Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1470: time is limited

.., the latest chapter of Carapace Mania!

Phil said with certainty: "I may have heard the other things wrong, but the military terminology is definitely fine!"

He learned Chinese from Carlos. His talent is not very good, and he is lazy and unwilling to work hard. In order to teach this unfortunate student, Carlos has spent a lot of effort.

In order to make use of Phil's special abilities as soon as possible, Carlos started education directly from military terminology. There may be deviations in ordinary conversation, but when it comes to military terminology, the chance of error is very small.

John was overjoyed: "Great...what else?"

"No more!" Carlos and Phil said in unison.

There was an undisguised excitement in John's lowered voice: "Carlos, you go to Carter right away and say the time is right... No, I'll go in person, you gather everyone and say I have something to say with Carter. Phil, you immediately call up all the soldiers who have been soldiers, and say that I have something to do, hurry up!"

Several people acted immediately, and soon John and Carter stood in front of the others again.

John did his part and said: "Guys, the alien bugs are attacking again. This time it is very dangerous. I have heard the news. The defenders can't hold it anymore. It won't be long before the bugs controlled by the aliens will come over, but the defenders may not be able to defend the laboratory!"

Having said that, John glanced at Carter: "If we fall into the hands of the **** aliens, the aliens will definitely regain control of our brains. I don't want to become a slave of aliens again, never!"

"Never!" Many worms shouted the same thing.

John quickly squeezed his hands and signaled everyone not to speak: "Gentlemen, staying here is likely to be a dead end, so I discussed with Dr. Carter, we are going to rush out before the alien bugs come in, I'd rather die, I don't want to fall into the hands of aliens anymore, how about you?"

"John is right, it must never fall into the hands of aliens again!" shouted a bugman.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and seeing this scene, John's heart that was hanging in the air finally fell to the ground: "We must rush out before the defenders finish shrinking. If you are willing to rush out with me, please raise your hand!"

If he asked if you were unwilling to come with me, someone would definitely answer yes, and so many people shouted together, maybe it would disturb the defenders, so John directly asked everyone to raise their hands.

There was a forest of arms in the dormitory immediately.

John showed a slight smile in satisfaction, and the atmosphere finally went according to his thoughts. He immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Rand, my brother, can you deal with those guards?"

The worm named Rand was particularly tall, with bulging muscles all over his body. He nodded expressionlessly and made a decapitation gesture: "No problem."

John quickly added: "They're not our enemies, I don't want to hurt them, and I think you are too, right?" Explaining to these simple-minded soldiers what a retreat is is a lot of trouble, and there's not much time to waste.

Landlo was stunned: "I'm not sure about this."

"I believe you can, doctor, are you right?" At a critical moment, John took the initiative to seek support from the doctor.

Carter nodded immediately: "Yes, Rand, they are not our enemies, they just don't understand us so well, so don't hurt them."

Carter not only exchanged technology for the treatment of the worms, but also used the experimental results to improve the genes of the worms. One of the worms present was more or less favored by Carter, not to mention the obedience of Carter, at least Seriously think about it too.

"I see." Randby made a flying gesture, "In this case, we must use some special means."

"No problem!" Carter agreed without hesitation. "Whatever you need, as long as you have it in the lab, you can use it."

After speaking, Carter looked at John: "John?"

John said: "Rand is in charge of the guard, the others come with me, we must evacuate the laboratory, the sooner the better!"

Carter suddenly stopped John: "No, we're running out of time, we don't have time to empty the lab, just pick the most important ones to move, right now!"

"Okay!" John made a decisive decision, nodded and agreed to Carter's request, "Rand, let's start, everyone else will follow the doctor!"

More than 100 worms were immediately divided into two groups. More than 20 people led by Rand rushed to the laboratory. After taking what they needed, they headed northeast of the laboratory.

This is John's determined breakout direction.

His target was the abandoned pier on the east side of Buha Island, but the east side is not a good direction to break out of the encirclement, and a less noticeable direction is a good idea.

Moreover, the northeast is mountainous, the vegetation is particularly lush, and the distance from the coast is relatively far. The defenders will not retreat in this direction, and the possibility of the swarms chasing at the tail passing through this direction is also very small.

Even if the swarm appears in this direction, there is still Mick in the team, who can release pheromones to deceive the giant worm and induce the swarm to detour.

John is a little worried about the problem of the swarm. Now it depends on whether Rand can solve the sentinel. If it succeeds, everyone escapes smoothly. If it fails, at most, it will return to the original point.

John's concerns were justified, but he felt that Rand and others should not fail.

There are a total of more than 20 insects who were born in the military. Because of this common feature, others call these soldiers who have been soldiers all called soldiers.

There is a soldier insect that is different. He has the body of a spider, and he can also spray spider silk from the glands on his belly like a spider. Except for the head that is slightly worse, everything else is perfect, almost like a spider spider. man.

As long as this guy just sprays some spider silk, UU reading can make the guard unable to move, and solving the guard couldn't be easier.

But tonight's protagonist is not this "spider man", but another warrior from a primitive tribe in Africa.

This guy has an amazing lung capacity, and one of the weapons he is best at is blowing arrows. This weapon is simple and effective. You can make a set with just a few ingredients. These soldiers do a lot when they are bored, and hide them in the laboratory.

It’s best to apply some poison or anesthetic on the blow dart, but the soldiers and insects did not prepare in advance, and it would be too late to prepare at this time. Rand simply did the opposite. Put some concentrated hibernin on it.

In order to do the hibernation experiment, Carter has hibernin in his hands, and some of them have been concentrated and refined, which is perfect for blowing arrows.

After getting ready at the fastest speed, several soldiers strutting around in the open space, and after a while, the guards were brought into the range of the arrows.

In the darkness, the tribal warriors raised their quivers. (Carapace frenzy..6868629)--(Carapace frenzy)

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