Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1474: Better to deal with than the defenders

Buha Island is over.

Although Tiangong's firepower coverage did not hurt the laboratory, the vegetation on the island suffered from pond fish, and only a little green remained near the laboratory.

It is no longer suitable to continue garrisoning troops here, not only because of the vegetation on the island, but also because the aliens are staring at Buha Island. Although this wave of attacks was smashed by the Tiangong, what about the next wave?

The bug man had already escaped, and it was meaningless for the laboratory to remain on Buha Island. After Beidu received the news, he simply ordered the garrison to evacuate.

The garrison does not mean that it can be withdrawn. In addition to the troops' own materials and equipment, the research materials and various results in the laboratory must be withdrawn.

Research materials are much more important than the supplies of the garrison. He Xiangdong ordered the troops to give priority to carrying the experimental equipment, and the troops' own materials and equipment are all behind.

Tiangong is still above Buha Island, so He Xiangdong can provide two hours of fire cover. When Tiangong leaves, the aliens may launch another round of attack at any time.

The time was very tight. He Xiangdong personally moved the equipment with the soldiers, and sent all the things that could be taken away in the laboratory to the warship.

The insect swarms hidden in the sea tried to land several times in the past two hours, but they were all intercepted by the firepower from the Tiangong, and they did not even touch the edge of the island-guarding troops.

After failing several times in a row, the aliens also understood that it was thankless to continue the attack, and they didn't even need that effort. He Xiangdong and his soldiers finally rushed to withdraw the laboratory to the ship within two hours.

In view of the covetousness of the aliens, Beidu decided to give up the supplies on the island, and all troops immediately evacuated from Buha Island.

In this way, the warships carried out a round of destructive artillery bombardment on the material storage points of the defenders. After confirming that the remaining materials on the island were destroyed, the two warships anchored and set out to sea, heading towards Kalidan Island on the west side of Buha Island.

The situation in Kalidan is similar to that of Buha Island. There are crazy crowds everywhere. Except for a few human settlements, the original city and transportation system have long been destroyed by the insect swarms.

However, the two orbital elevators under Beidu are placed on Kalidan Island. The military has built a complete defense system around the orbital elevators, including ground fortifications, air defense positions, missile positions, air bases and a military port. Beidu is on the equator. The most important military base in the region.

The defenders of Buha Island were ordered to withdraw to the equatorial base and rest the base there for a period of time, waiting for the military to rearrange.

Now it is at the critical point when the foreign fleet is approaching. All the troops in the country have arranged their tasks, and no one is idle, and the defenders on Buha Island are no exception.

Most of the troops guarding the rail elevator are from the Marine Corps. He Xiangdong and his troops are also part of the Marine Corps, so he has a hunch that 80% of his troops will stay at the equatorial base and become part of the defending army.

Looking at Buha Island, which was drifting away, He Xiangdong knew that he would never have a chance to catch the fleeing bugman in his life. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of loss and disappointment in his heart.

He Xiangdong didn't know that at this moment, the bugman he had not been able to find was watching the warship away from Buha Island.

Coincidentally, last night, in order to avoid the defenders, John took the bug people into the dense jungle, just avoiding the satellite search.

John has been planning for this day for a long time. After leaving the battlefield, he immediately led the team to divert to the west. Seeing tricks along the way, he rushed to the west coast of Buha Island at the fastest speed, and drilled into a natural cave not far from the coast. .

This place was discovered when I landed on Buha Island two years ago. The entrance to the cave is not large, but the interior is very deep. Moreover, the structure of the cave is very complicated. There is also an underground river flowing from the cave to the sea. It is a perfect hiding place. place.

More importantly, this place used to be a hiding place for a group of pirates. When I discovered this place, there were still three boats hidden in the cave, including advanced speedboats, half-new fishing boats, and even one. A white sailing yacht that was snatched from nowhere.

Before arriving at the cave, John had been worried about the situation here, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief until he entered the cave and found that the boat hidden in the cave was still intact.

After finally escaping to the cave, John did not relax. He was worried that the defenders would catch up and that he would be discovered by aliens.

To this end, he arranged for a few people to guard the entrance of the cave, and the others took the time to check the situation of the boat.

The speedboat is too small, and the equipment on it is already useless, and the situation of the fishing boat is not much better. The cave is damp and dark, and the rust-proof paint on the hull is mottled. Falling down; the sailing yacht is not much stronger, but it is the best boat among the three boats, and the interior space is not bad, the boat is crowded, and everyone can be packed in without any problem. .

But the good condition of the ship does not mean that it can go out to Although the distance between Kalidan and Buha Island is not far, it can't put everyone's safety in the hands of a broken ship.

So John took someone to inspect the sailboat overnight... He said he was taking someone to inspect, but he was actually following along, and someone else was in charge.

In this way, John and the others were busy until dawn, only taking a look at the entrance of the cave when the Tiangong was under fire.

The humidity on the island is high, and the laser forms a clear light path in the air, and the insect people can see the laser falling from the sky with the naked eye.

Seeing the laser light scattered all over the sky, John said involuntarily, "The swarm is over!"

As he said, the swarm was indeed over, and many were gearing up to leave Buha.

John also wanted to leave quickly, but he knew that there were still battleships from Beidu near Buha Island. If he left rashly at this time, it would appear on the radar of the battleship immediately.

So John decided he had to wait a little longer, and patiently persuaded the others.

For this reason, John was even prepared to fight a protracted war, even if he hid in a cave for ten days and a half months. It's just that he didn't expect the defenders to withdraw so happily. Early in the morning, the soldiers on duty saw two warships leaving Buha Island.

John couldn't believe his eyes. After the excitement, he cautiously returned to his brain, and began to worry that Beidu was only withdrawing the battleship, and that the defenders were still on the island.

So he persuaded everyone to wait for a while, until the warship sailed out of sight, and then sent a few scout worms out of the hole to investigate the situation on the island.

A few hours later, the returning scouts brought back good news that the defenders had all withdrawn, but they also brought back bad news that the swarm had landed again.

John let out a sigh of relief after hearing this, not at all worried about the swarm—the swarm was much easier to deal with than the defenders!

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