Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1476: bad luck

.., the latest chapter of Carapace Mania!

"The aliens are making such a fuss, I believe that even if there were originally garrisoned troops on the east coast of Kalidan, they have been withdrawn now. There is still one question, I don't know if you have thought about it - where are the bugs on Buha Island? "

A flash of lightning flashed across Carter's mind: "You mean... Kalidan?"

"Yes!" John waved his clenched fist in the air, "As far as I know, there are only two garrisoned troops near the equator in the northern capital, one is Buha Island, and the other is Kalidan. After Buha, what's the next target?"

"Do you need to ask? It must be Kalidan!" said a voice.

John slammed his fist hard, as if there was something under his fist: "Yes, it's Kalidan, think about it, so many swarms of worms landed, even if we passed by by boat, even if our boat was discovered by Beidu Now, what do you think the North will think?"

" can see that we are not the same, right?" a voice said hesitantly.

"Yes, someone with long eyes can see that we are different, but have you ever thought about it, you, me, and him are all bugmen, and the aliens not only sent the swarm there, but also brought many bugmen with them. !"

Carter blinked: "I seem to understand what you mean, we can continue to disguise bugs, even if Beidu finds out that something is wrong, it is impossible to pick us out of so many bugs!"

"That's it!" John smiled slightly, "We have Mick, so don't worry about the giant bug, as long as you mix with the giant bug, it's impossible for Bei to pick us out alone, and it's even impossible to send a special force to trouble us. , are you right?"

"Yes!" Several voices said in unison.

Carter frowned slightly: "John, is your plan to mix with the swarm? I don't think it's a good idea. Without a stable environment, I can't continue the experiment."

"Of course you can't stay with the swarm all the time, this is just the first step, the first step to confuse the Northern Capital!" John emphasized, "After we hide the Northern Capital, we will go into the jungle and hide for a while. I think, with our Ability, there is no problem in surviving in the jungle, what do you think?"

"of course!"


"Absolutely no problem!"

The replies of the bug people were varied, but the meaning of the words was similar.

"And then?" Carter asked again. "The jungle is not a good place, and my experiment still won't go on."

"Of course the jungle is not my ultimate goal!" John said immediately, "We are people, people, people, not insects in the jungle. Hiding in the jungle is just no way. My idea is to temporarily hide in the jungle for a while. Hide, not only from the people in the northern capital, but also from aliens!"

"Can you hide in the past?" said a worm, "there are just a few of us, one side is Beidu, the other side is aliens..."

Hearing what he said, many worms were shaken in their hearts.

Isn't that right, one is Beidu and the other is an alien.

One is a behemoth, the other is a behemoth, and neither side can afford these dozens of bugmen.

"It shouldn't be a problem," John said. "As Kalidan is so big, it's impossible for Beidu or aliens to control the entire island. This is our chance."

"What chance?" a worm asked.

"An opportunity to fish in troubled waters," John said. "Karidan is not a developed place, but it is not a primitive tribe in Africa. Before the plague, there were many cities and villages there. My idea is to find a town temporarily after avoiding the limelight. Settle down, the doctor can continue to complete the experiment there, doctor, what is your opinion?"

Carter nodded: "I have no objection, you have already planned very comprehensively."

"Thank you for the compliment!" John bowed slightly, "I think, at that time, whether we can survive on our own will also have a result. At that time, whether we will survive independently or go to Beidu, I don't need to say anymore, right?"

"That's right!"

"that's right!"

Everyone found their opinions one after another, and they all felt that John had considered it very comprehensively.

John clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "Okay, is there any problem? If not, hurry up and rest, it will take a lot of time to get there!"

The straight-line distance between Buha Island and Kalidan is about 160 kilometers, which is almost 90 nautical miles. If a warship is hurried at a maximum speed of 30 knots, it only takes three hours to reach the land.

But the vehicle of John and the others is not a warship, but an old sailboat. The maximum speed of this thing is less than five kilometers, and the wind is not favorable right now. It is estimated that it will take thirty-five to forty hours to reach the land.

It was midnight, and at dawn, the little sailboat would be exposed to the eyes of the satellite, and that was what John needed to worry about most.

However, he felt that Beidu should not go to war for a small sailboat of unknown origin, and the possibility of smuggling it out is very high.

Internal differences were resolved, and the small team was on track for the time being, just waiting to land in Kalidan.

However, in the early morning of the next day, when it was just dawn, John was woken up by the bug man on duty at night: "Boss, come out and have a look."

John asked dazedly, "What's wrong?"

"It's changed!"

"What?" John suddenly woke up and rushed to the deck in a few steps.

With a dash of cool sea breeze blowing on John, he looked up and saw that the sails had been blown up by the wind, and his eyes crossed the sails, the whole sky was shrouded in a low lead cloud, and the sky was looming.

John was in a bad mood, staring at the sky and muttering, "Is this a storm?"

"I don't know, it looks like it!" said one of the bugs.

"It's Tropical Another bug man paled, "We're done!" "

The flesh on John's face twitched, turned and rushed into the cabin: "Get up, get up for me, the storm is coming, get up for me—"

John called everyone up as fast as he could, and then ordered everyone to find a way to strengthen the hull.

There is no shop in front of the village and no shop in the back of this ghost place. Once the sailboat is damaged, the consequences will be disastrous.

Many people complained while they were busy. They said that if they knew this earlier, it would be better to stay on Buha Island. John's face was blue and white when he heard it. If the storm was not coming, he would have to teach these few tongue-tied guys a lesson. Not possible.

The speed of the storm was very fast, John and the others were not ready, the sea wind had accelerated significantly, and high waves were also set off on the sea. Much higher than the ship's side, it seems to be able to be photographed at any time.

If John hadn't reminded them in time, everyone had fixed themselves on the boat ahead of time, and it was not certain how many people would have fallen off the deck. (Carapace frenzy..6868629)--(Carapace frenzy)

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