Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1328: exchange of benefits

(This chapter should be the next volume, and I made a mistake when I passed it. I'm very sorry!)

June 6, 2032, Beiyuezhou.

The conference room was full and silent, only Huo Qiang stood at the end of the conference table: "Are you all there?"

"All the participants are here!"

"Okay, now for the meeting." Huo Qiang swept across the venue with piercing eyes, "Every word I said next is very important, no matter whether what I said has anything to do with everyone here, I hope you will remember it. what I said……"

Ye Han was sitting in the corner of the conference room, his eyes fell on Huo Qiang who was talking eloquently, and then turned to the big guys on both sides who were listening, and a large number of bright stars almost blinded his eyes.

Although he also changed the light board one, but today, the conference room is full of stars, and the light board one only sits on the side of this conference room, not to mention the lower-ranked majors, all of them are silent. Install small transparents in the corners and corners.

He vaguely sensed that this would be an extraordinary meeting.

After the routine opening remarks, Huo Qiang went straight to the topic: "According to the arrangement of the level, the fleet's next mission has two priorities, the first is Ceres."

"You should know the strategic significance of Ceres. In order to control it, we set the first space base near Ceres last year. I won't tell you about the later events. You should also know about it. Dozens of light nuclear bombs were thrown before and after, but outside Stars still don't give up to this day."

"Ceres is currently located between the actual control lines of both the enemy and the enemy. We want to account for the aliens. We don't agree with the aliens. We have been deadlocked for a while. It is not a temporary control, but a firm hold on Ceres to turn Ceres into our forward base in the asteroid belt."

Speaking of this, Horton paused, and his tone slowed down a little: "Since the fleet has entered the asteroid belt, I have heard a lot of objections, and quite a few people have mentioned Ceres, thinking that Ceres is an asteroid, and there is no need to **** it up. , it's not a big deal for aliens, what do you think?"

There was a chuckle in the conference room, and Huo Qiang laughed too, but he quickly suppressed his smile and slapped the table with a slap: "Sitting in the well and watching the sky, you are short-sighted!"

Everyone's heart froze, and immediately put away their smiles.

Fortunately, Huo Qiang didn't target the people in the conference room: "Ceres is really just an asteroid. If you control Ceres, you can't do anything to aliens. At most, you can control the vicinity of Ceres, but you must understand that we don't want Ceres. , the enemy can scramble to get it there, if aliens are allowed to occupy it, the future Ceres will be the springboard for aliens to attack us, such an important strategic node, can we not grab it?"

Huo Qiang took a breath and continued: "After I go back, I will explain the strategic significance of Ceres to the soldiers. I have made great determination this time. The unit that receives the task must pay attention to it, no matter the cost or loss. No matter how many warships are sunk or how many people are sacrificed, if I am Ceres, does Ceres understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone stood up at the same time.

Ye Han's heart surged in the crowd, and there was an uncontrollable heaviness.

The asteroid belt has been stalemate for a long time, and this action will definitely break the deadlock. If there is such a great determination, Ceres will definitely become the focus of competition between the enemy and us, and it is likely that an unprecedented tragic battle will unfold around Ceres. confrontation.

"Sit down!" Huo Qiang waved down and everyone sat down.

A big boss asked: "Commander, is this action our unilateral action, or is it in cooperation with the international fleet?"

"Yes, yes!" Another boss also followed, "If you cooperate, do you still get half of them?"

"But we haven't recovered yet. Even if the fleet is fully invested, it may not be able to block the alien fleet, right? Give the base group a little bit, so we can't win anything!"

Big bosses, you say every word, analyze all kinds of possibilities, other people don't dare to intervene even if they have something in their hearts, they only listen to it.

Huo Qiang waited for everyone to finish talking, and then he said calmly: "The operation of Ceres will be carried out by us alone. After we take Ceres, the sovereignty will be completely owned by us. You don't have to worry about this. Beidu and Washington have reached an agreement. agreed."

The conference room suddenly quieted down, and everyone was stunned by the news, but everyone quickly became excited, even the bigwigs were not exempt.

Human beings have not determined the ownership of any extraterrestrial celestial body in the past. Beidu and the base group did divide up the moon, but the name of the moon is still the common property of all mankind and does not belong to any country. The theory is that any one has the ability to fly to it. All countries on the moon have the right to join the Moon Club.

Of course, the theory can usually only stay on paper. There are many countries that want the moon, and there are also many countries that have aerospace But the moon has become a private land for the two major forces of the East and the West. Any country that wants to get a piece of the pie has to pass the northern capital and Washington first.

Can Beidu and Washington take out the moon and share it with unrelated countries? Go dream!

If everything develops step by step, 80% of mankind's future development of other celestial bodies will be on a first-come, first-served basis. It can stop other countries from coveting and calculate your ability, but you can't stop you from giving away a portion of the benefits.

But what did Huo Qiang say now?

Ceres itself is really nothing, but it is of great significance to determine its ownership. It is the first time that the international community has recognized the territorial sovereignty of a country over extraterrestrial objects.

Everyone thought of Io, Mars and other asteroids... Once there is a first time, there must be a second time. In the near future, extra-colonial celestial bodies will not be a dream.

But is there such a good thing?

A boss asked worriedly: "Impossible? When did the base become so good at talking? What conspiracy are they?"

"Yes, those foreigners have always been unprofitable, so how could they agree to such conditions?"

Others were also filled with doubts, and everyone's eyes stopped on Huo Qiang's face.

Huo Qiang sighed: "Why, of course, it is an exchange of interests."

"What are their conditions?"

"This matter is a bit complicated." Huo Qiang said, "Let me keep it simple. The agreement reached between Beidu and Washington mainly includes several points. Our goal is Ceres, the goal of the International Fleet is Vesta, and the United Fleet Attacking from two directions at the same time, but the purpose is not to seize the asteroid, but to pretend to attract the attention of the aliens, it is best to lead the alien fleet to buy time to seize Mars!"

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