Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1458: see death

The Antarctic environment is extreme, and extreme has extreme benefits, but Antarctica is not the only option.

While the world is looking at the North and South poles, some people are looking at the five major countries, especially China and the United States.

Either they have wealth, or they have knowledge, or they have excellent relations with the two countries, and they dismiss Antarctica because they have better options.

This group of people acted quickly, or contacted Beidu or Washington, but they really couldn't get through the way of these two countries, and they could also retreat and contact other al-Qaeda countries.

As long as these countries provide asylum, no matter what the conditions are, they can all agree.

The only countries with a large number of underground bases are China and the United States, but in theory, all the member states of the base group are the owners of the international base on the moon. There is a conclusion within the base group, and the proportion of personnel sent by each country to the international base is clear. This is the capital of Washington. Don't dare to mess around, so as not to cause a collective backlash from other member states.

In other words, as long as you have the ability to obtain the asylum of any of the member states of the base group, there is a chance to move to the moon!

Although the first brother claims that the moon is no safer than the earth, in fact, everyone knows that the moon today is almost a super fortress, and it is much more dangerous than the earth. The earth is not without protection, but is too large. The army is too small, and after the limited defense force is dispersed, the defense strength is far less than that of the moon.

It has to be said that these related guys have good intentions, but now that each country is unable to protect itself, how can there be any extra strength to lend a helping hand? Unless it is a particularly awesome technology giant, it is difficult to get official help from various countries.

The end result is that very few people get their wish, and the vast majority of people are turned away by various countries.

If you don’t refuse, the people of your own country can’t take care of them. How can they manage these foreign households?

Well, the conditions on the Chinese side and the US side are relatively looser, and more people are accepted, but everyone who is officially accepted has a good reason.

For example, top experts in biological sciences; another example is senior scholars in alloys.

There are only a very few experts and scholars with a skill, and even fewer are sheltered by various countries, but this very few people have given all the helpless ordinary people a glimmer of hope.

As a result, there has been a wave of migration on an unprecedented scale in human history. Countless refugees have crossed the border and poured into the territory of China, the United States and all al Qaeda member states.

In the early days of the war, there were still troops stationed on the borders of various countries, but as the war progressed, the populations of various countries dropped sharply, and the army was greatly reduced. Anyone can easily cross the border.

However, the road of migration is not so easy to go. Although the military of various countries spared no effort to fight against giant insects, the insect swarm is as strong as weeds.

Today’s earth can be described in this way. Cities and the agricultural reclamation areas around cities belong to humans, but the wild belongs to giant insects. Once humans encounter giant insects, they are basically immortal. Sometimes humans become food for giant insects, but more At that time, it was the giant worm that became the food in the human mouth.

Humans who have survived to the present are all struggling to survive and die. The refugees are well aware of the risks of crossing the border, but when they set out, they all believed that they could succeed.

However, giant insects are not so easy to deal with. The farther away from the human control area, the more dangerous the giant insects are. Even if there are groups of refugees, they cannot curb the predatory instinct of giant insects.

They haunt day and night on the only way for refugees to migrate, and they jump out from time to time to give refugees a fatal blow, even if they are killed by weapons in the hands of humans.

Originally, the refugees planned to hunt giant worms on the road to feed their stomachs, but only after they hit the road did they realize that there was no need to hunt at all, and the giant worms would hit them on their own.

However, every time the giant insect appears, refugees are killed, and sometimes more than one person is killed. In just a few months, I don’t know how many refugees fell on the way, and the refugees who went with them didn’t even have time to bury the dead. Take the prey and leave immediately.

If you don't walk, you can't do it. Giant insects have an extraordinary sense of smell. The smell of human blood is the best beacon. It won't take long for blood to attract a large number of giant insects.

It was a gluttonous feast of giant insects.

The danger not only comes from giant insects, but also from the refugees themselves. The despicableness of human nature is infinitely magnified during migration. Many times, a bite of food, a bullet or even a mouthful of clean water will attract coveted eyes. Refugees who die in the hands of the same kind are more likely to die than die. Even more in the mouth of the giant insect.

Despite all the hardships along the way, refugees still managed to cross the border and reach the human-controlled area.

Every refugee who walks out of the wilderness is in a very excited mood, but they are refugees, black households, and outsiders who are not accepted by the locals. The hostility and vigilance of the fruit.

Hostility not only comes from the people, but even the official attitude contains discrimination.

No way, countries are either under military control or wartime systems, and even their own people are struggling to survive under the rationing system. How can there be excess food to pity outsiders?

Providing refugees with a safe place to rest is the friendliest attitude of the locals towards outsiders. Others, regardless of food and clothing, are indebted to you. It is your ability to live. If you die, you will be unlucky. The locals offered a little extra sympathy.

It's not that the locals are cold-blooded, but that the locals are too busy to take care of themselves and give sympathy to the first refugee. Soon a second refugee will appear, and then the refugees will snowball more and more until they can no longer take care of them.

At this time, refugees will not only become a burden for the but also become a source of danger. The massacre of the locals by the refugees is not news, but countless **** lessons!

Conscience, even a fool knows the danger of refugees.

Under such circumstances, even if they sympathize with the refugees, they dare not give any alms, otherwise they will cut themselves off from the people and become the enemy of all the locals.

Very cruel, very cold-blooded, very helpless, but very realistic, because this is the current situation of the earth.

Not only the people at the bottom do this, but the state also acquiesces.

There is no way, if you take care of one, there will be a second one. Even the people of your own country can't take care of it. Do you have extra thoughts to take care of outsiders? There are so many refugees in the world, can you manage it?

Humanism? What is Humanism? It was a disguise that was put on the body in times of peace. At this time, who is talking about humanitarianism to you? <(https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's view of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only committed to providing healthy and green Read the platform. 【】,thank you all!

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