Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1323: Wonderful brain hole

The experimenter sighed: "The most suitable reactor for this situation is the fusion reactor. Five or six reactors are definitely enough, and it is usually not so wasteful... But the fusion reactor has not yet been finalized. Gunboat... Hey, isn't this going around again?" His expression was one of dejection, and it was almost life-threatening.

Ye Han's ears perked up: "The fusion reactor is about to be finalized?"

The experimenter shook his head decisively: "Why, the experimental reactor has been running for a while, but it is still far from finalization, even if it is finalized, it is necessary to build a large fusion reactor first, and then miniaturize it on the ship. This process will take three to five years. Bar."

Ye Han was silent after hearing this, and sighed helplessly.

The experimenter also sighed, and was no longer in the mood to stay here to explain. After telling Ye Han goodbye, he left alone, leaving a group of people to visit by themselves.

Ye Han didn't want to look at the battleship model again, so he walked to a terminal on his own, and the screen of the terminal automatically opened, and the selection interface appeared.

There are many projects on the page, such as individual weapons, warship weapons, conceptual weapons, material technology, warship systems, giant insect research, extraterrestrial biology research, cell fusion... There are all kinds of research projects, which are dazzling.

Ye Han swiped his finger a few times and browsed all the items. First, he clicked on the individual weapon, and then changed to another selection interface. What kind of rifle, pistol, heavy machine gun, cannon, small cannon, rocket launcher, all Ye Han has heard of it. Less, not heard more than heard.

He was very interested in opening the power armor, but there was nothing too special in it. It was similar to the objects on display here. Most of them were improved versions of active weapons, and there were very few new models.

This made him very disappointed. After quitting, he chose the battleship weapon again.

There are not many options on the interface that pops up. Most of the options are weapons that Ye Han is familiar with, but he patiently opened them one by one to check the development trend of these weapons.

As the old saying goes, what are you shouting at? Since you plan to be a good captain, you should learn about the weapons of warships carefully.

The first thing he clicked on was the naval gun, which was nothing special. The new naval gun had a longer barrel and a reduced caliber, and the shells were longer and faster. All the improvements revolved around the advantages of the smoothbore gun.

The second point is to open laser weapons. There are very few finished products in this area. There are only two types of cluster lasers and pulsed lasers. The former is represented by a class naval gun, which takes the long-range high-power route; the latter is a new type of pulsed laser cannon with the same power. The power is 1.4 times that of the active laser cannon... Well, the fleet will definitely usher in a new round of transformation.

The third is naturally the electromagnetic gun. There is nothing new about the electromagnetic gun. The tricks are all on the shells. In addition to the traditional ordinary shells, depleted uranium armor-piercing shells and nuclear magnetic shells, Ye Han also saw high-level shotgun shells!

This is not a small surprise. He clicked on the shotgun and read it carefully. There is no doubt that it was the idea he put forward in the asteroid belt!

Ye Han immediately made up his mind that even if he sat in the headquarters and was lying, he would get a batch of first-class shells for Leishan!

Of course, with Thunder Mountain's current status, he shouldn't have to give up his face to rub hard.

In the end, Ye Han also saw a gun-launched missile attached to an electromagnetic gun that has not yet been equipped with the fleet!

He could hardly believe his eyes, the artillery-launched missile was not new, the new thing was that the electromagnetic gun can also shoot the missile!

Ye Han hurriedly looked down, intending to see how the electromagnetic artillery shot the missile out, but only after reading the information did he find out that he couldn't understand many places, and finally had no choice but to give up, and planned to go back and ask Professor Qin, in the end Who is presiding over this project, if you have the opportunity, you must ask one or two carefully.

He always thought that he already knew a lot about electromagnetic guns, but now what he knew before was only fur.

However, there was another good thing in his heart that must be equipped with Thunder Mountain.

Seeing the missile, Ye Han simply clicked on the missile entry and looked down. However, the missiles were all new wine in old bottles, and they were basically improved versions of the old models, but the last one caught his attention: shield missiles!

Missiles are offensive weapons, why are they related to shields?

Ye Han opened the door curiously, only then did he understand what was going on.

The so-called shield missile is not a real shield, but a special warhead.

This kind of warhead is mainly composed of some special colloids. This thing is loaded into the warhead together with the compressed gas. When it explodes, the gas expands together with the colloid. An irregular aerosol cloud about ten meters in diameter. Light and tough aerosol cloud.

The aerosol cloud looks fragile, but it is actually strong and durable. It is only a little heavier than the same volume of air. It also has a special nickname: solid smoke!

And the function of this thing is to act as a shield to block the guns of the battleship... According to the data, it is a poor-axis armor-piercing bullet. After penetrating a solid smoke, the power will also be reduced by more than 70%, not to mention ordinary shells. 100% impervious to solid smoke.

This is not the most important, the most critical point is that solid smoke can effectively block low-quality high-quality projectiles!

What is a low mass tuning projectile? Of course it's a shotgun!

This thing sounds tall, but it's actually incredibly simple. Aliens have been learning human combat concepts, and the possibility of ignoring high-level shotguns is infinitely close to zero.

But with this shield missile, you can block the "shotgun" from the aliens when the aliens attack.

Ye Han admired to death, whose idea is this special? To be able to come up with such an idea, the brain hole is really not ordinary.

And the missile is only one of the ideas, and another solution is mentioned in the data, that is, solid smoke armor!

This thing also sounds very cool. In fact, it is to hide the solid smoke generator on the surface of the armor. When it is needed, open it, and then a layer of solid smoke with a thickness of no less than ten meters can be attached to the outside of the battleship armor.

If you selectively turn on the, you can protect the battleship without affecting your own firepower output at all.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but sigh. According to the information above, human spears are getting sharper and shields are getting stronger and stronger. It's really unreasonable for aliens not to lose this war!

He was going to continue to look down, but a person came from a distance, and he jumped in front of Ye Han a few steps: "Master, someone has come to the laboratory, and the notice said to go back immediately."

Ye Han's fingers stopped in the air, frowning: "Who informed?"

"An old professor, seems to be surnamed Qin..."

"Got it." Ye Han reluctantly put down his hand, "Everyone pay attention, go back!"...


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