Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1322: crappy solution

Ye Han's eyeballs almost didn't fall out: "Is this okay? You really dare to think about it!"

"I'm doing research, how can the thinking not diverge a bit?" The experimenter laughed, "We call this flap-type armor, this kind of warship is temporarily called flap-type warship, it is the most effective method at present, if this scheme is not used, super gunboat The firepower will drop by half immediately, and then the supergunship will be meaningless."

Ye Han remembered the power of super cannons, and immediately came to mind a group of super cannons lined up in neat teams, volleying across the void again and again, completely annihilating the enemy army tens of thousands of kilometers away: "What's its range? Is there any? 20,000 kilometers?"

"Twenty thousand?" The experimenter was so frightened that he couldn't close his mouth. "Are you our Super No. 1? Super battleships don't have that much area. Together, they only have 200,000 lasers, with an effective range of just over 10,000 kilometers. "

"So few?" Ye Han's eyebrows twitched together immediately. "The No. 3 super cannon was not finished yet. There were more than 400,000 lasers, and the range was more than 40,000. Why should this ship have a range of 20,000?"

The experimenter smiled bitterly: "This account is really not calculated like this, it's just over 10,000!"

Ye Han smacked his lips: "What if you add a laser? If you add it to more than 400,000, is there a range of 40,000 kilometers?"

"This... I have to do the math to find out. In theory, there should be." He is quite knowledgeable, and if he keeps asking this question, he won't be able to answer it.

"Then add a laser to the top!" Ye Han called out a hater, "You are complacent with only 200,000?"

The experimenter thought to himself that this was all messed up? With a bitter face, he replied: "No way, the surface area of ​​the battleship is so large. After removing the propellers and other equipment, the remaining area can only hold so much. This is the result after optimization. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether it can reach 200,000. ."

"Then when will it be able to equip the fleet?"

"Not yet." The experimenter's answer was a succinct answer. He also knew that Ye Han would definitely not finish, so he explained without waiting for Ye Han to ask a question, "This is just a conceptual model, and it's still too early to put it into practice."

Ye Han was puzzled: "Why, isn't this good?"

"It's a design problem. The space environment is too harsh, and the lasers are full of electronic components. If they are kept on the surface of the battleship, it will not take long to break down. So we plan to design a new type of turret with a laser transmitter. The launchers are all protected in the turret, and when the turret is designed, it will not be far from practical."

Ye Han wondered: "Can't the existing turret be used?"

"It can be used, but it doesn't match the needs of super warships. We need a special turret with a flat structure and a relatively large top surface that can house dozens or even dozens of lasers at a time."

"It's not difficult to equip a turret like this, right?"

The experimenter suffocated and reluctantly said: "We still have some technical problems that we haven't been able to solve... Don't ask me what the problem is, I don't specialize in this, and I don't understand if you ask me!"

"Okay, then don't ask." Ye Han nodded happily, "Then let me give you an idea."

The experimenter was stunned for a moment, but immediately returned to his senses: "I can't ask for it!"

Ye Han said: "I think the idea of ​​super battleship is very good, but there is no need to stare at the surface of the battleship. Since this is used, what is it called?"

"Flap Armor!"

"Yes, that's the thing. Since this thing is used, why not turn it around and install the laser on the other side of the armor?" Ye Han said, pointing to the battleship model.

After the flap armor on the model is opened, it is similar to the elytra on the insect. Now the laser is installed outside the elytra, and Ye Han's idea is to install it under the elytra. This way, when the armor is closed, the laser can be turned off. Buckle it under the armor flap to protect it, not only the laser damage problem is solved, but the turret does not need to be designed anymore.

The experimenter's eyes were straight, but his mind didn't turn around for a while: "The armor has to be turned 180 degrees after the armor is opened, otherwise, the can only be fired backwards!"

"Stupid you!" Ye Hanna called a collapse, "What are you turning around? Just put the armor in reverse, and then open it and face it directly in front of you, right?"

Seeing that the experimenter was still confused, Ye Han rolled his eyes: "You think of the super battleship as a flower, where the receptacle is the propeller, the petals are the armor, the laser is usually wrapped in the flower bone, after flowering, the laser inside the petal is Isn't it just forward?"

"Oh, oh, I understand, I understand!" The experimenter jumped up and hit the flower board with his head. After falling, he was still overjoyed. He quickly took out a tablet and wrote down Ye Han's words.

He was so exaggerated that everyone turned their attention.

Ye Han waved his hand casually, and the soldiers immediately withdrew their curious gazes and continued to look at their own.

Seeing that the experimenter remembered almost, Ye Han said again: "Actually, I still have an idea, would you like to hear it?"

"Yes, of course!" The experimenter nodded sharply.

Ye Han put his hands together, opened it slowly, and finally looked at the battleship model: "Do you understand?"

The experimenter thought for a moment, his eyes sparkling like light bulbs: "You mean, fold?"

Ye Han smiled: "Yes, it is folded and stacked one layer, the armor area will be doubled, and two layers will be doubled. This model is 200,000. If you stack two layers, it is 600,000, and the range is 40,000 kilometers. All right."

Ye Han originally thought that the experimenter must be recording another record after listening to, but he didn't expect him to put on a distressed expression: "The 200,000 alone will require eight reactors, if it is added to 60 10,000, twenty or so reactors will be enough?"

Ye Han's smug eyes were immediately dull, and he looked at the model and then at the experimenter, and then revealed a bit of bitterness: "It doesn't cost so much electricity, right?"

The experimenter nodded: "That's how it consumes electricity. This is because the energy consumption has been optimized for the purpose of boarding the ship. Those on the moon do not count the cost at all, and they consume more electricity than this."

Ye Han grinned: "Can't I switch to a higher power reactor?"

The reactor is not something that can be turned on when it is turned on or stopped when it is said to be stopped.

If there are so many reactors on the super battleship, it has to be fully open when it is not firing. Only when confronting aliens will the power be temporarily increased... That is more than 20 nuclear reactors that have been running all the time, even if only the lowest Power operation also wastes a lot of nuclear fuel.

Just thinking about it shows that the military will definitely not accept such a crappy plan. 8)

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