Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1420: by the way

The virtual conference room was packed once again. After everyone had arrived, Huo Qiang said solemnly, "The meeting is now. First of all, the chief of staff Wu Han will introduce the situation, Wu Han?"

"Arrived!" Wu Han immediately stood up, tapped his fingers in the air a few times, and a large holographic image of Europa appeared above the conference table, spinning slowly and silently.

Wu Han pointed to the hologram and said, "A few days ago, aliens evacuated from Io and Ganymede arrived at Europa. Everyone knows about this, so I won't repeat it. The current situation is The enemy was hiding under the ice, and it was very difficult to locate the enemy with the means we had."

Huo Qiang said, "Where are the specific difficulties?"

"The thickness of the ice layer." Wu Han said, "According to the estimates of the astronomical world, the ice layer of Europa is more than 100 kilometers thick. Except for the shallow layer near the ground, the enemy can go anywhere."

Zhuang Bo said: "Either hiding under the ground or hiding under the ice, do aliens belong to mice?"

Huo Qiang twitched the corners of his mouth: "They're not rats, and we're not cats, but no matter where the enemy is hiding, we must find them!"

Zhuang Bo looked tangled: "It's too difficult, this is more than 100 kilometers of ice, even if you use a super nuclear bomb, you have to use 180 or 80? Why don't you dig holes in the ice and put the nuclear bombs down like the International Fleet? Throw it in?"

"One hundred and eighty may not be enough, we don't have many nuclear bombs." Huo Qiang said with a headache.

Zhuang Bo spread his hands: "What should we do then? We don't have much time."

Huo Qiang nodded: "How far is the enemy's reinforcements?"

Wu Han said: "Conservatively, it's about an eight-day voyage."

Huo Qiang said: "In any case, the fleet must not be targeted by the enemy's reinforcements. I will also be conservative. The fleet will evacuate at least two days in advance, leaving us only six days."

Zhuang Bo said: "Commander, six days is too tight. Not to mention that I don't have a clue now, but I have eyes and eyes, and this time is not enough!"

What aliens are best at is drilling holes. No matter satellites or planets, as long as they are occupied by aliens, they will inevitably end up riddled with holes, and tunnel warfare is one of the most difficult defensive tactics to deal with.

If you don't believe it, just look at Callisto and Ganymede and you'll know. You fight again and again, but you can't destroy the aliens. Take Europa in six days? Just kidding!

"That's right, six days is too tight..." Several fast-talking captains agreed, and those who didn't speak also agreed in their hearts.

Huo Qiang sighed: "I don't know if six days are too tight? But the enemy only gives us so much time. From now on, I don't want to hear nonsense like it's tight. Give me a good think about how to use the limited time. time to achieve our goals.”

Everyone stopped talking, not because they didn't want to say it, but because they couldn't think of a way to say anything.

The silence lasted for more than ten seconds, and finally Zhuang Bo broke the silence: "Commander, the solution can't be figured out in a while, let's think about it in reverse."

Huo Qiang suddenly became interested: "Why is it the other way around?"

Zhuang Bo said: "Since you can't think of a way, then analyze the purpose of the aliens."


"That's what I think. Right now, the strategic initiative is still in our hands. The enemy knows that they can't resist our blow, so they took the initiative to retreat to Europa... They did this, 80% of the time, they wanted to delay time and delay the reinforcements. When we arrive, we can turn the situation around, and when the initiative changes hands, not only will we not be able to win Europa, but it is hard to say whether we will have a chance for a sixth expedition."

Huo Qiang could not hide the disappointment in his eyes: "Say something useful!"

Zhuang Bo immediately said: "If you want to break the game, you must first know the situation under the ice. The difficulty of this matter is how to detect it. No matter the robot or other means, you can't find the situation deep in the ice!"

Huo Qiang nodded: "Finally, the point is reached, and the question has returned. How can we know the situation under the ice?"

"Drill holes, use lasers," a captain blurted out.

The international fleet is gold and jade in front, and it is no brainer to come up with this method.

Huo Qiang nodded lightly: "Is there any more?"

Although he didn't say anything, everyone could see that the commander was not optimistic about this method.

Thinking about it, it is not difficult to dig a hole in the ice, but the laser cannon is so big and the laser beam is so thick, the cross-section of the ice hole is only a few square meters. place?

Unless the ice cave hits the enemy's hideout, it's impossible to find out what's going on under the ice no matter what.

A hesitant voice said, "Can we use blasting to measure shock waves?"

Huo Qiang continued to nod: "It's also a way... Is there anything else?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but no one makes a sound.

Huo Qiang was completely disappointed. So many people could only come up with two suggestions, but they were not very practical solutions. Could it be that they were destined to fail Europa this time?

"Also, send someone down." Zhuang Bo said with a tangled face, "The battle has reached the most critical time, and the determination to make must be firm!"

He didn't say the rest, but everyone understood what he meant.

Can you send someone down? Of course.

But no one knows what's going on under the ice. Tunnel warfare is a more dangerous combat environment than street fighting. If the people sent to find the aliens, the two sides will clash under the ice, and the sacrifice is definitely not ordinary. If the aliens make dumplings, maybe even a message will not be delivered.

But can war kill people? Of course not!

Once you are successful, your bones will There is no fuel-efficient lamp to become a general. Don't look at the soldiers who care about the soldiers when there is something wrong. But when it comes to the battlefield, life and death are just casualties on the documents. Character.

Expeditionary operations are not only as simple as fighting aliens, the success or failure of the mission will also affect the strategic decision-making of both the enemy and the enemy.

What does one hundred and eighty human lives count for in order to win?

Wu Han said: "It's not difficult to send people to land. The difficult thing is how to find out the situation under the ice. I'm not against it, but the problems that can be solved by landing people can be solved by sending a few more drones."

Zhuang Bo said: "Then send a few more drones. Let's try it first!"

"Then try it first!" Huo Qiang said solemnly, "Wu Han, arrange for the headquarters to coordinate after the meeting, and report whether you have any gains."

"Yes!" Wu Han agreed, "Commander, do we need to communicate with the International Fleet for our plan? It was originally the mission of the two..."

"Then let us know, and by the way, ask them if there is any good way."

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