on, if I can really move the reactor on my back, wouldn't it be better to bring a laser cannon?"

"Yo, you already know? I thought you didn't know!"

The two of you came and went to make fun of me, Ye Han ignored them and continued to the next booth.

The rest of the individual soldier exhibits are all new types of rifles, new types of armor, new types of batteries and the like, all of which are improvements and redesigns of existing weapons. .

The experimenter gave a very reasonable explanation for this: "The active equipment is all mature products that have been tested by war. It is the safest way to improve the mature design. The equipment that is too trendy looks tall, but trendy science fiction is not. It represents a suitable battlefield, and even if it is researched in the laboratory, it is impossible for the military to equip it immediately."

Even if the experimenter didn't say it, Ye Han understood the reason.

The military's equipment principle is not the best and the most expensive, nor is it pursuing anything high, but seeking a balance in several aspects such as weapon performance, economic benefits and operational needs.

Such a principle is indeed somewhat conservative, but for the military, it is more necessary to be prudent rather than radical.

Well, in all fairness, if the new weapons researched in the laboratory can be equipped with troops, it can indeed improve the combat effectiveness of the mobile infantry. The bigger the step, the stronger the egg pulling.

After leaving the individual weapons exhibition area, Ye Han went straight to the battleship weapons exhibition area. He had already decided to stay on the Thunder Mountain, and naturally he had to pay attention to the development of battleship weapons.

However, the battleship exhibition area was not as rich as Ye Han thought. Instead, it was very shabby. There was only one larger booth with some battleship models and corresponding descriptions on it. In addition, it was a data terminal.

Ye Han frowned and asked, "Just like that?"

The experimenter said: "Of course not. Others are not suitable for exhibition here. You can look at the data terminal."

"Oh!" Ye Han nodded and walked to the booth to carefully observe the battleship model.

The models on the booth are all over one meter, such as triangles, spheres, saucers, cylinder blocks, or simply a combination of several geometric shapes. There are all kinds of ships with strange shapes, including the most mainstream shuttle warships. Several, and each model is meticulously crafted and refined like a work of art.

Ye Han flicked the naval gun at will, and the turret moved with his fingers: "How is this made?" He didn't think at all that the laboratory had time to process handicrafts.

The experimenter explained in a timely manner: "This is a battleship model made with a 3D printer at the same scale after the design drawings are simplified. Not only the appearance is exactly the same as the real battleship, but even the important structures are printed according to the ~ Ye Han pointed to one of the models and asked, "This is also a battleship? "This thing is a flat equilateral triangle, and the switch is beyond his imagination.


"This shape... how did you come up with it?"

The experimenter was a little embarrassed: "Some of them came up by themselves, some were learned from watching movies and TV shows, and some were learned from novels... Some ideas are really strange, but not all ideas are useless, let's talk about this triangle. , with a new vector thruster in the middle of the vertex or edge, regardless of power intensity and maneuverability, it is a relatively successful idea."

Ye Han's eyes fell on the description below the triangular battleship, and he saw a similar introduction: "What about the shortcomings? Why isn't it in the description?"

Even the active shuttle warships have the problem of excessive broadside area. How can these experimental ships of unknown origin have no shortcomings?

The experimenter said: "The main disadvantage is that the space performance is not good, the edges and corners are too fragile, and the cross section is too large for the enemy."

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