Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1477: foreboding

The ship swayed violently, round coconuts rolled around in the cabin, and all the bugs on the ship were terrified.

One of the worms in the ship is counted as one. No matter who is brought up alone, they have experienced the severe test of blood and fire. Needless to say, the experience of being captured by aliens and then transformed into worms is a period of time. A nightmare that ordinary people will never understand.

It can be said that the more than 60 bugs on the ship are all considered elites, but then again, there is not a single bug in the team who has had a similar experience. Facing the amazing power of nature, many people said in horror. Without words, the only thing to do is to pray, non-stop, loud, devout prayer!

Perhaps the only difference is that everyone prays to different gods.

Another gust of wind blew, the sailboat tilted sharply to the left, and the worms in the ship were crowded together, almost squeezing their intestines out.

A bug man on the deck didn't tie himself up, and slid from the right side of the deck to the far left. If the bug man's legs were hooked on the railing, he would have to throw it out of the boat.

The sailboat didn't recover until it nearly capsized.

Nearly dying, even the worms who didn't believe in gods could not help but pray to the unknown existence, praying for a smooth passage of this natural disaster.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd: "Sail, the sail hasn't come down yet, hurry up and lower the sail!"

Many people woke up from a dream and shouted to lower the sails quickly, or another gust of wind would overturn the boat, and everyone would have to throw their lives here.

When John was about to rush out of the cabin, another voice roared hoarsely: "Can't lower, we're done with lowering the sail!"

John's steps froze in the air: "What do you mean?"

"It's an old ship!" the voice roared. "Get caught in the storm and die!"

The words were endless, but everyone understood the meaning of the words.

Right now the ship was on the edge of the storm, and the wind was a little stronger, but the waves weren't quite as violent.

On the other hand, the closer you get to the heart of the storm, the stronger the wind, and the strength of the waves follows the wind. If you lower the sail, the speed of the boat will also drop. At that time, the ship can only follow the current. If the storm is heading towards this Going in the direction, the ship will definitely not be able to run out of the storm. For such a small ship, if it is involved in the storm, it does not know how to die.

So this sentence immediately won a burst of approval.

Another voice immediately retorted: "If you don't lower the sail, you will die now. How can you not lower the sail when the storm comes?"

This remark aroused the approval of another part of the people, so that John didn't know what to do.

At this time, someone finally came up with a compromise: "Half sail, half sail!"

"Yes, half sail, but half sail!" The insects finally found the correct answer and shouted.

At this time, another strong wind blew, and the poor sailboat tilted sharply to the left, and everyone had the illusion that they were about to fall into the abyss.

The crowded worms let out a terrified and lingering scream, and their voices were full, worthy of the most professional bel canto singers.

After a while, the hull of the ship was straightened, and the terrified crowd immediately heard the roar of lowering the sails. Even the most stubborn insect people had to lose in the face of the crisis of life and death.

John was the first to rush out of the cabin, followed by a few soldiers. They took advantage of the insect man, clasped the side of the boat with their strong insect legs, and used every available opportunity to get close to the sail.

The main sail of this sailing yacht could have been raised and lowered by an electric motor, but the battery of the boat was dead early, and all the equipment that needed electricity was lying in the nest, and all of them were changed into manual equipment by John, so at this time, the bug-man could only do it manually. Lower sail.

Unfortunately fortunately, all bugmen have six legs, and spidermen even have eight legs, not counting the two arms of the half body.

The multi-legged worms took advantage of the swaying deck, which could stabilize the body of the worm to the greatest extent, and had little impact on the speed of the worm. John and the others braved the strong wind and the waves that constantly hit the deck to reach the fastest speed. Grab under the mast, quickly untie the cable, intend to lower the bulging sail.

But John underestimated the power of the wind. The cable had just been unwound, and the sail had turned into a flag that fluttered in the wind. If John hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and released his hand quickly, he would have let the cable dragged into the sky.

But that's okay, the loose sails can't handle the wind at all, and the sway of the hull instantly drops by 90%, which was too much stable before.

"Go back!" John roared wildly, and everyone ran back and returned to the cabin smoothly.

A few drenched bugmen got into the cabin, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know who was the first to laugh, and the others couldn't help laughing at the embarrassed appearance of their companions.

The bugs who didn't get out of the cabin looked inexplicably and didn't understand what they were laughing at.

Carter said in a timely manner: "Quickly change your wet clothes, and also, squeeze in the cabin again, no one can stay outside!"

Due to the limited space in the cabin, more than a dozen bugmen who could not enter the cabin have been staying on the deck, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Even if John and the others rushed out of the cabin, none of them rushed in to escape the wind and rain.

"What if I don't have a place?" a voice said weakly.

"There's nowhere to find a way!"

"I can lie on the ceiling!" Spiderman Spade said.

"Why didn't you go just now?" a voice questioned.

"It was too much shaking just now," Spader explained. "I can also hang other people from the ceiling with spider silk."

"It's settled!" John made a final decision. "Call everyone on the deck in... No, leave one person to watch, and change the person every hour!"

John didn't know what was the use of arranging people to guard the deck, but he instinctively felt that at least one person should be left on the deck.

With the passage of time, the wind became stronger and the rain became faster, but after the sail failed, the hull was indeed much more stable. Even if the wind became stronger and stronger, the swaying range was within the tolerance range, and there was no danger of almost overturning again. state.

The storm lasted far beyond everyone's imagination. It took six days and six nights to end. Fortunately, the heart of the storm never moved in this direction. The bug people who struggled in the sea for more than 140 hours finally waited. Here comes the long-lost sunshine.

After the sun jumped out of the clouds, everyone rushed to the deck to bathe in the warm sunshine, and the joy of the rest of their lives jumped in their hearts.

John was no exception. He was closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun, when the crowd suddenly burst into commotion.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was Rand who was separating from the crowd and approaching him.

Seeing Rand's expression, an ominous premonition suddenly jumped in John's heart.

"We're lost."

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