Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1482: take the initiative

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Liu Huaidong's whole person is bad: "Jiang Xinghua, where is the swarm?"

The information on the expedition campaign is not a secret. He has naturally heard of the light worm, but isn't that thing only found on Jupiter? When did this thing exist on earth?

More importantly, the light worm's **** is shot with a thin light. This thing is so powerful that it can hit space on the ground. It's like playing against an orbital elevator. Although the cable is strong, it can't help the thin light. Cutting, as long as the aliens set up the light worms and shoot a few shots according to the cables of the orbital elevator, the orbital elevator will be finished immediately.

Sixty kilometers is absolutely within the range of the light worm. No matter why the aliens have not opened fire, the orbital elevator is in extreme danger.

Jiang Xinghua was also stunned, and quickly said: "The swarm has just landed, and it is near the coast!"

Liu Huai said urgently: "Staff Lu, contact the headquarters immediately and ask for air support!"

Staff Officer Lu's feet did not move as if taking root: "The headquarters has issued a support order to the fleet, but the nearest battleship will take half an hour to fly over."

"What about the Air Force? Let our Air Force take off immediately, as well as missiles and warships, and use all the weapons that can be used for me!"


Just a few seconds later, a shrill siren rang throughout the base.

He Xiangdong and his troops had just descended the city wall and had not yet boarded the troop carrier when they heard the siren again.

He Xiangdong's whole body's cold hair stood up: "Something happened, everyone, prepare to fight!"

The alarm just now was limited to the wharf and had nothing to do with other areas of the base, but this time was different. When the alarm fell into a low ebb, He Xiangdong clearly heard the high-pitched alarm from several nearby areas.

Judging from the current signs, even in the best case, the entire coastline will sound the alarm, and in the worst case, the alarm will cover the entire equatorial base!

The soldiers who had just come down from the wall immediately climbed up the wall again as if they had been beaten with blood.

The sappers wearing exoskeletons on the dock were stunned for a while, then they suddenly moved and ran to the equipment depot in the corner of the port.

Seeing this scene, He Xiangdong froze for a moment.

Not even half an insect shadow was found around the port, and the sappers have already started to receive weapons. This is not normal at all, okay?

This thought was still lingering in He Xiangdong's mind. The naval guns of the warships on the dock all moved, and all the gun barrels were raised high and pointed neatly to the south.

Is this to shoot?

Just as this thought popped into my mind, I heard a low whistling sound in my ears again. Looking back, I saw a few smoke pillars rising from the missile position. Half of them turned to the south after taking off, and the other half turned their heads to the north. fly.

Before the missile flew far, there was also a low whistle on the sea, that was the aircraft carrier was releasing the carrier-based aircraft.

I wipe!

He Xiangdong's brain is completely useless. Missiles, planes, warships...the three major killers of the Equator Base have all been used. What the **** happened? Will the space battleships come out in a little while?

How did he know that the space battleship was already on its way.

The signal trooper finally received the latest news, and quickly handed it to He Xiangdong: "Head of the regiment, the headquarters informed that the insect swarm landed not long ago, and the superior ordered us to hand over the port defense to the engineers, prepare for battle, and wait for further orders from the headquarters."

He Xiangdong glanced at the order: "Understood, send the order down, everyone is fully armed, and when the engineers come up, we will withdraw!"

He knew very well in his heart that the command was treating his Second Regiment as a mobile unit, but he was not disgusted at all, but instead had the urge to try it.

In order to guard Buha Island, He Xiangdong's troops are equipped with a lot of powered exoskeletons. Although they can't compare with power armor, they can match armored vehicles and other technical equipment, and their combat effectiveness is also first-class.

The situation of the Second Regiment is not an exception. In this kind of troops equipped with a large number of exoskeletons, light equipment refers to carrying only side weapons, while full armor means that all technical equipment is ready. Once ordered, they can Take action now.

Regardless of the fact that power armor is used casually in the space fleet, it is not easy to equip a set of exoskeletons in the ground troops. Most officers and soldiers do not dare to expect power armor at all.

It's been a few years since the motor infantry was founded. It's not that simple to be a motor infantry. It is all about the best of the best. Only the best soldiers have the opportunity to become a member of the motorized infantry.

Many warriors who are interested in joining the mobile infantry have been working hard, but they can't seize the opportunity. They can only retreat and enjoy the exoskeleton first.

He Xiangdong was not ready yet, and the warships at sea fired a batch of missiles in the north and south directions. This scene attracted countless attention. Many soldiers who were not aware of the situation were upset and secretly guessed what happened. what.

The speed of the sappers was not bad, and they had already brought their weapons and equipment and rushed to the city wall. At this moment, He Xiangdong suddenly felt a slight flash in front of him, but when he realized it carefully, there was nothing left.

He blinked suspiciously, but to no avail.

The first group of engineers climbed the city wall. He Xiangdong was about to leave with the soldiers when a soldier suddenly raised his arm and pointed to the south: "Look, mushroom cloud!"

Nearby people who heard this sentence invariably behaved in unison and looked into the distance, and they found a white mushroom cloud rising high in the south.

He Xiangdong suddenly understood The flash just now was probably the bright light at the moment of the nuclear explosion!

He didn't know how far the nuclear explosion was from here, but judging from the location of the mushroom cloud, it was obviously an air explosion. This was the best way for a nuclear bomb to explode against ground targets. The swarms under the nuclear explosion would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

The actual situation was similar to what He Xiangdong had guessed. A megaton nuclear bomb exploded above the insect swarm, and the intense light radiation scorched the jungle, turning the giant insects in the forest into baked insects.

Then the shock wave swept across the army, countless trees fell down, and countless giant insects flew into the sky.

Just one nuclear bomb killed a large number of giant insects. The loss of the landing insect swarm was more than half, and the rest were also injured. The whole swarm was in chaos.

Not only the giant insects landed, but also a small number of insect people, who were often the commanders of the insect swarm, equivalent to the grass-roots officers in the insect swarm.

But the human half of the worm is much more fragile than the worm. The giant worm can survive the power of the nuclear explosion as long as it is a little further away, but the worm at the same distance is not so lucky. , The dead, the wounded, the wounded, and the ten who can continue to command the swarm.

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