Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1321: super gunboat

Ye Han keenly noticed a word: "Is the vector thruster you mentioned used by battleships?" He was very familiar with vector thrusters, but it was the first time he had heard of them being used on battleships.

The experimenter said: "It's a new thing for battleships that was successfully tested not long ago."

Ye Han asked suspiciously: "How does the warship propulsion vector? Is it also nuclear power propulsion?"

"How do you say this?" The experimenter scratched his head a little, "Do you understand the nuclear power engine you are using now?"

Ye Han nodded: "I understand very well."

The soldiers let out a sullen smirk. He almost took the soldiers to dismantle the propeller of the Thunder Mountain. How could he not understand?

The experimenter smiled and said: "That's easy. In fact, this vector engine is to add vector technology to the nuclear power engine, so that the propulsion nozzle can be changed in any direction... In fact, this technology is not difficult at all, it used to be stuck in the material problem. , Now that there is a breakthrough in materials, the vector engine is logical."

"Oh!" Ye Han nodded clearly, "After this engine nozzle is deployed, can it withstand the nuclear explosion in the reaction chamber?"

"That's fine, but to be on the safe side, the engine power must be controlled at around 60 percent."

Ye Han was suddenly discouraged: "It's so low? Does it still work? Also, if the nozzle deflects the direction, won't the propeller shaft deviate from the center of gravity? There won't be a problem, right?"

"60% is not bad. Its function is not to accelerate and decelerate, but to strengthen the steering maneuver... Well, the deflection speed of the warship is more than three times that of the traditional method!"

"Huh! It's so tall!" Ye Han's eyes lit up, and those eyes were even more urgent than when he saw his daughter-in-law last night.

The direction change and deceleration of a space battleship are two different things, and the speed and maneuverability cannot simply be accumulated, but Ye Han is very clear that a faster change of direction means a higher reaction speed.

To make an inappropriate analogy, a battleship without vector propulsion is a straight epee, while a battleship equipped with vector propulsion is an elusive epee that floats left and right!

The change brought by the vector thruster is not only better dodging ability, but also a more important point, that is the electromagnetic gun!

As we all know, in order to increase the speed of the projectile, the electromagnetic gun is a linear accelerator fixed inside the battleship, and the barrel almost penetrates the bow and stern.

Its structure and placement method determine that the electromagnetic gun cannot rotate and aim like ordinary naval guns, and can only aim by the stupid method of changing the attitude, which is also one of the important factors restricting the development of the electromagnetic gun.

With the current technical level of mankind, it is impossible to make the electromagnetic gun too small in a short period of time, and it is even more impossible to install the electromagnetic gun into the turret, unless the power of the electromagnetic gun is greatly reduced.

But in that case, the power of the electromagnetic gun may not be comparable to the ordinary flame, and the electromagnetic gun will lose the meaning of existence.

But it's different now. The vector thruster can triple the aiming speed of the electromagnetic gun, bring higher firepower output, and increase the firepower intensity of the battleship by a lot!

From this point of view, the increase in firepower brought by an appropriate amount of thrusters is more practical than simply improving mobility.

Thinking that the Leishan will be replaced with vector thrusters, Ye Han's heart is as hot as a hot boiling water pot: "This will be the standard configuration of warships in the future, right?"

"It should be." The experimenter said, "I don't know much about this, after all, I am an experimenter."

"Don't be so modest, without you, how could there be so many new equipment?" Ye Han smiled happily and moved his eyes to the spherical battleship model, "How about this? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Many people used to say that the spherical shape is good, What are the results of your experiment?"

"This, hehe!" The experimenter smiled reservedly, "It's space performance is really good, it is indeed the largest space in the same volume, but the shortcomings are also very obvious, the cross section is too large, it is a target to hit, and the weapons and equipment are also It’s not easy to configure. The turret is very scattered, and the firepower is not particularly concentrated. When the gun is fired, it also likes to turn in circles. An additional set of attitude auxiliary engines must be added. The barrel of the electromagnetic gun is too short, and the power is poor. In other words, the space is large enough to install a few more missiles, otherwise it would not even be eligible to be placed here."

Ye Han was very surprised: "So miserable?"

The experimenter shrugged: "It's not impossible to install laser cannons, but we haven't been able to hit the world with one shot, so you know."

Ye Han laughed: "This is really... um, the gap between reality and ideals! What about this flying saucer? How did it perform?"

"It's purely a money-losing product, it's not as good as a spherical shape."

"How about the cylinder?"

"After the weapons and equipment are installed, it is similar to the shuttle, but the arc-shaped modular armor is not only complicated to manufacture, but also more troublesome to splicing than the flat armor, and it is not as economical as the shuttle."

"What about this?" Ye Han pointed to a triangular cone with a wide tail and a narrow head.

He always felt that this model was a bit like an alien battleship. I wonder if the designer got inspiration from the alien battleship.

"The firepower performance is good, but the space performance is too poor, the battery life is not good, the ammunition is not enough, and it is not practical." The experimenter criticized mercilessly.

"what about this?"

"Structural instability!"

"What about this..."

Ye Han pointed at several models, but none of them had any practical value, until he pointed to a strange shuttle-shaped warship model: "What is this for?"

This battleship is arguably the strangest of all models, but it's not its shape that's strange, but its configuration.

Ordinary warships are all piggyback turrets, which is a structure in which the main guns are stacked on the ridge or belly along the central turrets.

But this battleship is different. It doesn't see any traditional naval guns on its surface, but the entire surface of the battleship is covered with laser emitters, and the densely packed emitters are placed together like a deformed hedgehog.

The experimenter showed an excited look: "This, we call it a super gunship, which is a battleship equipped with super cannons!"

"That's it?" Ye Han looked incredulous. "There are quite a few launchers, but they are so scattered, can they hit one direction?"

The experimenter smiled: "You really got the point. The first version of the super cannon was actually the spherical battleship, but the spherical shape was too boring. After several revisions, it finally turned into this look."

Ye Han immediately quit: "That's not what I asked, isn't that what you asked?"

The experimenter walked towards the model in Ye Han's questioning voice, and with a slight lift on the model, the outer armor of the front cabin was lifted directly by him, and it was divided into upper and lower parts and stood on the bow; then he lifted the armor of the rear cabin again. When they got up, they were divided into two pieces, left and right, on both sides. The four pieces of armor were erected like two pairs of wings, and the launchers that were originally spread all over the ship were all aimed straight ahead.

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