Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1459: stay


Jupiter, Expedition Fleet virtual meeting room.

Several high-level fleet leaders headed by Huo Qiang gathered together and stared curiously at Jupiter, which was tens of millions of kilometers away.

To be precise, staring at the satellites occupied by aliens.

An extraterrestrial fleet from Saturn has reached Jupiter a few days ago, and the expedition fleet has several different guesses about the follow-up to this enemy force.

In view of the destruction of those satellites by the expeditionary fleet, the fleet staff believes that the foreign fleet may abandon the satellites and directly pursue the expeditionary fleet; or the fleet may be divided into two, one part will enter Jupiter, and the other part will pursue.

In short, the priority is to carry out retaliatory actions, and the expedition fleet will be cleaned up first.

Secondly, the staff also believes that aliens may stick to Jupiter and restore extraterrestrial production on several satellites... This is a relatively high possibility.

The probability of other kinds of speculation is relatively low, and no one takes it seriously at all.

However, the aliens did not go in the direction they guessed, and the entire extraterrestrial fleet drove into Jupiter with no difference. It was not until the inner layer of Jupiter that the extraterrestrial fleet was divided into four and rushed to the four Galilean satellites separately. .

The action of the aliens was beyond the expectations of the expedition fleet, and immediately aroused the strong interest of the expedition fleet executives.

Huo Qiang and others had a heated discussion on the abnormal actions of the enemy, and the discussion believed that the actions of the aliens were nothing more than rescuing the survivors; reoccupying the satellites and other situations.

Huo Qiang and Halsey quickly reached a consensus: no matter what the purpose of the aliens is, they will not stay on Jupiter for too long, and the expedition fleet must be ready to intercept!

Interception is not as simple as expected. The Saturn expedition fleet has taken too many nuclear bombs, and the remaining inventory of the interceptor fleet is very small. It must be used at the most critical time. This alone limits the strength of the interceptor fleet by more than half.

Fortunately, there are plenty of super shotguns. As long as the enemy's advance route is determined, the intercepting fleet can act in advance and launch super shotguns on the only path of the foreign fleet.

Regardless of the fact that the foreign fleet is still in the inner layer of Jupiter, the intercepting fleet has already calculated all the feasible routes when the enemy leaves, and even the speed when leaving is taken into account. As long as the enemy makes a move, the intercepting fleet can immediately grasp it. The direction of the enemy's movement, and fire at the predetermined position without error.

For the sake of safety, the firing position in the fleet plan is far from the target point, and the distribution area of ​​super shotguns is a bit large, but considering the number of warships in the foreign fleet, this small flaw is not unacceptable, anyway, it is a blind cat killing a mouse , if you meet the best, you won't lose anything if you don't.

Fleet executives believe that there is no need to destroy a large number of enemy ships. As long as a few enemy ships explode inexplicably, they can arouse the suspicion of the enemy. The best case is that the aliens have to reduce their speed, and the worst case is nothing more than The enemy moved forward according to plan.

One of the enemy troops arrived at Callisto first. After the fleet's speed was synchronized with that of Callisto, it couldn't wait to launch the landing, and countless alien giant insects fell from the sky.

Many giant insects have never been seen before by humans, and there is even a particularly large giant insect. Everyone who sees it can't help but guess what this thing is doing.

The answer was revealed immediately after the giant worm landed. As soon as the giant worm landed, a large number of servants rushed out of its belly.

Everyone suddenly realized that this thing was an alien landing craft!

When Huo Qiang and several other high-level officials saw this scene, their expressions all changed.

This is not as simple as adding a few more giant insects. The key is that the functions of these giant insects have never appeared in the enemy's team. In other words, these new giant insects are redesigned and cultivated by aliens based on battlefield experience. In one sense, they represent a step forward in alien tactical thinking.

This is definitely not good news for humans.

Several high-level executives scratched their heads very much. After discussing for a while, they did not discuss any results. In the end, they could only put this matter aside.

But when they turned their attention back to the enemy, they found something puzzling.

Too many aliens landed, far more than needed for the rescue, and the enemy's actions didn't seem right, not like a rescue but an attack.

Everyone is very strange. They don't understand what the aliens are doing. Unexpectedly, the next development confirmed the speculation of the expedition fleet. After the aliens who landed dug out the buried aliens from the ground, they actually fed the giant insects directly.

Well, it's not news that aliens feed their servants to bugs, but this time is different, because the bugs eat not only servants, but also nobles!

According to the information held by the military, the alien servants are very indifferent to life and death, and they don't care about their own life or death at all; but the alien nobles are different. Like humans, they are very fearful of death and will never blaspheme The remains of a noble, unless it is a hostile relationship!

In other words, the aliens from Saturn and the aliens from Jupiter are two different forces, and they are hostile to each other!

Huo Qiang felt that he must be having a brain cramp, otherwise, there must be something wrong with such a crazy idea.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, but Huo Qiang feels that no matter which group of aliens, they will not be friends of mankind, even if the relationship between the two groups of aliens is not so friendly.

However, not everyone supports this argument, and some people believe that this is purely because the aliens refuse to waste resources, so they fed all the corpses that were finally dug up to the giant worms.

It seems reasonable to say this, because the alien intelligence mastered by the military is not as systematic as imagined, and many places are specious, especially this kind of thing related to alien nobles, which is as stupid as seeing flowers in the fog. , the only information was heard from the servants who betrayed the aliens on Io.

It sounds bad, but it is just hearsay, there is no evidence at This argument sounds very reasonable, so it quickly suppressed the "alien split theory" and was accepted by all the officers and soldiers of the expedition fleet.

No one knows what the purpose of the extraterrestrial fleet is, but from the current situation, the enemy from Saturn has no plans to leave Jupiter for a while, which is undoubtedly a good thing for the expedition fleet, and the same for the earth. good news.

The extra terrestrial aliens stay on Jupiter for one more day, and the earth will have one more day of preparation time, thus increasing the hope of victory, even if this hope is extremely slim.

No matter how slim it is, there is hope, and it is better than nothing.

However, the expedition fleet was not in a hurry to report the news, because the enemy had just arrived at Jupiter, and it was still unknown how long they would stay there, so there was no need to be so anxious.