Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1332: Mars exploration

There was no situation in the asteroid belt for the time being, Ye Han immediately retracted his divergent thoughts and put all his attention back to Mars.

As he saw, the joint command attached great importance to Mars. The joint fleet had just arrived, and the transport ships had already performed their duties. A series of landing surveys were carried out on Mars. The landing craft landed in batches, and the north and south poles of Mars were everywhere. It is a wriggling crawler drill rig, and numerous samples of soil and rock formations are sent back to the battleship for the most meticulous analysis by professionals.

Landing on Mars is easy, but long-term stationing is not so simple. Not only must the soil and rock formations be determined, but more importantly, the direction of the underground ice veins must be determined!

The water on Mars is concentrated in the north and south poles, so the fleet will give priority to examining the geological conditions of the poles. Once the direction of the underground ice veins is determined, a reasonable landing point can be determined according to the conditions of the ice veins. The next step is to establish a permanent Mars base.

As for whether the two sides build it alone, or whether the two sides work together, it is not something Ye Han can worry about.

The exploration on Mars has not yet yielded results, and the project of Phobos has already begun.

Ye Han found that there were more than a dozen transport ships focused on Phobos, and dozens of landing craft were constantly going back and forth between the satellite and the spacecraft, transporting a large amount of materials to Phobos.

A batch of engineering equipment has been sent to Phobos, and they are moving around on the surface of Phobos, even in the craters left behind.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but sighed at the wonder of the world. Back then, he could never have imagined that such a day would come to him in the future.

Phobos was originally small. After being bombed by the expeditionary force once, the size was further reduced. The fleet quickly completed the measurement of Phobos and determined a suitable building site.

So another batch of construction machinery was sent to Phobos. They attached to the surface of Phobos, cut rocks, and dug underground space. They planned to build a small space base on Phobos first.

Ye Han briefly understood that this space base is not as simple as it seems. Its construction is divided into several steps. The goal of the first stage is to excavate a small amount of underground space to house the reactor and corresponding maintenance personnel, and then lay out the laser array. Turn Phobos into a mobile turret protecting Mars.

This is a long-established plan. The transport ship has enough supplies on board, and the entire project is expected to be completed in about a week.

After the first phase is over, construction on Phobos will be suspended indefinitely until humans gain a firm foothold on Mars and use resources on Mars for subsequent construction.

The goal of the second stage is to continue to dig underground space and install various support equipment. The ultimate goal is to hollow out Phobos and turn it into a space base for the combined fleet, which can hold a whole fleet of war fortresses inside.

At the end of the plan, there is also an imaginary picture of Phobos after completion. The completed Phobos is full of technology and violence. It really looks like a war fortress. Call it the "Unsinkable Battleship of Mars".

Ye Han almost got embarrassing cancer, the fortress is the fortress, I have to add an unsinkable one, and I don't think Phobos is only a little big, just throw a few nuclear bombs and it will blow up the scum, and it will never sink. , isn't this bullshit?

On the whole, Phobos' development plan is very good, but Mars is not the moon, and it is not so easy to stand here. When the Mars base is built, the minerals on Mars are developed, and sufficient industrial capacity must be formed. .

Mars is now poor and white. I don't know what year I have to wait for this day. In case of aliens calling, hehe, it is hard to say whether the first phase of the project can be saved, the second phase? Just wash and sleep.

Deimos also has a transformation plan. Out of curiosity, Ye Han also found out the plan and looked at it. As a result, he almost vomited blood when he opened the first page. Isn't this the plan just now? Aside from turning Phobos into Deimos, even the punctuation marks are exactly the same!

However, when I turned to the back, I finally found something different. The construction period and imagination of Deimos are different from the previous one. Although the ultimate goal is to turn the satellite into a fortress, the volume of Deimos is smaller than that of Phobos. Much more, the construction difficulty has been reduced by several grades at once. According to the plan, when conditions are met in the future, the construction of Deimos will be given priority.

Ye Han couldn't help laughing, this plan is really long-term, but in his opinion, the so-called fortress is a joke at all. If the combined fleet can't stop the aliens, these two fortresses can't stop the aliens no matter how strong they are. outside the orbit of Mars.

On the other hand, if the combined fleet blocks the aliens, the two fortresses will at most guard Mars, and have no effect on the earth. There is no difference at all.

Ye Han didn't know yet that on the first day the fleet arrived on Mars, all actions were kept to a minimum.

However, the project of Phobos was not as smooth as Phobos, because the expeditionary force planted a large number of nuclear bombs on these two satellites, and the ones on Phobos were detonated, but the ones on Phobos have been buried there. The project The personnel had to dig out all the nuclear bombs before they could work on the little guy with peace of mind.

From the second day, that is, July 18, the fleet launched a large-scale exploration operation. Within one day, more than 400 sets of various construction machinery were invested, and more than 2,000 engineers were involved, half of which were land combatants. players.

Soldiers can't do real technical work, but manual work such as moving and moving is called a refers to the headquarters!

On the 20th the preliminary survey of the North Pole was completed; on the 21st, the South Pole survey was completed, and a position was determined for the north and south poles.

When the coordinates were sent to the ground, the engineers immediately took action and drilled several inclined wells with a depth of tens of meters in the designated positions, and then filled the wells with explosives, and everyone evacuated the scene.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and countless earth and rocks flew into the sky. After everything was over, a giant inclined well with a depth of nearly 100 meters was added to the originally good ground.

A large number of engineers and engineering equipment rushed into the inclined well to clear the gravel in the well as quickly as possible. As for the uneven well wall, you don't need to worry about it at all.

Large and small gravel is only cleaned to the edge of the well, and there is no intention to send it far away.

When the shafts were almost cleared, more than a dozen transport ships flew to the North Pole of Mars in neat formations, suspended over the North Pole, and airdropped supplies to predetermined coordinates.

The container-like airdrop pods are all manufactured to military standards, and each container has a set of guidance equipment that allows them to fall precisely to their intended location like guided bombs. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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