Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1475: final retreat

It took several days for the worm to hide. John arranged for people to observe the movement of the swarm every day. Because there was a Mick in the team, this work became very easy. He didn't even have to go out of the hole, and he could grasp the general situation of the swarm. . Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

The situation on Buha Island was similar to what John had expected. The insect swarms occupied the entire island, passing the entire island through a sieve, under trees, caves and pits, as long as there were no places where people could hide.

The cave where the worms hide is also within the search range of the worms. Many people hope that Mick can use pheromones to deceive the swarms, but this idea was stopped by Carter. His opinion is very clear. It doesn't matter how many giant insects come. If you want to see them, as long as there are no bugs.

The worms who have survived to this day are not short of brains, and Ma understood what Dr. Carter meant.

Insect people have no brains at all, and can only understand the simplest commands. Their simple brains may be able to distinguish between humans and insect people, but they absolutely cannot recognize these insect people in the cave, and what is the difference between them and the insect people they usually see.

Bugs never argue with their eyesight, they rely on pheromones!

To put it another way that is easier to understand, bugs, like dogs, rely on their sense of smell.

It's just that they don't smell the usual sense of smell, but a special chemical substance called pheromone.

"We all have to thank Mick!"

John said this a few times during his time in the cave, and others agreed.

Indeed, without Mick, no one would be able to escape the pursuit of the swarm. More importantly, Mick used his special ability to seduce a few giant insects in heat, and a few soldiers worked together to destroy the giant insect. They were dragged into the dark river to be slaughtered, and the worm meat was used as food ration, so that everyone could fill their stomachs.

As for whether this will attract the attention of aliens... Don't be kidding, the giant insects on the island are not 10,000 but also 8,000. The insects don't know the number, and they won't name them.

Insect people are not much better, they don't even know how many insect people there are, let alone the number of giant insects.

This is a huge loophole that just happened to be exploited by John et al.

After four full days, the swarm that occupied Buha Island finally left, leaving only a hundred giant worms to guard the island.

There are more than 60 people here at John, with Mick's cover, killing more than 100 giant insects is like playing.

But John didn't want to expose his tracks, so he suppressed the idea of ​​killing the giant insect. On a starry night, he led the insect man to send the sailboat into the sea, and everyone left Buha Island by boat.

There are many small people on the ship, not only are the cabins full of bugs, but there are also a dozen or so lying on the deck.

The yacht has a lot of space, and it is not a problem to hold more than 60 bugmen. However, food and water must be prepared when going to sea. These things take up a lot of space. As a result, a dozen bugmen cannot enter the cabin and can only stay on the deck.

Fortunately, the temperature here is not bad, and staying on the deck is nothing.

After leaving Buha Island, Carter took an opportunity to intercept John: "John, if I remember correctly, your first destination is Kaledan, right?"

"Yes." John nodded. "I think it's a perfect fit for us."

"Where is it suitable?" Carter obviously had a different opinion. "It's the northern capital's territory, shouldn't we stay away from them?"

The sailing space was small, and many bugmen nearby heard the conversation between the two. Many bugmen immediately agreed and felt that Kalidan was not a good target.

Carter added: "I don't want to question your decision, but I want to know why you chose Kalidan."

"Okay doctor, let me explain." John spread his hands helplessly, "I chose Kaledan because there are troops stationed in Northern Capital!"

The worms were suddenly in an uproar, and it was a matter of life and death for everyone. No matter how high John's prestige was, it couldn't stop everyone's doubts.

John pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, the chatter gradually stopped, and everyone's eyes were on John.

John said calmly: "I know, you think that we just escaped from Beidu's hands, why do we go to Beidu again, but do you think I want this? I do this for the sake of our collective! "

These words were so outrageous that they caused everyone to shout again, and the last voice overwhelmed everyone: "I don't understand, why is this for all of us?"

John said: "It's very simple, we have too few people, we are not opponents of aliens at all, we can only rely on Mick's special ability to deceive the swarm, we can't even deceive the worms, and continue to stay in Buha The island, or any place that aliens occupy, have to face swarms, worms and even aliens. We only have so many people that it is not enough to put the aliens in the teeth, in case the aliens find something wrong , all of us will die!"

"Are you going to take the initiative to join Beidu and let them lock us up again?"

John nodded honestly: "I do have this idea, but—this is the last, desperate, last resort, understand what I mean?"

Carter thoughtfully: "You mean, this is the last resort?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Having said this, John sighed a long time, "We only have more than 60 people, although we are all strong, but our manpower is really too small, I am very worried, worried about us Can we survive only on our own strength, so we must leave a way back... I think Bei is a very good choice, what do you think?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but no one speaks.

In fact, everyone has a best answer in mind. Some people have the same answer as John, but many more are completely different.

It's just that everyone has a herd mentality. John will give an answer first. Others have other ideas, and they will only think that they are a minority, and they are afraid or unwilling to express their ideas.

After a while, Carter spoke again: "So what's your plan? After landing in Kalidan, Ma will contact Beidu, or..."

"Of course not!" John said. "I'm fed up with my life under house arrest, and I don't want anything to do with Bei unless it's life-threatening!"

"Then what are your plans?" Carter asked again.

John said: "My plan is like this, we will land at any place...because there are satellites in the north, so after landing, we have to hide in the jungle... Carlos, if I remember correctly, the north is in Kalidan. There aren't many garrisoned troops, are there?"

"That's right!" Carlos said. "They're all on the west bank of Kalidan, at the rail elevator... But this news was heard by Phil, and I don't know if it's true or not."

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