Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1326: Radical

Ye Han really can't tell whether what Professor Qin said has an exact source or is a gossip with a mysterious origin, but the old man is also one of the authorities of the laboratory. Ye Han estimates that anyone who can talk to the laboratory The information on the relationship should have a certain degree of accuracy.

He wanted to inquire some more inside information, but the test results had already come out. Professor Qin directly extracted Ye Han's data, and nodded while looking at it: "Not bad, very good!"

Ye Han leaned over to take a look. There were table numbers and acronyms all over the screen. Before looking at it, he was stunned.

The world of scientific research is really far away from him!

Seeing Professor Qin put away the form, Ye Han quickly asked, "Grandpa, what the **** is going on here?"

Professor Qin said: "You don't know if I said it, in short, it's all right."

This time Ye Han was relieved, but he immediately showed a puzzled look and whispered in a low voice: "What if there is a problem?"

Professor Qin showed a meaningful smile: "Is it very sharp?"

Ye Han smiled and said, "I ran all the way back, and the first thing is to let us come here to check. Isn't that very clear? Is it... Is there any risk of cell fusion?" Afraid of letting others hear, The last sentence was almost stuck on Professor Qin's ear.

Professor Qin's eyes flashed: "don't worry, this is just a routine inspection."


"Really." Professor Qin was very calm. "But you are right. Any scientific experiment has risks, and cell fusion is no exception. Therefore, regular physical examinations are necessary, and early detection and resolution are necessary. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Han nodded: "I understand, how high is the risk? One percent?"

"Hehe, you are too pessimistic." Professor Qin said, "How should I put it, just like some people are born with genetic defects, cell fusion also has a problem of acceptance, and the risk is about the same as the probability of congenital genetic defects."

"I seem to understand a little." Ye Han said, "Is it a genetic defect that makes it more prone to problems?"

"Almost." Professor Qin said, "The mass-produced cell fusion injections are only aimed at normal genes. If the receptor has genetic problems, the formula must be adjusted accordingly. The cost of making a single copy is too high, so before injection Genetic screening must be done.”

"Oh, no wonder!" Ye Han recalled carefully, it was true that he had undergone a physical examination before the injection.

"Okay, do what you need to do, don't make trouble here." Professor Qin rudely expelled people.

After the inspection, all the officers and soldiers of Leishan entered a rest period. Those who lived in Beiyuezhou went home to reunite with their relatives, and those who were not in Beiyuezhou also got a long-lost vacation.

Their vacation will continue until the end of Thunder Mountain's repairs.

Ye Han also wanted to rest for a few more days, but the above did not give him this opportunity at all, and within a few days, he was assigned a new task: supervising the maintenance and renovation of Leishan!

Ye Han was so depressed, he couldn't figure out how this happened to him.

Later, he learned that the goal of arranging him to board the ship was not to supervise, but to let him, the captain, participate in the renovation project, and let him know what the Leishan was remodeled.

Now Ye Han understood the above meaning, so he frequently traveled between Beiyuezhou and the Orbital Factory to learn about the transformation of the battleship.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was startled when I saw it, probably because the Leishan was badly damaged.

The first is to optimize the control system, then optimize the cabin layout, then install new reactors and vector nuclear propulsion, and then lay the new composite armor for the warship.

These are all small tricks, but they are improved on the basis of the past, and the weapon system is the major improvement.

The first transformation is the electromagnetic gun, which has been changed from the original single gun to the left and right dual guns. In addition to the ordinary shells and depleted uranium shells originally equipped, the super shotgun and artillery-launched missiles will also be equipped with Leishan.

Ye Han deeply felt the elusive fate of fate - the weapon he saw in the laboratory a few days ago became the standard equipment of the Thunder Mountain so quickly, it was like a dream.

The naval artillery has also changed a lot. More than half of the naval artillery that originally spread all over the ship has been cancelled and replaced by the new pulse laser cannon. There are a total of twelve quadruple laser turrets and forty-eight laser cannons. Since then, the laser cannon is Leishan. The main naval gun.

Ye Han is happy to see this, because after all, the advantages of laser guns are there, and they have more advantages than traditional naval guns.

This kind of laser turret is very interesting. The four barrels are divided into two layers, which can be aimed at different directions, and each barrel has an independent control device, which can not only concentrate firepower, but also shoot independently.

The remaining few naval guns are no longer equipped with ordinary artillery shells, but mainly gun-launched missiles, supplemented by nuclear artillery shells... It is said that the military planned to completely cancel the naval artillery, but considering the actual needs of the operation, the six ships were eventually retained. gun.

These six naval guns are in front of two and two at the back. By rotating the turret, at least two naval artillery can be guaranteed to face the enemy in any direction, so that there is no dead angle of firepower.

By the way, all naval guns are a single-barrel design, not the one-tower four-barrel laser gun.

Obviously, after the test of actual combat, the military has confirmed that naval guns are not suitable for the future battlefield, and their future role will be to strike the ground, or to be the final word when confrontation.

The biggest change is the close-range defense In view of the tactical changes of the enemy, the military has greatly strengthened the close-range fire resistance of the Thunder Mountain.

Originally, the ship was only equipped with 1020 rapid-fire guns and laser proximity guns. This time, electromagnetic proximity guns were added, and the ship was the main force, replacing a large number of 1020 guns. As a result, there were only six 1020 guns left. The layout plan is the same as the ship. The guns are exactly the same.

The number of light defense guns remains the same, but they have been replaced with improved models.

According to the military's plan, in the future, the near fire resistance of warships will be mainly laser and electromagnetic. , If there is a problem with the power supply, at least there are still 1020, so it will not be powerless to fight back.

Ye Han felt that keeping those few naval guns was also out of the same consideration.

To be honest, Leishan has added so many laser cannons. He is really worried about the power problem, but the military has long thought of this and changed all the ammunition compartments under the turrets to battery compartments. In this way, Even if the power is interrupted, it can continue to fight. With naval guns and missiles, at least it can give the warship a chance to get out of the battle.

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