Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1473: cover blow

Not long after the worms headed by John rushed out of the swarm, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from above their heads, and several soldiers raised their heads subconsciously, but couldn't see anything.

At this time, there was a faint muffled sound in the northwest direction, as if a thunderstorm was brewing there, and when you looked far into the distance, you could vaguely see the rapid flashing of firelight.

"Naval guns!" Rand uttered two words subconsciously. Before he finished speaking, a series of bangs suddenly came from the direction of the laboratory. Everyone instinctively turned around, just to see rows of brilliant flames bursting in the jungle behind them.

Not in groups, but exploded in a straight line one after another, advancing step by step like a wall of flames. Whether trees, stones, giant insects, or insect people, they were all torn to shreds by the exploding artillery shells, and some pieces were broken. Shi Duanmu even flew over a distance of nearly 100 meters and landed near the crowd.

Many worms are terrified, if it was just a little slower, wouldn't they be directly covered by the shelling?

The cannon doesn't know which side you're on, as long as it's within the power range of the explosion, it's definitely not good.

"Barrage Xu Jin?" Rand almost bit his tongue. Isn't this the Army's specialty? When did warships start playing this game? How many warships were parked in that direction?

John didn't give Rand a chance to continue pondering, and turned around to say hello: "Come on!"

There is no place to stay for a long time... Among the more than 60 people, only Carlos has heard this sentence, but not hearing it does not mean that John does not understand this truth.

The team moved quickly north, led by John, leaving the battlefield far behind in no time.

While the worms were away from the battlefield, He Xiangdong, the commander of the garrison, was losing his temper in the laboratory, and instructed the guard platoon to search for traces of the worms.

Despite the fact that the swarm has already hit the door, the defenders have also withdrawn to the vicinity of the laboratory, and there are also battleship fire support.

But the disappearance of the worm was different. He led the whole regiment to station Buha Island. In addition to guarding against aliens, the most important task was to guard the worm. As a result, the worm suddenly disappeared. No matter how you look at it, this is a black pot. He Xiangdong couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to.

After the initial impatience dissipated, He Xiangdong has calmed down. He is keenly aware that the key to the problem is not when the worms disappeared, but to find the missing worms as soon as possible!

However, there are swarms of insects outside the laboratory, surrounding the entire laboratory layer by layer. Unless the insect people are still in the encirclement, there is nowhere to find them.

In desperation, he could only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor, and first call some people to find clues.

If he can find clues to catch the bug man back, then he will treat it as if nothing happened, otherwise, he can only honestly take the blame on him.

He Xiangdong is not a ninja turtle in the sewers, that is, he does not want to take the blame, so he used all the means at his disposal without affecting the battle.

He Xiangdong originally hoped that the soldiers could find clues in the shortest possible time, but the soldiers of the guard platoon hesitated after entering the laboratory and did not dare to mess around.

Just kidding, what is this place? This is the laboratory of worms. A group of worms are mysterious all day long, and they are still doing biochemical experiments. Only ghosts know what experiments the worms have done in this place. Maybe which bottle contains super viruses. Also mess around?

Fortunately, He Xiangdong didn't need the soldiers to rummage around. The worms were all tall and big, and there was no place to hide or hide. As long as they were still in this laboratory, the fighters would definitely be able to turn them out.

The sound of cannons rumbled outside the laboratory, and chickens were flying around in the laboratory, but there was still no clue. He Xiangdong's heart kept sinking. .

Impatiently impatient, the guard platoon leader cautiously ran out from the depths of the laboratory: "Report..."

"How is it? Have you found any clues?" He Xiang asked impatiently.

"Report, no!" The platoon leader replied in a muffled voice, "But all the research materials are there."

He Xiangdong said: "What's the use of just having information? I want people, people!"

The platoon leader couldn't answer at all, he could only stand there in a daze, letting He Xiang Dong's spittle splatter on his face.

At this time, a captain officer with a rifle ran in from the door: "Captain, I found a clue!"

He Xiangdong was overjoyed: "What clue?"

"The missing guards have been found, but they are both in a coma and can't wake up. It is certain that the bug-man left from the north."

"North?" He Xiangdong suddenly became numb. "That is the direction where the swarm is most concentrated. Did the worms take refuge in the aliens? Or did they let the aliens control them again?"

The worms and the defenders cooperated with each other while guarding against each other. The relationship between the two parties was very delicate, so He Xiangdong never knew that the worms such as Phil had extraordinary special powers.

The captain didn't speak, and the second lieutenant and platoon leader didn't dare to talk nonsense. For a time, several people could only hear He Xiangdong muttering to himself.

He Xiangdong quickly put aside the doubts in his mind: "It doesn't matter, report to your superiors immediately, apply for satellite monitoring of the whole island, and be sure to find the bug people!"

The military moved very quickly. After receiving the application from Buha Island, it only took a few minutes for a satellite to point its camera at Buha Island and start searching for the traces of the bug people.

But no matter how the satellite scans, there is no trace of the insect people... More precisely, the island is too chaotic, and a large number of insect people landed with the insect Buha Island has all directions Insect people activities, no one knows which group escaped from the laboratory at all!

In the face of this result, He Xiangdong wanted to cry without tears. In addition, the attack of the insect swarm became more and more fierce. He could only suppress the idea of ​​​​hunting the insect man in his heart, and dealt with the attack of the insect swarm first.

With the assistance of the battleship, the Marine Corps under He Xiangdong fought fiercely with the swarm until dawn, when the Tiangong moved to the sky over Buha Island. Under the order of Beidu, the Tiangong provided the defenders on Buha Island. Once covered by firepower, countless lasers fell from the sky, killing all the giant insects and insect people exposed on the ground, and the entire Buha Island was instantly turned into scorched earth. Only the surrounding area of ​​the laboratory was not covered by lasers.

When He Xiangdong led the soldiers out of the laboratory, there was no trace of green in sight, only charred branches were left in the jungle, and only scorched corpses were left in the swarms and bugmen. A scorching smell, a gust of breeze blew through, setting off choking smoke and soot that filled the sky.

The aliens attacked regardless of losses, but in the end they were not able to defeat the firepower of human beings. (https://) "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's view of Metal Crack. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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