Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1331: lower blood

Everyone was stunned, and subconsciously looked in the direction Luo Qi pointed.

He Lu's eyes swept and swept, but saw nothing: "Where?"

Luo Qi stretched his arms: "Over there, the direction of the earth!"

"No?" He Lu looked at Luo Qi with suspicion, "What did you see?"

Luo Qi turned his head and suddenly found himself with the telephoto function turned on: "Zoom in a bit and see!"

Everyone held back their stomachs for a long time, and after hearing this, they released the screen in unison, and a series of exclamations immediately came from the bridge.

Ye Han also found what Luo Qi said. It was a big guy with a narrow front, a long circle, and a flat buttocks. He was slowly flying away from the earth. Looking at its flight direction, it should be trying to join the fleet.

You look at me, I look at you, and all have the same question in your heart: what the **** is that thing!

Everyone's eyes gradually focused on Ye Han, and Luo Qi asked kindly, "Captain, do you know what this is?"

Ye Han slowly shook his head: "I don't know, the head didn't explain it."

He Lu said softly, "Do you need to ask the face?"

Ye Han didn't answer and asked, "Have you identified the enemy and me and called the police?"


"Then it's over?" Ye Han said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't talk about it, there must be a reason for it, let's wait."

A bridge officer said hesitantly: "I look familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere!"

"Me too!" another bridge officer echoed, "I can't remember anything."

"Is it a space station?" A voice guessed.

"Isn't it? How can there be such a strangely shaped space station?"

"Specially researched for the Mars mission, do you think this is a battleship, or something else..."

Everyone discussed their opinions, but there was no unified opinion.

Ye Han zoomed in on the screen and stared at the big guy, but couldn't recognize its identity.

At this time, Luo Qi suddenly said: "Report, Jizhou ordered the ships to prepare for cruise!"

Ye Han said: "Okay, let's go on the notice. Except for the key positions to keep people on duty, everyone else should sleep." The subtext of the cruise is to sleep quickly if they should.

The officers and soldiers who received the order returned to the dormitory, and then the cabins began to cool down. After half an hour, 90% of the entire fleet entered a hibernation state.

A few days later, the fleet finally joined forces with the big guy, and the two fleets approached together, surrounded by the big guy like stars holding the moon, and continued to move towards Mars.

As they got closer, Ye Han could see more clearly, but after reading this thing from beginning to end, he still didn't recognize what it was, but felt that that part looked very familiar.

At this time, the fleet is officially on its voyage. After Leishan left two people on duty, the rest of the people all got into the dormitory and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already the end of July, and in a few days it would be the end of July.

The first thing Ye Han woke up was to rush to the bridge. When he arrived, He Lu and Luo Qi were already on the bridge.

Sitting in his place, buckled the panoramic helmet, Ye Han immediately saw the red sparks.

The fleet has been divided into several parts. Some are parked in low-Earth orbit and turn endlessly, some are parked in synchronous orbit and rotate slowly, and some are actively moving forward and parked in the direction of the asteroid belt. The space station is hovering near Mars, and there is no sign of approaching for the time being.

Ye Han suddenly had an idea: the human fleet has surrounded Mars, and only one order can turn Mars into a scorched earth...

Ye Han put away his scattered thoughts and asked softly, "Luo Qi, is there any news on the flagship?"

"not yet."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Is there any news from the Nanzhou?"

"Neither." Luo Qi said, "but I have some communication records related to asteroids."

"What content?"

Luo Qi opened the communication interface, and a virtual screen immediately appeared in front of him—this was the visual effect of the panoramic helmet, not that there was such a screen in front of Luo Qi.

He looked at the contents of the screen and said, "On June 9, the task force was ordered to assemble to Base No. 3... Didn't Base No. 3 blow up? He Lu, has Base No. 3 been rebuilt?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Luo Qi shrugged: "On June 15th, the asteroid belt international fleet was assembled and set off for Vesta on the same day; on June 18th, the task force was assembled and set off for Ceres on the same day; on July 4th, the international fleet arrived at Vesta. Near the star, an encounter with an alien fleet, the two sides contacted briefly, each suffered damage, and no battleship sank..."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "They really ran to feint... July 4th, how can they really choose a time!"

Luo Qi glanced at Ye Han: "Continue?"

Ye Han nodded: "Continue!"

"On July 7, six warships of our task force approached Ceres and briefly exchanged fire with the alien fleet. The battle damaged and sank one enemy ship. Three of our ships were damaged to varying degrees, and no warships sank. UU read Later that day, a large number of alien warships headed towards Ceres. In view of the large gap in strength between the two sides, our fleet took the initiative to retreat. At present, Ceres is controlled by aliens, and no signs of aliens have been found. "

Ye Han chuckled: "They have suffered too many nuclear bombs, and their memory has improved... continue!"

"On July 9th, the alien fleet provoked, our side counterattacked, and there was no actual contact between the two sides; on July 10th, there was a brief exchange of fire, but no damage was done; on July 11th... Captain, all these things are behind, it should The confrontation is ongoing, and it is estimated that the situation will change only when the Nanzhou fleet arrives."

Ye Han nodded clearly, and suddenly asked a question that shocked everyone: "What date is it today?"

"No. 17... Hey, there's something moving!" Luo Qi pointed to Mars, "The news of Jizhou, the North Pole belongs to us, and the Antarctic belongs to the International Fleet!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the North Pole, where there was a transport ship, and several landing craft that had left the ship had plunged into the atmosphere.

"This is the beginning?" Ye Han was very surprised. He has just arrived on Mars, can't wait to start action?

His gaze turned to the South Pole again, where there were several transport ships from the international fleet, and a large wave of landing craft was landing.

He Ludao: "Captain, I think you should take a look at this!" He pointed to the side of Mars, where there was a small satellite that Ye Han was very familiar with, Phobos, which had been bombed once.

At this time, two transport ships were parked near Phobos, and there were also several landing craft activities on the surface of Phobos. I didn't know what they were doing.

Ye Han turned to look for Deimos again, and soon saw that there were also transport ships stopping near Deimos.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Antarctic and North Pole, Phobos and Deimos... This is really bloody!"

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