Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1471: Strong first

The tribal warriors covered in pitch black aimed at the guards in the distance and blew with all their strength. The arrow hit the back of the guard's neck in an instant. The guard only felt a pain in the back of his neck, and subconsciously reached out to touch it, but his hand hadn't touched his neck yet. The hibernin had begun to take effect, and the two guards fell silently to the ground.

The tribal warriors rushed up immediately, and the six worm-legged rabbits rose and fell quickly and quickly.

Rushing to the guard, the tribal warrior gestured behind him for safety, then took off the guard's gun and bullets and hung it on himself. At the same time, another bug soldier also took off another guard's weapon.

John led a large force to the tribal warriors and said in a low voice, "Find a safe place and hide them!"

Rand nodded, turned around and greeted softly: "Spade, it's up to you!"

The soldier worm with the body of a spider immediately took a few steps forward, showing his belly at the guard on the ground, and a few threads of spider silk spurted out of glands, and immediately wrapped the guard.

Immediately, Spader dragged two guards to climb a nearby coconut tree, and used spider silk to fix the two people on the canopy... Hiding the people in a high tree, even if a swarm of insects came over, they would not be able to find the tree. Hidden people.

When Spader got down from the tree, the team had almost walked, so he hurried to catch up, and hung behind the team step by step.

After a lapse of two years, the bug people finally breathed the free air again. Although the night was dark, the road ahead was unclear, and the sound of cannons still rumbled in the distance, the bug people still had an indescribable comfort and excitement in their hearts. , even the smell of corruption mixed with the dampness of the woods is full of kindness.

The team had just walked more than 200 meters, and Phil, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped and said in a low voice anxiously, "B, there are footsteps in the front left, and there are also on the right!"

John's heart was shocked: "Are there many people?"

"A lot!"

John looked up into the depths of the jungle: "Which direction is safe?"

Phil said: "It's not safe, the range is huge!"

John made a quick decision: "Up the tree!"

As soon as the order was given, all the insect people immediately executed it, and climbed to the tree at a very fast speed to hide.

Insects are biological weapons made by aliens. Aliens are the strongest human beings to transform. Therefore, there are not half of the old or weak in the team, all of them are middle-aged men, both physical and skill are at the peak of life.

In such a team, it was impossible to find half of the oil bottle, and no one missed it, and they all hid in the tree in a very short time.

The insect people had just hidden, and there was a rush of footsteps not far away. Many insect people were lying on the canopy, looking down through the gaps between the branches and leaves, but they could only see silhouettes passing quickly in the forest , Everyone is running through the forest at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

The footsteps quickly disappeared, and John asked in a very low voice, "Phil?"

Phil's ears moved: "Safety!"

"Come on!" John said, the first to slide under the tree.

The others slid down one after another, and without time to count the numbers, John ran off into the depths of the jungle.

He was placed under house arrest by the guards here for two years, and every day he saw three-thirds of this acre of land. Everyone knew the surrounding terrain by heart and knew where to go.

After a while, the team threw the laboratory seven or eight hundred meters away. At this distance, it could be considered a successful escape from the laboratory.

Phil, who was running, stopped again, and his terrified eyes plunged into the depths of the jungle: "B, there is a swarm of insects ahead!"

John also came to a sudden stop: "Which direction?"

Phil straightened his arms and drew an amazing arc in front of him: "All directions!"

John wanted to shout to go up the tree again, but he swallowed the words when they reached his lips.

This place is too close to the laboratory, and it only takes a short while for the swarm to reach the laboratory. Right now, the defenders may be waiting for the swarm. As long as the swarm is close, it will be covered with fire!

Climbing up the tree is easy, but once the defenders open fire, it will become a battlefield. Climbing up the tree can hide from the swarms but not the shells.

"Mick!" John let out a low growl, and a bug man stood up immediately behind him.

"B!" Mick responded in a low voice.

"There is a swarm ahead, we need a safe passage, can you fool the swarm?"

"No problem!" Mick replied without hesitation, "But I can only deceive the giant bug, not the bugman!"

"No problem, as long as you can fool the giant insect!" John quickly made a series of arrangements.

Under John's arrangement, the team that was originally heading north made a 180-degree turn, all turning towards the laboratory.

Then everyone took small steps, and at the same time, Mick released a pheromone to confuse the giant bugs, making them mistake the buggers who escaped the laboratory as "our own".

When the swarm was about to catch up, everyone quickened their pace and pretended to be rushing towards the laboratory, but the speed was much slower than that of the swarm.

As for the bugs controlled by aliens, don't worry. John deliberately arranged the soldiers on the periphery of the team. Once an abnormal situation was found, he would immediately kill the hostile bugs.

And the chance of this happening is very low, because Buha Island is located in the tropics. Except for the sparse coconut forest near the coast, the depths of the island are dense tropical jungles, and the visibility is only five or six meters, at most no more than Seven or eight meters, you can't see the situation beyond ten meters unless you climb up a tree, and the possibility of encountering a hostile insectoid is not very high.

The speed of the swarm was very fast, almost as soon as John had arranged everything, the swarm rushed to the front.

Because of Mick's interference, the giant worm ignored John and the others at all, and went straight through the gap in the crowd.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although everyone knows Mick's, knowing is one thing, facing it is another, and it is absolutely false to say that he is not worried at all.

At this time, the soldiers in the rear finally bumped into the hostile bugmen, and the attention of several soldiers suddenly focused on the "enemy".

The bug man also saw John and the others. At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it, but he soon realized that something was wrong. Why are there so many bug men here? And they are still so slow?

Although the worm's brain was controlled by aliens, his intelligence did not decrease, so he immediately discovered something was wrong, and his running pace couldn't help but slow down a bit.

The light in the jungle is very poor, but the distance between him and Rand and others is only about three meters. At a glance, he can see that Rand and others have no weapons on their arms, while a light worm is entrenched on his own arm.

The bug man immediately realized that the situation was wrong, raised his arm subconsciously, and wanted to fire at Rand and others, but before his arm was raised, Rand and others had already taken the lead. (https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's view of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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