Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1329: many problems

"Mars?" Several bigwigs exclaimed in unison.

One of its bosses seized the opportunity: "So, Mars is the real goal?"

"What do you mean? Mars belongs to them?"

"Of course not, it is to cooperate with Washington to seize Mars, whether Ceres or Vesta, is to cover the action to seize Mars." Huo Qiang said, "It was mentioned just now that our own strength has not recovered. , at this stage must rely on cooperation against aliens."

Everyone's expressions were not very good-looking, and another boss said: "So, Mars is like the moon, right?"

Huo Qiang nodded: "I'm not particularly clear about the specific situation, but according to the gossip, the boundary of Mars has been negotiated. As for how to draw the boundary, ask me."

A big guy said: "The development of Mars is indeed a good thing. If successful, Mars can become a bridgehead for us to enter the asteroid belt, but can aliens give us time to build Mars?"

"Yeah, Mars is not the moon. When we built Beiyuezhou, we put a lot of effort into it. Mars is so far away and so poor, we have to start from scratch no matter what, let alone one or two years, it is ten or eight years. There may not be any results, the gravitational force in that place is so heavy, the communication between the ground and the sky is not as convenient as the moon, and the investment in a long period of time is long and the return is small, is it too hasty to take this move at this time?

Huo Qiang said: "Everything you said makes sense. There are indeed many problems in entering Mars now, but can we give up Mars because of difficulties? You also know the situation in the asteroid belt. Don't take advantage of the current situation to seize Mars and wait for aliens. People have occupied Mars, and Mars can become a bridgehead for the enemy to attack the earth. As for the details of the development of Mars, that is not something we should consider, the task of the fleet is to complete the task according to the requirements of the level!"

A big man frowned: "Commander, since the real target is Mars, then Ceres..."

"Do your best to take it down!" Huo Qiang said, "The agreement with Washington is indeed a feint, but you have also mentioned the issue of Mars, so I hope we can take down Ceres, but Mars is more suitable as a bridgehead. ."

"If we take Ceres, what about Mars?"

Huo Qiang said: "I don't know much about this, and I don't know how to arrange the masks. From my personal point of view, it must be the priority to control the asteroids... But the asteroid belt is so sparse, we will occupy all the asteroids. , it can't stop the aliens, as long as they grab Mars, they can put a nail behind the asteroid belt, so Mars must also be controlled. The best result is that this action can not only seize Ceres, but also Can control Mars."

A big man smiled bitterly: "This battle is really suffocating, this guard is that guard, there are a lot of soldiers and ships, but there are still loopholes, we should not guard, we should order all the troops and horses. How good is it to hit Huanglong directly?"

Huo Qiang's expression changed slightly, but the surface did not show the slightest expression: "Mian also wants to completely solve the aliens, but we also have to have that strength, right? Rome was not built in a day, and the situation on the earth and the asteroid belt can be stabilized now. Burning high incense, how can there be the ability to attack Jupiter? Besides, the expeditionary force has been formed several times, and it has not been able to do anything to the aliens. An expedition will be organized again."

Several big bosses sighed together, and one of them said: "It's not that easy to hit Jupiter, let's talk about it, such a powerful fleet was sent over, and in the end, there was no result? When will we have the ability to completely blow up those few? Satellites, it’s not too late to talk about expeditions to Jupiter.”

"You can't say that!" A boss retorted, "If the fleet hadn't been withdrawn and had stayed on Jupiter to suppress the aliens, would the enemy still have time to grab the asteroid belt? If you want me to say, we are still not strong enough, otherwise How many aliens came and fought back."

"Okay, okay, we've only been around for so many years, and it's almost like opening up to this point. If you kill me ten years ago, I don't believe that one day we can have a meeting with you on the moon, and we can have today's The strength is already good, I think the meaning of face is to fight steadily, accumulate strength step by step, and one day will be able to hang the aliens."

"I'm not as beautiful as you think. We are developing fast, and the enemy is developing faster. Jupiter has not been resolved yet, and Saturn has taken root again. Wait for us to slaughter the aliens? Humph, the year of the monkey, the month of the horse!"

Huo Qiang knocked on the table: "Seriously, what about the meeting, look where you all went?"

The bosses were silent, but the depressed atmosphere was not relieved at all.

Huo Qiang said: "Now arrange the task, the first is the asteroid belt... Gao Kai!"

"Here!" Gao Kaima stood up.

"Duan Zhiyang!"



Huo Qiang called the names of more than a dozen people in a row: "Gao You still command the task force. I don't need to stress the task any more?"

"Organize a fleet to take Ceres, by any means at all costs!"

"Very well, sit down."

More than a dozen people sat down, and Ye Hanxin, who witnessed this scene, suddenly realized something.

No wonder so many warships are stranded in Beiyuezhou, it turned out to be waiting for this day!

While thinking about it randomly, Ye Han suddenly heard his name, he stood up instinctively, and answered loudly.

Only then did Ye Han realize that Huo Qiang was the first to click on him in the second wave.

Huo Qiang ordered a dozen more people: "You are a task force in the direction of Mars. Because this time it is in cooperation with the international fleet, I will personally command it. The flagship is tentatively set to be Jizhou. Is there any problem?"


The answers of a dozen people were neat and unusual.

"Report!" It was Li Qingshan, the captain of the Jizhou, who was talking. It seemed that he deliberately waited for everyone else to answer before jumping out to sing the opposite.

"What's your problem?" Huo Qiang stared at Li Qingshan and asked.

Li Qingshan said: "Chief, I want to ask if I need to do any preparations."

"No, just leave the cabin that should be left empty. There are not many people in the headquarters, so it won't take up much space."

"Yes, I understand."

"Sit down." Huo Qiang said.

Li Qingshan sat down, Huo Qiang looked around the venue: "Who still has problems?"

Everyone sat upright and no one spoke.

Huo Qiang said, "Is the mission clear?"


"Okay, the action this time is of great significance. Anyone who doesn't understand something can find me alone after the meeting. When I go back, I will convey all the content that should be conveyed, and make preparations before departure, so let's end the meeting!"

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