Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1327: strategic stalemate

Turn on the computer, the familiar startup interface flashes one by one, but it enters the system in a few seconds.

Clicking on the browser, Ye Han typed the words "asteroid belt" in the search box, clicked search, and a series of messages immediately popped up on the page.

It is now May, and it has been half a year since the Leishan evacuated from the asteroid belt, but although it is far away from the life-and-death struggle on the battlefield, with the gradual completion of the Leishan, the time for the warship to leave the port is getting closer and closer. In terms of the situation, the possibility of Leishan returning to the asteroid belt is very high.

Therefore, Ye Han is very concerned about the situation of the asteroid belt, and will look for the situation in this area as soon as he has time.

Since the battle at Station 3, mankind has successfully reversed the unfavorable situation in the asteroid belt and brought both the enemy and the enemy back to the same starting line.

However, the human fleet just won a tragic victory. The Beihai and several other warships had to withdraw to the moon to rest. Coupled with the evacuation of Leishan and Nanzhou, the armed forces of mankind in the asteroid belt were suddenly reduced by one third.

In order to compete for the strategic initiative, humans and aliens invariably accelerated the pace of competing for the asteroid belt. Jupiter continued to send fleets to the asteroid belt, and the warships of the human side were also sent into the asteroid belt like water. Flying to the asteroid belt, even the run-in between the crew is completed on the way.

However, both sides have their own concerns. The human side has few warships and weak strength, and is very wary of powerful alien fleets; the number of alien fleets is also strong, but several contacts have been lost to the endless strange tactics of human beings, and they are full of wariness of human fleets. .

In this way, neither of the two sides was willing to take the initiative to initiate a decisive battle, but they continued to confront each other in various star fields, and kept fighting.

After this situation developed for a period of time, the two sides actually reached a tacit understanding, with the line of actual control as the boundary, and they lived in peace for a long time.

However, neither side thought about giving up. In order to strengthen its control over the asteroid belt, humans stepped up the construction of space bases and sent a large number of transport ships to the asteroid belt, including those from the Beiyuezhou Fleet, and some from the International Fleet. Transport ships, and the two sides have assigned targets in advance, and there will be no **** plot of fighting for asteroids.

However, not long after the transport fleet set off, the space telescope found that a large number of alien transport ships appeared in the direction of Jupiter. According to the analysis of the Joint Staff, this must have been thought of by the aliens and the joint command.

"This means that two thieves put their hands in the same pocket!" Huo Qiang said after receiving the news.

The human side naturally does not want the aliens to stand firm, and that alien transport fleet is simply a thorn in the heart of the joint command.

For this matter, Beidu and Washington came to an urgent consultation, and reached an agreement as quickly as possible, ordering their respective fleets to intercept the alien fleet.

It didn't take long for the space telescope to discover the unusual movements of the alien fleet. The analysis believed that this was the aliens eyeing their own transport fleet.

Well, it's lively now, both sides are fighting the idea of ​​each other's transport ships, but space is unobstructed, and what they want to do is clear at a glance.

In this way, the two sides launched a fierce confrontation around **** and anti-escort, but both sides had their own concerns and refused to participate in the main decisive battle. who's cheap.

Neither side can take the other side, and it is meaningless to continue to stare at the transport ship, so the two sides began to build a space base with all their strength, with the space base as the point and the battleship as the surface, each strengthening its own control over the asteroid belt.

The joint command is very satisfied with this situation. First, the aliens have learned a lesson from Base No. 3, and they dare not attack the human base rashly. Second, the aliens have a fixed base, and human warships can rely on the past to send two rounds at any time. nuclear bomb.

The plan of the aliens is so thoughtful that the big bosses in the joint command all act like chicken blood, waiting for the aliens to settle down and run to dig out the enemy's nest.

However, the plan is not as fast as changing, and the aliens have also learned the lessons from the past. Instead of finding a suitable asteroid to land on the base as before, they also incorporate the nearby asteroids into the defense system, and divide their troops to station in the nearby airspace. When a human battleship is found approaching, the fleet will be dispatched to take the initiative to attack it, and the human battleship will never be allowed to approach.

The human warship tried several times, but failed to blow up the alien asteroid. In the end, the two sides returned to the original point and continued to face off with the actual control line.

This ending surprised many people, but they couldn't come up with a plan to break the game. The two sides took steps to build a lot of space bases under this strange situation.

In fact, both the enemy and us are well aware that the confrontation is only temporary.

In addition to the movements at the strategic level, Ye Han also saw some very unusual details.

For example, the painting of alien warships, most alien warships are no longer ice white, but taupe, dark brown or any darker color, in short, it is no longer conspicuous ice white.

They still don't know that it doesn't matter what color the aliens are, and it doesn't affect the discovery of alien warships at all.

There are also changes in the weapons of the aliens, and they are gradually progressing from a simple fine light to hit the world to a fine light combined with a cloud of debris.

Judging from the data, the aliens used it well. More than one human warship was injured in the debris cloud. If humans could use nuclear bombs to open a way for the warships, maybe some warships had been sunk by the aliens.

Everyone knows that This is not a good phenomenon, it means that the imitation of human beings by aliens has changed from pure imitation to practicality.

But no matter how unwilling it is, there is no way to do it, and humans can't control the aliens!

There are also some ideas on the human side. For example, in order to get close to the asteroid occupied by aliens, a human warship simply disguised as an asteroid and slowly floated closer to the target like a real asteroid.

Although very thorough preparations were made, the asteroid that appeared suddenly attracted the attention of the aliens. As a result, the aliens sent a warship to intercept them in advance. The warship had to give up its camouflage and withdrew in despair. return.

Until now, the asteroid belt is still at a standoff, and no one knows when the deadlock will be broken, but everyone knows that day won't be too far away.

Ye Han quickly read the latest news, and when he was about to turn off the computer, his wrist suddenly vibrated and received a new message, the source of which was Beiyuezhou Command.

He stretched out his fingers and tapped, and clicked on the news: The reconstruction project of Leishan is about to end, and all the crew members will return to construction immediately!

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