Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1481: Swarm landing

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Carapace Frenzy!

Two kilometers wrong?

Just kidding, no matter how bad the accuracy of cruise missiles is, they can't be so biased!

He Xiangdong immediately thought of a possibility, but before the thought came out of his heart, a blazing bright light suddenly exploded where the missile fell, just like the sun suddenly submerged underwater, and many people closed their eyes subconsciously.

In recent years, the military of various countries has used nuclear weapons on a large scale. Both the military and the private sector have popularized the knowledge of nuclear explosion protection. It is the most basic foundation to immediately close your eyes when you find a nuclear explosion.

But the strong light came and went quickly, and it only lasted for a short while before disappearing. In a short time, a cauliflower-like canopy grew above the water column and quickly expanded outwards, forming a special mushroom cloud.

At the root of the mushroom cloud, a circle of waves quickly expanded outward, but the speed quickly slowed down.

Then, countless burrs suddenly grew on the water column. They grew longer and longer, and quickly bent downward in a very short time, falling to the sea with the water column.

The sea three kilometers away was like a rainstorm. I don't know how much sea water fell from the sky. Even the pier three kilometers away was affected by the rainstorm.

A dull explosion was finally heard on the pier - at this time, the explosion had lasted for a full ten seconds!

At this time, a huge wave suddenly jumped up the coast, and the giant ships that were docked in the port swayed a few times.

He Xiangdong wiped the seawater off his face, and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, why don't you go, the aliens are finished!"

Zhao Guoyu sighed endlessly: "Nuclear bombs have been used? Isn't it so?" Thinking about it, he felt scared. The straight-line distance between the explosion and the coast was only three kilometers, so it was close at hand.

He knew that this was a miniature nuclear bomb, but a miniature nuclear bomb was also a nuclear bomb. As long as the landing point was a little higher, it could blow up the pier in one piece, okay?

"There's nothing that can't be done. Using a nuclear bomb is the fastest and most effective." He Xiangdong seemed to see through Zhao Guoyu's mind, squinted him and said, "Don't worry, this thing is accurate!"

Zhao Guoyu twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't say a word. Don't care if this thing is safe or not, it's too crazy to drop a nuclear bomb at this distance.

At the same time, at the garrison headquarters five kilometers away, garrison commander Liu Huaidong was holding a telescope to observe the situation on the sea. After seeing the waves hitting the pier, he put down the telescope and said with satisfaction: "The landing point is ok, the power is well controlled. , Has the satellite found it?"

Chief of Staff Zhang Chen quickly replied: "The shadows underwater have disappeared, confirm the destruction."

"Okay, that boy Geng Lei did a good job!" Liu Huaidong made no secret of his admiration.

Geng Lei is the current battalion commander of the garrison missile battalion. He is in charge of various short- and medium-range missiles, and most of them carry nuclear warheads. He is the strongest force in the entire equatorial base.

In the past, the management of nuclear bombs in Beidu was extremely strict, but with the development of war, the application of nuclear weapons has become more and more common. Although it cannot be said to be conventional weapons, the scope of equipment has long been expanded. How many nuclear bombs can be mastered, such as the equatorial base, which is equipped with a full twenty-four miniature nuclear bombs.

The popularization of nuclear bombs has strengthened the combat effectiveness of grass-roots troops, but it has also raised a new topic, that is, the coordination of troops and nuclear bombs, referred to as step-nuclear coordination.

To put it simply, it is how to let the nuclear bomb destroy the enemy without hurting yourself.

This is almost impossible, because if the infantry and artillery coordination is not careful in actual combat, it will hurt the charging infantry. The power of nuclear bombs is much greater than that of artillery shells. The enemy will also launch nuclear bombs.

Today's situation is a typical example of step-and-nuclear coordination. The reason why Geng Lei won Liu Huaidong's praise is because the nuclear explosion not only destroyed the enemy, but also did not accidentally injure the soldiers on his own dock.

The two said a few more words, and the door of the office was suddenly knocked.

"Come in!" Liu Huaidong said loudly.

Jiang Xinghua, the deputy commander of the garrison, walked in with a folder and saluted Liu Huaidong: "Commander, the chief of staff is also here!"

Zhang Chen smiled and said hello.

Liu Huaidong asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Xinghua put the folder on the table: "This is the enemy situation report I just received, and the swarm has landed."

"What?" Liu Huaidong froze and opened the folder immediately.

In the folder is a stack of satellite photos, the coastline is clear on the photos, several huge shadows are close to the coast, only a small exit is floating on the sea.

The swarm came out of the mouth and rushed toward the shore in droves.

The further back he looked, the bigger the swarm in the photo, Liu Huaidong couldn't stand it anymore after seeing half of it, and threw the photo on the table: "Where is the swarm?"

"The nameless estuary 70 kilometers to the south, and the coast 90 kilometers to the west to the north." Jiang Xinghua said, "But the direction of the insect swarm after landing is not the base, but always to the east."

Liu Huaidong said: "East... The east is just a forest except for the forest. What are they going eastward? They definitely intend to intersperse to the east, to make a detour and outflank."

Zhang Chen said: "Circumventing and outflanking is our specialty. Aliens are too tender to play this game!"

Liu Huaidong said: "Nen is a little tender, but Taizu and his old man said it well, strategically despising the enemy, tactically attaching importance to the enemy, the aliens put up such a big battle, we can't underestimate them, Wan Wan. A boat capsizes in a gutter, and it's not just our own reputation that will be ruined."

Jiang Xinghua said, "Commander, what do you mean..."

Liu Huaidong said, "Can you determine the location of the swarm?"

"Satellites keep staring, UU reading can't run them."

"Well, report to Beidu, apply for space fleet support, and if the timing is right, bomb him with nuclear weapons directly."

"Understood!" Jiang Xinghua nodded.

Although the expedition fleet has not returned yet, there are a lot of newly built battleships in Beiyuezhou. They may be inexperienced in space warfare, but there should be no problem in attacking the ground.

The space fleet is lacking experienced crew members. It is also good to use this interception to increase the fleet's experience... Use the laser cannon of the space battleship to clear the giant insects at a fixed point, the picture should not be too beautiful!

While they were talking, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor. The eyes of the three people just turned, and a communications staff officer fit into the office and crashed into the office: "Commander, emergency report!"

Liu Huaidong suddenly stood up: "What's the situation?"

"The headquarters reported that the satellite found something suspected of being a light worm in the swarm of insects that landed. The superior ordered us to ensure the safety of the orbital elevator no matter what method we use!"

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