Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1484: Estimated 7 minutes

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Carapace Frenzy!

The battle is still going on, and the pause button will not be pressed just because there is a seriously injured pilot on the ground.

After the airmen had exhausted all the ammunition on the plane, they reluctantly pulled up and returned.

At this time, the fighter group received a direct order from Liu Huaidong, asking all fighters to pay attention to their positions and not block the rail elevator under any circumstances.

The content of the order was so strange that the pilots who received the order had no idea what the order meant.

It was not until the command issued further instructions that the pilots suddenly realized.

In the battle just now, a few thin lights chasing the aircraft group almost swept the rail elevator, causing Liu Huaidong to break out in a cold sweat. If the thin light was really swept up, the rail elevator would be finished. He, the chief officer of the base, must be Be the first responsible person!

He couldn't afford to carry such a big pot, so he hurriedly issued such an order to prevent the enemy from sweeping the light toward the rail elevator again.

Having said that, the target of the aliens should be the orbital elevator, but after the swarm landed, there was no intention of launching an attack at all. If the swarm was directly deployed on the beach with a salvo of light, the orbital elevator would have been destroyed long ago. !

In any case, do not let the enemy succeed!

Liu Huaidong made up his mind, gritted his teeth and issued several orders.

At this time, the naval air force had withdrawn from the battle, and the battlefield ushered in a rare tranquility. Many giant insects came out of their hiding places, and the number was actually quite large.

They got together in twos and threes and continued to march deeper into the jungle.

This scene was transmitted to the headquarters of the Equatorial Base via satellite. Liu Huaidong was sinking like water: "Where did Luhang's plane go?"

The combat staff quickly replied: "Contact in one minute and thirty seconds!"

Liu Huaidong's face became better: "Order Lu Hang to go all out, be careful of light worms!"


Liu Huaidong said again, "Where is the space battleship?"

"Six minutes to be seated!"

Liu Huaidong finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Report immediately if there is any news!"


While speaking, the armed helicopters from the equatorial base finally flew over the insect swarm, and more than 20 armed helicopters dispersed in advance, chasing the fleeing giant insects and firing violently.

Rockets, machine guns, large-caliber machine guns.

There are just as many weapons that helicopters can equip, all of which are used on the giant insects. The firepower from the sky is fast and precise. The giant insects have no power to fight back in the face of blows.

The best combat of armed helicopters is ground attack. In the past, it was called the nemesis of armored forces, but now it just happens to restrain the swarm.

Two rays of light suddenly appeared in the jungle. A helicopter couldn't dodge in time, and the tail was cut off by the rays. The fuselage immediately fell into an uncontrollable spin, and fell while spinning in circles.

However, the main rotor is still working. Although only half of the helicopter is left, the speed of the fall is not fast. Except for the dizziness of the people inside, there is no other danger.

But this does not mean that these two sources of danger can be let go. Several nearby helicopters immediately launched air-to-surface missiles at the place where the light came from. The missiles drilled into the jungle with a trail of smoke and exploded in a blink of an eye.

The only two remaining light worms were wiped out, completely ending the last hope of the swarm.

The speed of helicopters is much slower than that of fighter jets. If the helicopter group arrives first, they will definitely suffer heavy losses under the attack of light worms.

Fortunately, the fighter planes arrived first. The fighter planes not only killed a large number of giant insects, but also gave special care to the light insects in order to avenge their comrades. They almost wiped out all the remaining light insects. The last two light insects survived. Otherwise, the helicopter group will definitely not be good.

The helicopter swarm did not know that it was the last obstacle. In order to prevent the sudden attack of the light worms, the encirclement and suppression of the helicopter swarm became more and more cautious.

Only by saving yourself can you destroy the enemy. This is the truth no matter when you are.

At this point in the battle, Liu Huaidong finally put his heart back into his stomach.

There are still a lot of giant insects left, but there are many giant insects in the primeval forest of Kalidan. The base launched an attack, and it was impossible to break through the base's defense.

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at the 1020 close-in cannons on the outer wall of the base, you can see how perverted the base's defense is! - Ordinary surface warships, equipped with up to four 1020 close-in cannons, can include all the front, rear, left, right and top into the defense range.

The equatorial base has a radius of 5 kilometers and a circumference of nearly 16 kilometers. There are 1020 guns placed every 500 meters, and there are more than 30 guns on the outer wall.

On the top of the wall is not only this kind of defensive weapon, but also many machine gun turrets that automatically feed ammunition, and each machine gun has no less than 20,000 rounds of ammunition.

In addition, there are a large number of automatic grenade launchers, and the three weapons form a three-dimensional defense network that combines point and surface. As long as there is no problem with the supply of bombs, the possibility of the swarm attacking the base is almost negligible.

The encirclement and suppression of the army aviation has not ended yet. The space battleship Qionghe, which has arrived in a hurry, has already flown over Kaledan and established contact with the base headquarters.

After receiving the report, Liu Huaidong was overjoyed and immediately asked Qionghe for assistance. The base garrison and the space fleet belonged to two arms, and there was no commanding relationship between each other, and the captain of the main ship was at least a colonel, and only in rare cases was a lieutenant colonel. Only one level lower than him, there is no harm in being polite.

The order received by the Qionghe was to assist the base defenders to remove the giant insects. How could they not agree? So the battleship immediately joined the battle. 27 laser main guns fired at the same time, and the beam of light fell from outer space to the ground, removing the giant insects locked by the battleship one by one.

The Qionghe is condescending, it is really advantageous, but a few salvos will clear the giant insects around the battlefield, and the armed helicopters that have been going around suddenly find that they can't find the target!

How can a helicopter compare to a warship? The pilots who participated in the war were depressing.

Many pilots were stimulated by the battle and determined to be transferred to the space fleet.

At this time, the base issued an order to return, and the helicopter group turned around and flew back... The gap was too great, and they didn't want to stay on the battlefield for a minute.

Qionghe's actions were very effective, and it overfulfilled its mission in a short time. Not only did it kill all the giant insects that landed, but it also killed many of the native Kalidan giant insects. So far, the alien's landing operation was a complete failure.

Just as Liu Huaidong sighed, thinking that today's battle was over, the communications staff suddenly rushed over: "Report, the Qionghe announced that alien submarines were found underwater outside the port, the number of which was not less than 20. And the number is still increasing, it is expected to enter the port in seven minutes!"

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