Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1333: from Europe

The landing troops who had arrived at the designated location long ago collected supplies at the fastest speed, often just after the first airdrop pod was sent away, and another airdrop pod slowly landed.

The soldiers sent the container to the designated location, and the engineers took out the special building materials brought from the earth from the container, disassembled the container, and turned it into a steel bar thicker than a finger.

Of course, this thing just looks like steel, but it's actually a special low-temperature alloy.

After all the containers were emptied, a large number of building materials had been accumulated around the inclined shaft, and various construction vehicles had been parked.

At 0:00 on July 26, 2032, the Jizhou ship gave an order, and the backfilling of the inclined shaft officially started. The engineers first inserted the steel bars into the bottom of the well, then mixed the special cement and ore and stirred them evenly. .

In this way, the inclined shaft with a depth of nearly 100 meters was filled in just two hours, and it did not stop after it exceeded the ground, and was still poured one truck after another.

At the same time, the engineers surrounded the wellhead with the molds prepared earlier, and then filled the gaps between the molds. A platform with a height of two meters and a side length of ten meters was initially completed.

Next, the engineers built a camp near the platform. They found a fairly flat open space, dragged the remaining containers and placed them together, and then connected the containers to become a standard Mars camp.

After a full day, the concrete strength reached the standard, and after another full day, the concrete strength finally reached the highest level.

The most critical step has come. The big guy who arrived on Mars with the fleet began to move towards the north pole of Mars, and after arriving, it was suspended over the north pole.

Since the fleet arrived on Mars, this space station has been moving around Mars, and not along the equator, but from the South Pole to the North Pole, flying round and round, so its movement did not attract anyone's attention,

The big head of the space station rushed up to the small head and down, silently facing the north pole, and then the head popped out silently, dragging its long tail and slowly falling towards Mars.

Someone finally noticed the space station, and the news spread quickly. It didn't take long for Leishan to also receive the news. Ye Han rushed to the bridge to take a look, and his chin almost dislocated: "Isn't this an orbital elevator?"

The head that pops out is the ground end, the middle section is the low dock, and the wide **** is the synchronous orbital space station.

Others rushed to the bridge one after another, and their eyes widened when they saw this scene.

He Lu exclaimed in surprise: "Which is this, which is this?"

There are three known orbital elevators, two on Earth and one on Io.

These three elevators are in the hands of Beidu and Washington, respectively. They are important air-ground transportation hubs, and no one can let them go.

Moreover, the three orbital elevators are all obvious landmark buildings. Everyone is very familiar with the appearance of the orbital elevators. None of them look like this, and it is even more impossible to combine the space station, the low-orbit terminal and the ground end into one. A big ship!

Ye Han frowned and said, "Is there any news on the flagship?"

Luo Qi shook his head: "No."

He Lu said angrily: "What the **** is going on? Why don't we know anything about it?"

Ye Han also has the same doubt, but as the captain of a ship, he cannot vent his emotions recklessly, but must appease other people's dissatisfaction: "There must be a reason for not saying it above, and then, even if it is said, you still Can you help? Our mission is to protect the transport ship, not to follow the engineers to build a Mars base!"

After hearing what Ye Han said, everyone stopped talking, but only they knew what they were thinking.

After a while, He Lu said softly, "Can a rail elevator be installed in the polar regions?"

Luo Qi instinctively looked at Ye Han, Ye Han smiled slightly, winked at Luo Qi and motioned him to keep quiet.

Luo Qi pursed his lips and said nothing in the end.

At this time, the ground side had already flown more than 100 kilometers away from the main body, and the space station finally launched the low-orbit terminal, and the ground side and the low-orbit terminal flew straight to the north pole of Mars.

Everyone was surprised to find that the ground end and the low-orbit terminal were equipped with propulsion devices, and the flight speed was getting faster and faster.

More than two hours later, halfway through the voyage on the ground side, the propellers turned and changed from propulsion to braking.

After another two hours, when the ground end was close to the Martian atmosphere, its speed had dropped, and it slowly descended at a very low speed. It was not until half an hour later that the ground end fell to the ground.

The engineers who waited for several hours rushed forward, grabbed the ground end with various tools, and pushed it into the base reserved in the center of the platform.

Most of the ground end is tucked under the platform, and then the device is locked to lock the ground end firmly... If the engineer looks up, he can see that the cable above is swaying gently with the wind, which is called a slack.

At this time, the space station suspended more than 20,000 kilometers away moved, taking the ground end as the center, and heading towards the equator of Mars.

The ground end fixed on the platform also slowly fell down with the inclination of the cable. It is foreseeable that when the cable is completely flat, the ground end is not on the vertical platform, but lies on the platform.

He Lu reacted the fastest, slapped his forehead and shouted, "Understood, I understand!"

There were also a few quick-responding bridge officers who also figured out how to install the orbital elevator in the polar regions. There was a lot of discussion, and they all admired the person who came up with this method.

Luo Qi looked at Ye Han again, Ye Han smiled slightly, and shook his head slightly at Luo Qi.

He did come up with the solution, but he was too young and frivolous, and he would never announce that he was the person everyone was talking about at this time.

Luo Qi suddenly said: "Just such an orbital elevator, put it in the North Would the Yankees like it?"

He Ludao: "I definitely don't want to. It should be some agreement with the Yankees... Captain, what do you think?"

"It should be, or it may be to jointly develop the Arctic first, and then develop the Antarctic when the time is ripe."

"This is interesting." Luo Qi sneered, "After the base is built, who will it be?"

"Let's see what the agreement says!" He Lu said, "If the Yankees are not convinced, let them build their own orbital elevator and install it in Antarctica."

"Damn it, if they have this ability, can they buy a rail elevator from us?" Luo Qi looked disdainful.

"That's not true, maybe the Yankees have already finished buying them, and they're just waiting to be delivered!" Ye Han stroked his chin and followed suit.

"That feeling is good!" He Lu smiled happily, "It was originally a one-shot deal, but it just became a business."

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Ye Han's mind: "Is this the rail elevator in Europe?"

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