Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1419: Alarm bells and hole cards

After receiving the news, Halsey decided to revise the action plan immediately. Instead of blindly pursuing depth, he asked each ship to lower the inclination angle of the ice cave. When the ice cave touched the bottom of the sea, the giant ants were sent down to dig the hole.

Dozens of kilometers of ice caves can't avoid the filaments in the soil?

Upon receiving the order, each ship immediately moved its position, picked a position close to the shore, and re-opened the ice hole.

In order to determine the depth of the ice cave, each ship must stop for a few minutes at regular intervals, and the depth of the ice cave is determined by the drone.

Half an hour later, the first bottomed ice cave appeared. The cave was 32 kilometers long and had a vertical depth of 21 kilometers.

Halsey immediately sent the giant ants in, and it was more than an hour after the giant ants reached the bottom of the cave.

Seeing the giant ants start digging the seabed, the veteran general who has fought for many years actually felt a little nervous, and he was full of expectations.

Halsey is not only full of expectations. All the officers and soldiers of the International Fleet near Ganymede are paying attention to the excavation of giant ants. Soon after, Huo Qiang, who got the news, and the Chinese officers and soldiers are also concerned about the development of Ganymede.

It can be seen from the pictures sent back by the drone that the digging speed of the giant ants is very ideal, and the progress is faster than expected. After a while, they dug a diameter of more than two meters and a depth of more than ten meters on the seabed. burrow.

This depth was exactly where the velvet appeared, and Halsey stared at the screen, unable to blink.

But at this time, the time limit for the giant ants to be outside has expired, and the digging action is getting weaker and weaker. Halsey is worried, and can't wait to get into the screen and dig holes in place of the giant ants.

"Drop another transport ship, right here!" Halsey said fiercely, pointing to the ice cave.

A transport ship jumped out of the formation and landed steadily on the ice cave, and the ant colony more than 100 kilometers away immediately migrated towards the ice sea.

Wait patiently until the ant colony arrives, and the excavation work is finally on track, fifteen meters, twenty meters, thirty meters!

Until this time, there was no abnormality, the dawn appeared, Halsey's heart hanging in the air finally landed, and his eyes released an exciting light: "Speed ​​up the progress, all the ants will act for me!

The ships moved quickly, and the haze that had been shrouded in the international fleet disappeared in an instant. The sun was shining in everyone's heart, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy.

Soon after, good news came from several other ice caves.

However, at this time, Halsey suddenly ordered the fleet to evacuate Ganymede and move towards Europa!

Although the giant ants avoided Velvet, the excavation could not be completed in a day or two, and there was no need to leave so many warships here, so Halsey decided to lead the main force of the fleet to Europa, leaving only a few warships to manage the ant colony .

For the sake of safety, these battleships could not approach Ganymede yet, and had to withdraw out of the range of the fine light.

In this way, the international fleet is divided again.

Thirty-two hours later, the giant ants dug through the hole left by the aliens, and the ant colony poured into it frantically.

The remaining warships immediately sent more giant ants, and all the ant colonies that could move to the sea of ​​ice moved there, sending as many giant ants as possible into the burrows.

Just a few minutes after digging through the hole, the giant ants encountered a group of giant worms that could not be named. These alien giant worms looked ferocious and huge, and they were full of oppression.

The giant ants didn't know how to be afraid at all, so they brazenly launched an attack on the swarm. As a result, the seemingly powerful giant insects turned out to be a group of cowards. They were panicked by the giant ants and ran away in one breath.

How could the giant ants let go of the fat in their mouths? The ant colony chased after them, and the two sides staged a life-and-death crazy chase in the burrow.

After a while, a few giant ants caught an alien giant insect. The giant ant planned to eat a good meal, but did not expect the giant insect's carapace to be too strong, and the supersonic giant jaws actually popped out. A string of sparks can't bite through at all.

At this time, the counterattack of the aliens also came. Another group of giant insects that came out of nowhere rushed to the ant colony. The two sides came and I tore and bit together. .

In less than two hours, the ant colonies thrown into the battlefield were exhausted, but the ant colonies in other directions were too far away to catch up.

When the drone that followed the ant colony was destroyed by the giant worm, the battleship lost its underground image, and the drone that was dispatched again only found the blocked passage and could never enter the tunnel again.

Although the ant colony was destroyed, they proved that there were still aliens entrenched in Ganymede, which was a not-so-perfect ending to the operation.

This discovery also sounded the alarm for the Jizhou fleet. Callisto seemed to be destroyed by bombing, but only aliens knew about the actual situation.

Expedition to Jupiter at such a high cost, and ended up being an anticlimactic, how can I explain it at that time?

But then again, even a nuclear bomb with a yield of more than 200 million tons has been used. Will it be used again in the future with a nuclear bomb of 300 million tons, 400 million tons or even one billion tons?

Huo Qiang didn't want to leave a tail for the future, but he couldn't think of a way to break the game.

This is not the only thing that makes him aggrieved. He is not too young. This time he followed the fleet expedition to Jupiter is an exception. When he returns to Beiyuezhou, it is estimated that he will never have a similar opportunity in this life, and it is even more impossible to come to the front line to command. fight.

As a general but unable to fight on the battlefield, this is simply a knife to Huo Qiang's heart.

If this expedition destroys the satellites occupied by aliens, even if only one is destroyed, it will be a consolation. On the other hand, if not one is destroyed, it will not take long for aliens to appear on these satellites~www. How should he explain to him? How to explain to the people?

With such a mood, the Jizhou fleet flew close to Europa.

The aliens from Io and Ganymede had already flown to Europa, and the fleet landed immediately after arriving and got into several huge holes in the ice.

After all the alien spaceships got in, a large amount of sea water poured out from the ice holes, and the water surface condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long for it to freeze into a new ice sheet.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned and couldn't think of what the aliens were doing under the ice.

After dealing with aliens for so long, human beings are very familiar with the situation of Jupiter. Ganymede has always been the most important stronghold of aliens. Even if the fourth expedition almost destroyed Ganymede, it did not matter. change that.

Behind Ganymede is Callisto, Europa has always been unremarkable, and Io is simply a foil for soy sauce.

But reality has slapped humans hard, Europa is not unimportant, but too important, it is the last trump card of aliens on Jupiter!

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