Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1478: kiss the earth

.., the latest chapter of Carapace Mania!

John couldn't believe his ears: "Trapped?" He looked around in a dazed manner. As far as his eyes could see, there were only a few dotted white clouds except for the blue of the sea and the sky, and nothing else.

"Damn storm!" Carlos was filled with indignation.

Carter advises: "Anger doesn't help, the most important thing now is to figure out where we are!"

"Where's the compass? The direction should be known, right?" John asked eagerly.

"Sorry, the compass is broken." Rand shrugged helplessly, "If you know the direction, you won't be lost."

"Isn't it?" Carlos was in a bad mood. He pointed at his wrist and said urgently, "You soldiers, can't you use your watch to determine the direction?"

Orientation is not difficult for a watch to do, and there is more than one way.

One is the Northern Capital method, which Ye Han learned when he was a recruit. There are also two formulas: the hour is folded in half to the sun, and the twelve points are the north.

That is, at six o'clock, use the three o'clock scale to align with the sun, and twelve points to the north; at six o'clock in the evening, at eighteen o'clock, use nine o'clock to point to the sun, and the twelve o'clock scale points to the north.

There is also a method commonly used in the West. The instant hand and the angular bisector of the twelve o'clock scale are aligned with the sun, and the twelve o'clock scale points to the south.

These two methods are simple and clear, easy to learn and use, as long as you have a mechanical watch, you can determine the general direction.

Rand showed his bare wrist regretfully: "Unfortunately, I can't find a single watch on this ship, and this place is so close to the equator, it is difficult to judge the direction by looking at the sun."

Carloston was deflated like a popped balloon.

"It would be nice if there was a magnet, and I could make a simple compass." John scratched his hair full of salt flowers, very distressed.

"Yeah, magnet!" Carlos yelled, "Is there a radio on board?"

"No!" Rand shook his head.

"Is there a walkie-talkie?"

"No!" Rand still shook his head.

"Is there a radio? Is there any..."

"No, not at all!" Rand shook his head firmly, "I've searched the whole ship, and I haven't found a single magnet!"

Carlos' eyes widened in surprise: "How is it possible?"

Rand pointed to the cabin impatiently: "If you don't believe me, find it yourself!"

John said: "The pirates took apart everything that could be dismantled on the ship."

This time Carlos was completely speechless, but he quickly raised his head again and looked at Carter with hopeful eyes: "Dr. Carter, you should have a solution, right? You are a doctor!"

Carter smiled bitterly: "I'm in biology, not a doctor of physics. I know what's going on with electromagnets, but there's no electricity on board, and I know it's useless."

John asked reluctantly, "Is there any charge left in the battery?"

"The battery is dead," Rand said.

Carlos spread his hands: "I can't think of a way at all."

Carter looked up and squinted at the hot sun: "If only there was a solar panel."

John said, "Why don't you search again? Especially in the engine room or something, the generator or other is the motive, there should be a magnet in it, right?"

This sailboat is a yacht, and it is equipped with an engine room, but the equipment in the cabin has almost been dismantled by the pirates, leaving almost an empty shell.

"Then look for it again." Carter agreed unequivocally.

"Okay!" Rand agreed.

Modern equipment is inseparable from electricity and magnetism. For such a large sailboat, there should always be something that can be used.

So the group got into the cabin again, and while they were looking for the magnet, John did not forget to mobilize the crowd and tell others that they needed the magnet.

Before John finished speaking, a bug man stood up: "It's not easy to get a magnet, isn't there a whistle under the bow?"

John almost jumped to his feet, and immediately called Spade over and asked him to hoist him under the bow to see if there were any magnets.

It only took Spade a few minutes to climb up, an electric horn in his hand.

The magnet was found, and the big and small leaders headed by John gathered again. John personally rubbed a piece of iron wire on the magnet a few times, passed through a plastic sheet that increased buoyancy, and then placed it in a coconut shell filled with sea water. .

The magnetic needle floated on the water with the help of the buoyancy of the plastic sheet, turned slowly for half a circle, and quickly stabilized!

Everyone was overjoyed, but Carlos had a question that made everyone's laughter freeze on his face: "Which side is the south and which side is the north?"

John waved his hand: "You don't need to know the details, just find one direction to go!"

Having said that, he looked up at the sun, and then at the shadow left by the mast, and suddenly said, "No, why does the sun move counterclockwise? We are in the southern hemisphere!"

Everyone was stunned, and recalled carefully that the sun's movement trajectory was indeed different from before.

"How could this be?" Carlos almost pulled out his hair. He stared blankly at the sun and then at the sea. He was completely lost.

John smiled bitterly: "We're lucky."

This is not a nonsense. The location of Buha Island is very good. There are large islands in the east, west, and north directions. Only the south is a gap.

No matter where the storm blew the ship, there was an island waiting in the end, except for the real sea to the south.

Carter said: "The most important thing now is to determine where we are!"

"I'll do the math!" Rand said in a big way, "It's almost noon now, just in time!"

John and others did not understand what Rand meant, and when Rand acted, everyone suddenly realized.

Rand's approach is very simple. First measure the height of the mast, then the length of the shadow, calculate the angle between the sun and the ground through trigonometry, and then take the month factor into account. The final position here is about southern latitude. 14 degrees or so.

Carlos' eyes straightened: "Buha Island is 4 degrees north latitude, and now it is 14 degrees south latitude. The storm pushed us a full 18 latitudes? 18 latitudes... Well, the radius of the earth is more than 6,000 kilometers, and 6,000 times Multiply 0 by 3.14...and divide by 360..."

Rand rolled his eyes reluctantly: "Does it take so much trouble? The circumference of the equator is 40,000 kilometers, divided by a latitude is 111 kilometers!"

"My God!" Carlos was dumbfounded on the spot. "Nearly two thousand kilometers? Where are we?"

Rand said: "If I remember correctly, it should be not far from North Australia..."

At this moment, Spade on the mast suddenly pointed to the south and exclaimed: "Look, land!"

John and the others looked at each other, is there such a coincidence?

But life is often more coincidental than drama, and before long, the shoreline rises from below the sea, and everyone cheers and delights.

The torment of six days and six nights is finally over!

Soon after, the sailboat washed up on the beach, and John was the first to jump off the boat, laughing wildly, kneeling on the sand, kissing the sand excitedly, and swearing that he would never go out to sea if he was killed.

Since then, more than 60 worms headed by John have taken root in northern Australia and have begun a difficult road to survival in the cracks between humans and aliens. (Carapace frenzy..6868629)--(Carapace frenzy)

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