Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1324: The secret is in the elytra

1324 The secret is on the elytra

Testing Center.

Ye Han was the first to finish all the inspections, and happily approached Professor Qin: "Grandpa, what have you been busy with these days? I've been back for two days, and I won't be able to see you if I don't come here!"

Professor Qin's face showed a look of exhaustion that could not be concealed, and he squinted at Ye Han: "Have you seen your daughter-in-law?"

Ye Han was puzzled for a while, but still answered honestly: "I see."

"Did the child see it?"

"I saw it too."

"If your wife and children can't see it, you don't need to worry about me, a bad old man."

Everything Ye Han wanted to say made this sentence bear in his stomach, and it took a while for him to recover, and he asked in disbelief: "Grandpa, what did you say? There is an old man like a treasure in the family, aren't you our family's Dinghai Shenzhen?"

Professor Qin chuckled: "You kid, it's nice to say it!"

"How can you, this is the truth!" Ye Han immediately came to chase after the victory, the old man, his ears are soft, and he likes the younger generation to coax him with nice sounds.

"If it's true, you know that you can fool me with a nice sound. Do you really think I'm so confused?" Professor Qin gave Ye Han a stern look.

Ye Han was called a grievance: "Grandpa, how can you think of me so much?"

"Why did I miss you? How did I miss you?" Professor Qin was obviously upset, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be home at midnight?"

"Ah?" Ye Han was even more aggrieved, "Why is this related to me?"

"Why can't it be related? Bug machine, snake lizard, what do you think I am doing in the laboratory?" Professor Qin glared at Ye Han again.

Ye Han blinked and suddenly realized what Professor Qin said, and quickly laughed: "Grandpa and Grandpa, have you researched anything? Let me tell you..."

"Go, go, stop talking to me about the useless!" Professor Qin waved his hand like chasing flies, but immediately said, "But these two things are indeed a bit frowning."

Ye Han was so startled that he almost jumped up: "So fast?"

The Thunder Mountain has only been back for two days, and the time it takes for the laboratory to get the bug machine and snake lizard is even shorter, and the results have already been released. Is this speed a rocket?

"Quick? Where does this go? Insect machines and snake lizards are essentially two special kinds of bugs. Do you think we've spent all these years studying bugs?"

When Professor Qin said this, Ye Han was suddenly stunned.

Aliens are the best at tinkering with bugs, and bug machines and snake lizards are of course some kind of giant bug variant.

The laboratory began to study giant insects more than ten years ago. Is the accumulation of more than ten years of research a joke? To say that it can be thoroughly researched in such a short period of time is definitely bullshit, but there is no problem with producing a preliminary result.

Thinking of this, Ye Han quickly asked, "Grandpa, tell me quickly, what have you researched?"

"Want to know?" Professor Qin stared at Ye Han with a half-smile.

Ye Han was wronged by him: "Of course...Grandpa, why do you look at me like this? Can you change your eyes?"

Professor Qin rubbed his lips: "I don't know much."

"You can say whatever you know!" Ye Han was not greedy at all.

Just kidding, with a great **** like Professor Qin squatting in the laboratory, what news can't he find out?

Professor Qin thought for a moment and said, "Let's talk about the worm machine first. This thing has a very powerful eye. We have touched some of the photoreceptor cells on the retina, and some have never seen it before. We speculate that in addition to visible light, its eyes can also Seeing infrared, ultraviolet, and all kinds of invisible spectrum... Didn't your report say that the smoke screen can't stop this thing? The key is that their eyes are too perverted."

Ye Han couldn't close his mouth: "So powerful? I thought they were like bats, with biological radars on their bodies."

Professor Qin laughed: "Damn, the bat's eyes and sound waves at that time, if this thing really grows biological radar, doesn't it mean that aliens already understand how to use radio?"

Ye Han smiled embarrassedly, but the smile immediately subsided: "Maybe they really understand, or how did the aliens connect?"

Professor Qin continued to stare at Ye Han: "Don't talk nonsense without evidence, it's not good for you!"

Ye Han quickly agreed: "Yes, I'm sure I won't talk nonsense... Besides eyes, is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Professor Qin suddenly became serious, and his voice was lowered a lot, "Do you want to know how the insect plane flies?"

Ye Han looked at Professor Qin in horror: "You know?"

Professor Qin nodded lightly: "It was just researched, just last night."

"Grandpa, grandpa, don't give a shit!" Ye Han was scratching his head like a monkey, eager to take out the answer from Professor Qin's mouth immediately.

As early as when the armor of the Thunder Mountain was repaired, Ye Han had observed the worm machine up close, but he was really not a research material, and until the end he didn't figure out how the worm machine flew.

Professor Qin said, "The secret is in the elytra!"

"I think so too." Ye Han said, "The elytra keep vibrating when it flies, and it doesn't move when it's not flying, but space is not an atmosphere, so how fast is the wings to vibrate?"

Professor Qin said with a smile: "The effect of the two pairs of wings is not only a shock, but its internal structure is very interesting. It is hollow but very strong, and there is still compressed gas in the cavity of the elytra."

"And this?" Ye Han seemed to understand something, "You mean, it flies by blowing out gas from its wings?"

"That's the truth, but the process is not as simple as you think." Professor Qin said, "The vibration frequency of the two pairs of wings is more than 2,000 times per second. The higher the vibration frequency, the faster the throw away the stronger the feedback power."

Ye Han's eyes almost cramped: "Is this okay?"

"Surprisingly, isn't it?" Professor Qin smiled happily, "We also found similar structures on alien warships, but no one thought in this direction before, so I never knew what alien warships rely on to fly until It was only last night that I figured out the power source of the alien spacecraft on the fuselage!"

Speaking of which, Professor Qin sighed with emotion: "It's a genius design!"

Ye Han said angrily: "It's not that exaggerated, right? Can it be compared with our nuclear power engine?"

"Ignorance!" Professor Qin scolded, "Vibration promotes environmental protection, safety and efficiency, which is better than nuclear power?"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong!" Ye Han hurriedly admitted his mistake, scolding himself in his heart, saying that it's not good to mention nuclear power?

For the military, nuclear power is definitely an indispensable source of power, but for those who are engaged in research, especially those engaged in biological research, vibration propulsion, a method that allows creatures to travel in space, is their The best way to move forward.

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