Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1437: There is no way


The team leader made a quick wit, doesn't that mean that these things have been on the water?

Thinking that these things are always hidden in the dark and surround the team, the team leader's heart is cold from his chest to the ****: "Quick, quick, light stick!"

He grabbed the light stick and threw it into the water as soon as he broke it. The scattered light stick fell into the water and immediately illuminated the nearby water surface.

A sharp-eyed warrior immediately pointed underwater: "There, there!"

Everyone's eyes focused on it immediately, and those who were fast could see a shadow that flashed quickly, while those who were a step slower simply didn't see anything.

"Where?" A team member straightened his neck, but saw nothing.

Another soldier exclaimed: "Here, here too!"

"And here!"

After several exclamations, everyone's eyes moved around, and they finally saw what was underwater.

It was a thing with a flat body and slender limbs. They jump around underwater, like a nest of frightened small fish... but these things are definitely not small in size. Visually, they must be at least three meters long and seventy to eighty centimeters wide. , This does not include the slender worm legs. If they are all added together, they must be seven or eight meters long when they are stretched.

After the initial panic was over, the underwater flatworms quickly calmed down. Instead of flying around like headless flies, they quickly dived in unison, and soon left the soldiers' field of vision.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they didn't attack, otherwise the thing was hidden underwater, and the soldiers would shoot at them, and the bullets would be blocked by the water.

The whole team leader fell into a brief silence, but the team leader quickly recalled and called Ye Han to tell what just happened.

When Ye Han heard this, the whole person was not feeling well. Co-authoring with him, he led a group of fighters to jump up and down and tried everything but failed. The target he was looking for was actually always by his side?

It would be fine if what happened to the water reconnaissance team was just a case, in case all the reconnaissance teams were in this situation... With so many people scattered all over the sub-ice space, if something really happened, Ye Han was too late to save it!

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately shouted on the radio: "All attention, everyone returns to the ice cave, repeat, everyone immediately returns to the ice cave!"

Not only did his voice travel through the sub-ice space with the radio waves, but it also reached the fleet through a repeater.

Huo Qiang knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it, and immediately asked, "Ye Han, what's the situation?"

"Report, the water reconnaissance team found something underwater, and the number is still quite large. I plan to evacuate people to a safe place and wait until the sonar is built."

Huo Qiang thought for a while: "Yes, pay attention to safety!"

His purpose is to find the little pigtails of the aliens, grab them and pull them out fiercely, not to let the soldiers get into the ice cap and die, so when it's time to withdraw, he doesn't hesitate at all... Ye Han's orders are all It was issued, but there was no fight again, and Huo Qiang had no need to revoke the withdrawn order.

When each group received the order, they also knew the cause and effect of the incident. When they thought about the enemy, they hid in the darkness around them. All the soldiers were trembling, and immediately retreated to the ice cave where they came from, and they all followed Ye Han's method. Climb into the hole and dig a side hole for shelter, leaving no one in the space under the ice.

Ye Han was very worried about the alien's reaction, but after waiting for a while, he found nothing unusual, and his mind immediately opened up.

Aliens got under the ice to avoid being chased by humans, that is to say, they don’t want to meet humans at all, even if there are only a few lonely marines under the ice, the aliens don’t want to come forward, so as not to be caught by humans Hold fast and find out the alien army.

If this is the case, the underwater giant insect is probably to monitor the movement of the reconnaissance troop, rather than the aliens planning to attack.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, but guessing could only be guessing.

This wait was nearly two hours, and Ye Han finally waited for the sonar.

To be on the safe side, he threw a few glow sticks down first. The glow sticks submerged in the water illuminated the water, and no abnormalities were found nearby.

Ye Han was a little relieved, and then ordered a group of leaders to lead people down, one soldier launched an ultrasound, and the others stood guard.

After a while, Ye Han received a report from a group of leaders that there was nothing abnormal underwater, and no activity targets were found.

This time Ye Han was relieved a little more, and then he ordered the others to put the sonar down, the main engine was placed on the rubber boat, and the probe was submerged underwater.

After getting ready, everyone left the rubber boat and turned on the sonar through the armored remote control. Soon after, the dull slap sound exploded on the probe and spread far away in an instant.

The swarms of flatworms hiding in the water exploded on the spot, and thousands of flatworms sprang out of their hiding places and jumped in all directions.

All of this could not be concealed from the sonar's detection, and it was all displayed in front of Ye Han's eyes.

And flatworms are nothing at Ye Han saw several unusual echoes on the bottom of the water on the echo of the sonar.

He is not a professional voice soldier, so he can't tell if these echoes are alien warships, but the picture on the screen tells him that these echoes are clear and stable, and their appearance is very regular, which is similar to that of alien warships. Seventy percent similar!

Ye Han immediately reported the good news to the flagship: "Commander, three suspected targets were found underwater!"

"Great, determine the target situation as soon as possible!"

Ye Han said: "It is impossible to determine for the time being, the target position is too deep."

Huo Qiang had a vague feeling: "Where is the target?"

Ye Han said: "Forty-one kilometers underwater, it's basically over."

Huo Qiang immediately looked at Zhuang Bo: "How much is 41 kilometers equivalent to the earth?"

Zhuang Bo calculated in his heart: "Instead of the's almost 6.4 kilometers."

"6400 meters?" Huo Qiang's heart froze when he heard it.

The fleet has no deep diving equipment at all, not to mention 6400 meters, even 640 meters can not dive, this is so special, what is the difference between finding the target and not finding it?

Huo Qiang hesitated for a moment and asked, "Ye Han, is there any movement in the target?"

"No movement, always in place." Ye Han said.

"Only one goal?"

"There are only three clear ones." Ye Han said, "There are a few more suspected ones."

"What can I do?" Huo Qiang rubbed his eyebrows angrily, "Zhuang Bo, Wu Han, is there anything you can do?"

"Nuclear bomb." Zhuang Bo said, "This is the starting point, don't think about the rest."

Wu Han said: "The question is how to send the nuclear bomb underwater for more than 40 kilometers. With such a high pressure, the water will be crushed before the nuclear bomb sinks to the position."

Zhuang Bo said indifferently: "It's not that there is no way, it's just a little more troublesome!"

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