Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1438: Feasible solution

Zhuang Bo's words are like a super magnet, attracting everyone's attention.

Huo Qiang frowned slightly: "What do you think?"

Zhuang Bo said: "It's very simple, make a pressure shell, put the nuclear bomb inside and set the depth, and just throw it directly into the water like a mine."

Huo Qiang suddenly realized and said angrily, "Why didn't I think of it!"

Zhuang Bo smiled and said: "I've been thinking about this for a few days, thinking about it, I can't do without a nuclear bomb, but Europa is a special situation, it's under the ice and underwater, and I don't know how deep the water is. If you don't know where the enemy is, it's useless just to have an idea."

"Understood." Wu Han said, "What does the deputy commander mean, is it useful to know the depth of the sea and where the enemy is?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Zhuang Bo nodded, "I always thought that the water under the ice was hundreds of kilometers deep. In that case, it would be useless to throw a super nuclear bomb into it."

Huo Qiang asked suspiciously, "Is this depth okay now?"

"No problem." Zhuang Bo said, "The liquid is difficult to compress, and the power of the super nuclear bomb is so great. The power of the nuclear bomb underwater is much stronger than that on the water surface. According to my calculations, the nuclear bomb does not need to be close to the enemy ship at all. Take the detachment as an example, the water depth is 40 kilometers, and the space is under the ice. It is conservatively estimated that if 50 million tons sank to about 20 kilometers, it is sure to destroy the enemy ship, and 100 million tons can be used in deeper places.”

Huo Qiang was amazed: "Can't you use 200 million tons?"

"I don't need it." Zhuang Bo said, "One hundred million tons is enough."

Huo Qiang asked again, "What is the power range of 200 million tons?"

Zhuang Bo said: "I can't say exactly how much. Europa's gravity is low, and the power of a nuclear explosion is much greater than that on Earth. I think the power radius should be no less than 70 kilometers, and there is even a surplus!"

Huo Qiang suddenly widened his eyes: "Are you sure? You are talking about the power radius!"

Zhuang Bo hesitated for a while, but didn't dare to say it all: "It should be the same, the radius of power of Big Ivan is in the early 30s, the gravitational force of Europa is low, and the equivalent is twice as high, and 70 kilometers is still less. Say."

The deepest part of the ocean under the ice is only 100 kilometers, and the power radius of 70 kilometers is more than 40 kilometers, which is enough.

And he has another reason not to say that Europa is not an open ocean, but an ocean under ice. The difference between the two is like an open kettle and a covered kettle, and a nuclear bomb is like firing a cannonball in the belly of the kettle. , The one with the cover, the power must be held back a little, the actual power will only be greater than the theoretical.

"Understood." Huo Qiang said, "You mean, first find the enemy's position, and then put a nuclear bomb in the right place, right?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Bo nodded.

"That's easy to do. Use 50 million in shallow water, and 100 million or 200 million in deep water. No matter where the enemy hides, they can't escape the power radius of the nuclear bomb."

Zhuang Bo added: "Actually, there is a simpler way. Put a nuclear bomb every 100 kilometers, and the detonation depth of all the nuclear bombs is set at 150 kilometers. It definitely didn't run anywhere."

Huo Qiang laughed: "One hundred kilometers? Do you think the nuclear bomb is Chinese cabbage? Can you grow it in the field?"

Europa is 3,138 kilometers in diameter. According to Zhuang Bo's plan, if the nuclear bomb is detonated 150 kilometers under the ice, the detonation radius is 2,988 kilometers.

A simple calculation can give the answer. A ball with a radius of 2988 kilometers has a surface area of ​​about 28 million square kilometers. Even if a nuclear bomb is placed in 100 square kilometers, it will take 28,900 to put Europa on the second. Thoroughly plow again.

Even if it is changed to 200 kilometers to put one, it will take more than 700 to be enough.

Zhuang Bo also realized this, and hurriedly spoke to remedy: "So, we must first determine the location of the aliens, and then take action after we have a clear goal."

Huo Qiang said: "Actually, I prefer full blasting... Chief of staff, how many nuclear bombs do we have?"

Fixed-point blasting may slip through the net, and full blasting can leave no dead ends, no matter where the aliens hide.

"There are still a lot of normal nuclear bombs, but there are not many super nuclear bombs." After Wu Han finished speaking, he thought about it and suggested, "Do you want to contact the international fleet to get more nuclear bombs?"

Huo Qiang said: "Contact, as much as you can get together."

If there is no previous consumption, the two fleets may be able to gather enough nuclear bombs, but the Jizhou fleet bombed Ganymede, the international fleet leveled Ganymede, and the consumption of air battles is also quite large. There really isn't much stock left now.

Wu Han immediately complied, and received a reply from the International Fleet after a while: "Commander, the International Fleet agrees to participate in the operation. The nuclear bombs on both sides are only about 300 nuclear bombs together, and it is only half of one in 200 kilometers!"

"So much difference?" Huo Qiang raised his brows He didn't want to give up the idea of ​​full blasting, but this place was far from the mainland, and the nearest friendly army was the Nanzhou fleet in the asteroid belt. There is no place to make up for the nuclear bomb, and there is no time.

Put a little more distance between the nukes?

Yes, yes, but in that case, too many power vacuums will be left between the nuclear bombs, and how many enemies will have to escape this disaster in the end?

Huo Qiang had a huge headache, but he immediately remembered a movie he saw when he was a child. He had long forgotten what the movie was called. He only remembered that one of the plots was to detonate several nuclear bombs in sequence at the center of the earth, so that the power of the nuclear explosions was superimposed. Eventually, the earth will return to its rotation.

He immediately brought up the idea, and several people couldn't help looking at each other after hearing this. Wu Han saw that Zhuang Bo didn't mean to speak, so he said: "Commander, this doesn't seem to work, right? Why don't you ask the above and let the experts do the math? ?"

Zhuang Bo said: "Theoretically, the water flow should be superimposed, but the nuclear bomb itself is in the water. It is hard to say whether it can be superimposed."

Huo Qiang had an even more headache: "Hey, this is not going to work, that is not going to work. If you delay for a few days, you will be out of time!"

Zhuang Bo said: "I have an idea. It can save some nuclear bombs, but it will not cure the symptoms."

"Tell me about it." Huo Qiang said, "It's all about this time, and a dead horse has to be a live horse doctor. Tell me what you can do, and everyone can work together as a staff officer. Maybe you can come up with a solution."

Zhuang Bodao: "My thinking is like this, Europa is affected by Jupiter's gravity, and a lot of pressure is concentrated on the front side. The possibility of aliens hiding in the front side is not high, so the front side can be placed less or not at all. The nuclear bombs that come down are concentrated on the back and the side... Of course, this method can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and the effect will definitely not be comparable to full blasting."

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