Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1483: almost 1 sacrifice

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There were more than one group of giant insects that landed, and more than one nuclear bomb was launched from the equatorial base. The first mushroom cloud was still rising. He Xiangdong and others on the city wall of Xidan Harbor flashed again, because everyone was staring at the nuclear explosion. Direction, this flash is particularly obvious, like a weakened version of the sun suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, another mushroom cloud rose high, two mushroom clouds, one high and one low, one after the other, seemed to have an alternative beauty.

The straight-line distance between the two nuclear explosions was not far away. After a while, the shock wave generated by the second nuclear explosion swept across the mushroom cloud generated by the first nuclear explosion. Blowing to the side.

This scene almost dropped a jaw, no one would have thought that such a spectacle could still appear when two nuclear bombs exploded at close range.

If you think about it, it is not surprising. Although there have been many nuclear bombs used in recent years, so many people have witnessed it only a few times, and there is no precedent of several nuclear bombs being exploded in succession in a short period of time. Naturally, no one has seen anything similar. Scenes.

Realizing this, many people suddenly remembered that there were more than a few missiles just launched, and they couldn't help but have some expectations in their hearts.

What happened next was as expected. Three mushroom clouds exploded in succession in the south of Xidan Port. Although there was some interference between the five mushroom clouds, the general appearance was not damaged. The five mushroom clouds rose in the sky at the same time. Such a scene is estimated to be the first time in the history of human warfare.

The series of explosions in the south just ended, and four nuclear bombs exploded in succession in the north. At this point, all nine nuclear bombs fired by the garrison missile battalion detonated.

The soldiers saw this scene and thought what they wanted, but how could the grassroots officers and soldiers know that every nuclear bomb exploded above the swarm, and nine nuclear bombs completely crippled the swarm that landed.

Although the nuclear bomb wiped out a large number of giant insects, the nuclear bomb is not omnipotent. Many giant insects scattered into the jungle long before the nuclear bomb exploded, and luckily escaped the nuclear bomb attack.

However, the nuclear strike is only the first step. The mushroom cloud in the sky has not yet dissipated, and the aircraft group from the aircraft carrier has already flown over the swarm.

With the help of satellites, the giant insects hidden in the jungle can be seen at a glance, and the aircraft group immediately assigned targets and threw cluster bombs on the relatively concentrated small-scale insect groups.

This thing is to put hundreds of small bombs in one aerial bomb. After the aerial bomb is separated from the fighter, it will automatically decompose at an appropriate height, and the small bombs in the stomach will be scattered. Within the range, otherwise death is also serious injury.

The weapons used by humans today are not the original models, but special models developed for giant insects to increase the power of the giant insects by increasing the charge or other means to achieve the purpose of killing giant insects-the giant insects are covered with carapace, and they are used to deal with humans. The ordinary weapons used to deal with giant insects are really not very effective.

Cluster bombs are only suitable for dealing with cluster targets, and it is not so easy to deal with scattered targets, but it doesn't matter, there are also terminal-sensitive bombs developed for insect swarms on fighters. This thing is a weapon against scattered targets. Within the striking range, the possibility of escaping is very small.

The terminal-sensitive bombs dropped by the aviation troops quickly unfolded above the insect swarm, and the terminal-sensitive bombs hung under small parachutes fell staggeringly. A kilometer-long high-temperature metal jet fell from the sky and instantly penetrated the body of the giant insect.

Hundreds of metal jets fell from the sky, and it was like a sudden rainstorm of metal jets above the jungle, killing more giant insects than cluster bombs.

The swarm, already devastated by the nuclear bomb, made matters worse.

The insect swarm is not passively beaten. The few light insects that escaped the disaster, under the command of fewer insect people, quietly aimed their pouty buttocks at the fighter jets hovering in the air.

After several consecutive rounds of human strikes, the remaining giant insects are very scattered, and it is neither economical nor efficient to continue to use aerial bombs, so the aviation troops temporarily ceased fire and hovered over the battlefield.

However, it was the difference in this thought that left a hole for the giant insect. A dozen thin lights suddenly jumped into the air. Two fighter planes could not avoid it, and one hit the thin light. One was cut in half by the thin light, and the pilot was on the spot. Sacrifice; the other wing was cut in half, the runaway fighter crashed to the ground without any suspense, and the pilot immediately parachuted to escape.

Umbrella flowers bloomed in the air, and a thin light swept over, splitting the parachute in half, and the pilot screamed and fell to the ground.

The eyes of the pilot who witnessed this scene were all red, and he immediately launched a stormy attack on the giant insects in the jungle. First, he threw all the bombs to the ground in one breath, then emptied the missile nests, and finally used the cannons again and again. Shoot the jungle everywhere.

The crazy attack regardless of cost has achieved brilliant results, killing the giant insect is useless, but the rabbit knows how to bite people in a hurry, not to mention the vicious giant insect?

During this period, three more fighter planes were shot down by the thin light. Fortunately, the other fighter planes supported in time, and there was no chance for the insect swarm to attack the parachuting pilot.

And the pilot who lost the parachute was fine. After the parachute was finished, he thought he was doomed, but his desire to survive made him unwilling to die like this. He controlled his posture and opened his eyes to look for any opportunity to take advantage.

He was lucky, because the ground was full of tropical jungles, which belonged to the kind of area with particularly high trees and dense forests, so he deliberately floated to the bushes, smashed directly on the dense canopy, and used the layers of branches to slow down. .

Moreover, he never dropped the failed parachute, and the flying parachute rope was wrapped around the branches of the further slowed him down.

In this way, the pilot managed to reduce the falling speed to a tolerable range before hitting the ground, and was lucky to save his own life.

However, the price paid was still very painful. The multiple collisions with the branches caused him to fracture many parts of his body. His two legs were broken into seven or eight joints, and one of the broken bones directly pierced the femoral artery on the inner thigh.

After touching the ground, the severe pain all over his body made the pilot soberly realize that his injury was very serious, and in his current condition, he could never wait for rescue to arrive.

At a critical moment, the pilot used his severed arm to inject himself with hibernin with inhuman perseverance.

As a result of forcibly moving the broken arm, the broken rib almost pierced the heart!

Finally, hibernin played a role in time, fixing his injury to the way he was when he fell, buying precious time for rescue and a chance of life for himself.

After the rescuers snatched the pilot back from the **** of death, even the chief surgeon had to praise a miracle, and the pilot's deeds spread throughout the army because of this hibernating element.

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