Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1480: underwater shadow

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He Xiangdong knew how the navy escorted the ship could not talk much about him, but every time he saw the scarred giant ship docked, he felt as unhappy as a stone was stuck in his heart.

The ambulances whizzed past again and again, and more than a dozen ambulances drove away after a while. Next, passenger cars drove into the cabin and drove out after they were full of people. After leaving the giant ship, they drove all the way. To the ground platform of the rail elevator.

There, they took the space train into space, and then changed to a transport ship to go to Beiyuezhou.

This is a very tedious journey, but everyone is happy... The opportunity to move to Beiyuezhou is hard-won, and no one dares to waste it.

After all the personnel left the giant ship, sappers and trucks wearing exoskeletons rushed up and began to transfer the materials in the cabin. Everything was as orderly as before.

The next step should be the same as in the past, when the ship is unloaded and repaired at the same time, when the materials on the ship are unloaded, and the ship is almost repaired, the ship will leave the port and return to the next journey of death.

Well, if this ship hadn't been requisitioned by the military long ago, and the crew were all active duty soldiers, such a voyage would have been impossible.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see." He Xiangdong greeted and turned towards the dormitory.

Zhao Guoyu sighed and was about to follow He Xiangdong back when the shrill alarm suddenly pierced his eardrums.

He Xiangdong jumped up like a rabbit with an arrow: "Communications soldier, what's going on?"

"Report, receiving orders!" The communications soldier rushed out with the radio behind his back.

This is the forefront of the fight against aliens. It is the most basic and basic thing to leave the saddle without disarming. The radio is the weapon of the communication soldier, so no matter what time you don't leave your body, even if you sleep, you should keep it by your side.

He Xiangdong took three steps and made two steps before rushing to the signal soldier: "What's the situation?"

The signal soldier kept his eyes fixed on the individual terminal on the left forearm: "The command said that the sonar near the port found an abnormal underwater echo, which may be an alien troop transport submarine, and asked us to enter the position immediately. Get ready to take on the enemy!"

He Xiangdong ripped his neck and shouted, "Watchman!"


"Everyone will enter the battle position immediately, hurry up!" He Xiangdong shouted while taking the rifle handed over by the correspondent, and rushed towards the off-road vehicle first.

After a while, the off-road vehicle drove to the dock, and behind the off-road vehicle was a whole battalion of Marines.

But in the entire port, only He Xiangdong's troops were ready to fight, and the others seemed to have not heard the siren, what to do, but the speed was reaching the limit.

He Xiangdong's army was originally a reinforcement regiment. After leaving Buha Island, the battalion from the brother army was rebuilt as a whole. Now only the original base is left. After the casualties, there are more than 1,200 people.

In order to fight against the swarms, the military specially strengthened the fortifications of the port of Sidan, and built a "city wall" more than four meters high with five centimeters thick armored steel, surrounded the entire port, and welded it on the top of the wall. A lot of sharpened steel bars, any giant insects who want to jump on the wall will have to pay the price of blood.

Not only that, but a 20-meter moat was dug outside the wall, with a depth of only about two meters. The river was filled with seawater... The function of this thing is not to stop the giant insects, but to prevent the giant insects from borrowing power. The worm jumped over the wall.

He Xiangdong's troops set up defenses along the city wall, placing a platoon at intervals, and the redundant manpower was concentrated in the camp near the exit as a reserve.

In addition to He Xiangdong's troops, other troops in the port also have the task of guarding the port. According to the plan of the headquarters, He Xiangdong's second regiment is a garrison that cannot leave the body. In principle, the small-scale insect swarm is solved by the second regiment .

Other troops in the port usually only carry self-defense weapons such as pistols. In the event of a large-scale attack, the first task of the Second Regiment is to buy time for the brothers. The engineers and other troops in the port will receive weapons as quickly as possible and support them on the wall. fighting.

It's not there yet, so only the Second Regiment starts operations.

He Xiangdong's troops were well-trained and arrived at the dock in just a few minutes. Everyone climbed the city wall at the fastest speed and set up their weapons to aim at the coast.

A few dozen meters away is the coast, and the sea water scours back and forth as usual, and there is no abnormality at all.

Everyone knows that the enemy is hiding under the sea, and no one dares to be careless.

He Xiangdong asked in a deep voice, "Is there any news from the headquarters, where are the aliens?"

The communications soldier replied: "There has been no movement..."

Before he finished speaking, a water column suddenly rose up on the sea surface at least one kilometer away. There seemed to be something at the root of the water column, but it was difficult to see clearly because it was too far away.

The soaring water column quickly fell back, and only at this time did He Xiangdong and the others hear a muffled sound like rolling thunder.

"It struck a thunderbolt!" Zhao Guoyu said excitedly, "80% of it is an alien submarine!"

Aliens don't actually have submarines. Their spaceships are special and can navigate freely in the water. It's just that the gravity of the earth is relatively high, and the alien spacecraft can no longer fly after landing, and can only be a guest submarine.

Submarine is the name of the ground force. If it is replaced by the soldiers of the space fleet, it must be called the spaceship or warship for the underwater things.

At this time, two water columns rushed into the sky again, and the location was near the first water column.

He Xiangdong's face turned black: "Dog. Japanese, this is so demining!"

Xidan Port is now the heart of Beidu. Except for a safe waterway, the entire port is blocked by mines. It is not so simple to approach from underwater.

At this time, a series of fires suddenly appeared on the frigate parked on the It was the warship launching an anti-submarine rocket into the area where the incident occurred. The rocket flew over the target area and plunged into the water, slowly sinking.

Several giant insects were near the landing site of the rocket. The sound of the rocket entering the water alarmed the giant insects underwater, and they swam away like frightened fish.

However, the area covered by the rocket was too large. Before they could swim far, the rocket had already exploded underwater, and the strong shock wave instantly shattered the giant insect's internal organs and quickly took away the giant insect's life.

But the alien submarine was hidden underwater and at some distance from the blast zone, with little impact.

The rocket launchers on the frigate were quickly reloaded, and the second round of rockets flew to the target area immediately.

This is the latest news that the signal trooper finally received the latest news from the command. A military satellite is over the port of Sidan. It found several vague shadows underwater. The command believes that these shadows are likely to be aliens. submarine.

He Xiangdong hadn't read the news yet. The missile position a few kilometers away was filled with smoke and dust. A cruise missile detached from the launch vehicle and took off into the sky. It flew into the sky at a very high speed, and then quickly descended, two kilometers behind the shadow. Dive into the sea.

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