Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1472: out of the siege

A series of actions of the insect man had long fallen into the eyes of Rand and others. When he found that the situation was not right, Spade spewed out a mass of spider silk first, smearing the face of the insect man on the spot.

Then Rand and another soldier rushed up at the same time, one left and one right, and quickly grabbed the two arms of the insect man.

At a critical juncture, the bug man activated the light bug on his arm, and a thread of light suddenly penetrated the spider web and shot into the ground under Rand's feet.

Rand grabbed the light worm and pulled it out fiercely, directly pulling the light worm off his arm, and the silk light disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, the insect man Battis raised his palm like a knife, and slashed the back of the enemy's neck with a palm. With a soft "click", he just broke the enemy's cervical vertebrae.

The life force of the worm is extremely strong, but that means the half of the giant worm, the half of the human, is still as fragile as before.

The fallen bug man quickly lost his life, but the half that belonged to the bug was still alive.

Rand buckled the light worm on his arm, and the tail of the light worm immediately plunged into Rand's arm. After the end of the worm's tail touched Rand's nerve, the worm and the human nerve were connected, and the process was terminated.

Rand endured the pain and raised his arm, and with a flash of silk, he cut off all six of the enemy's worm legs, completely ending this unfortunate enemy.

All this sounds cumbersome, but it actually only took a few seconds.

The galloping giant insect has no intelligence at all, so he turned a blind eye to this scene, otherwise John and the others would have to be exposed.

John breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and sighed: "Soldiers clear the way, others follow, and all enemies will be killed, hurry up!"

The speed of the swarm is so fast that it will be able to rush to the laboratory in a while. If the speed is not accelerated, the battle between the two sides must be involved.

In other words, John was running out of time and had to get out before the fight started.

Such an arrangement was not appropriate, because the soldiers at the forefront were bound to clash with the hostile buggers, but the situation was so urgent that John couldn't care less.

Rand and others also understood the stakes, and no one raised any objections. They all acted according to John's arrangement and rushed north against the swarm.

The team only rushed out more than ten meters before encountering the enemy again.

This time, there was no nonsense at all, Rand raised his arm directly, a flash of silk, and the two hostile bugmen died instantly.

The two soldier worms rushed over immediately and snatched the light worm on the enemy's arm. The silk light caught the attention of other hostile insects, and John simply waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to disperse, waiting for the opportunity to sneak up on the enemy.

Rand and the others immediately left the army and hid in the swarm.

Both the enemy and the enemy are worms, and they can move freely in the swarm. Coupled with mental calculations, the worms still under the control of aliens were attacked by Rand and others, causing heavy damage for a while.

But the anomaly in this direction was also discovered by insects farther away, and more and more insects gathered in this direction.

John did not dare to neglect, and led a large force to dash northward.

In this way, the movement is too great, and the abnormal insect people are found to open fire without hesitation - they are only controlled by aliens, and their intelligence is still there. Although I don't understand when there is an extra group of insect people on the human side, they do not Influence them to determine the hostile position of this group of insects.

A few mercers swept into the crowd, and immediately swept away a few worms. One of them almost hit Carter, causing Carter to break out into a cold sweat.

The tribal warriors who had been staying by Carter's side were also frightened and could no longer take care of so much. They raised their rifles and fired at the threatening targets.

He had been reluctant to shoot before because the sound of the gunfire was too loud. Once fired, it would not only attract the attention of the enemy bugmen, but also attract the attention of the defenders.

But now it's impossible not to shoot. If you lose your life, what difference does it make if your identity is hidden or not?

Not only the tribal warriors fought back with all their strength, but Rand and the others could no longer care about hiding their identities, and they immediately fought back.

Whenever a worm fell to the ground, John's worm immediately rushed to **** the light worm and strengthen his own strength.

The worms who heard the gunshots were all rushing in this direction, but compared with the giant worms, the number of worms was too small, and they were also focused on the defenders in the previous battle, and they were able to rush to this position. There are very few bugs, and the total number is not comparable to John's side.

In this way, John and the others strived for an advantage step by step, advancing while fighting, defeating a lot of enemies along the way, and they also suffered a lot of losses.

Fortunately, the hard work brought an opportunity, and it didn't take long to rush out a few hundred meters. At this time, everyone's ears suddenly became quiet, and when everyone came back to their senses, they found that there were no more bugs roaming around, only the remaining A group of panting bugmen.

rushed out?

This idea poured into everyone's mind, UU reading www. Everyone at turned their heads in unison, looking at the direction of the laboratory.

John hurriedly urged: "I can't stay here any longer, let's go!" After speaking, he ran north without waiting for the others to agree.

Everyone woke up like a dream and immediately followed John.

Before running a few steps, there was a sudden sound of intense gunfire in the direction of the laboratory, and there was a dull explosion.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately they ran out in time, if it was a little later, it would be over.

No longer caring about the situation in the laboratory, all the worms sprinted and continued to move north for two kilometers. John thought the position was safe, so he stopped and called a few backbones of the team to his side and let them Organize your staff and see how many people rushed out.

I don’t know how many, but I was startled by a count. There were more than 100 worms at the time of departure, but now there are only more than 60 left.

John didn't know if these guys were left behind, or if they were just out of luck getting hit by the enemy, they weren't in the team anyway.

Fortunately, Dr. Carter was not injured and was still in the team, but the tribal warrior who protected him disappeared. According to Carter's own words, he disappeared suddenly, and he didn't know where he went.

It was not a good feeling in John's heart, but it was over, and it was useless to say anything, so John simply said nothing, identified the direction, turned his head and led the team to the east.

John's purpose was very clear. He took the team to the east side of Buha Island, and then tried to find a way to cross the strait, and finally arrived at Kalitan Island in the east to settle down.

Buha Island is just a small island, but Kalidan is a real big island, and the island is densely covered with jungles, so you can hide anywhere for a while, regardless of whether the aliens are still the defenders of the island, you want to live in a primitive place. Finding dozens of bugmen in the forest is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

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