Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1485: Anti-submarine mobilization

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"What?" Liu Huaidong jumped up, "Show me!"

The communications staff member immediately handed over the tablet computer in his hand. The computer screen was displaying a satellite image of the outside of Sidan Harbor. Two dozen light spots representing the enemy were constantly flashing on the map.

Liu Huaidong pointed a finger and canceled the target indication. The picture on the screen became the original satellite image. After careful identification, there was a blurry shadow under each disappearing light spot.

Liu Huaidong raised his head abruptly: "Battle alert, order all units to prepare for battle; order the fleet to fully anti-submarine... Is Lu Hang back?"

"not yet."

"Order the army aviation to return as quickly as possible, and order the ground crew to prepare anti-submarine equipment; ask Qionghe for assistance!"

"Yes!" The communications staff officer immediately conveyed the order, and the shrill alarm sounded through the sky again.

The naval warships docked on the dock responded the fastest. Just after receiving the order, a destroyer launched anti-submarine rockets to the sea in the distance. With the sound of breaking through the air, all twelve anti-submarine rockets flew to the predetermined area.

The other warships did not respond slowly, and fired anti-submarine rockets at their respective targets, but within a few seconds, the rockets had already fallen into the water and quickly sank.

Each ship fired up the anti-submarine rockets and immediately reloaded at the fastest speed. Before the reloading was over, the deep bombs that entered the water had already exploded in the water, and water columns rose from the water one after another.

This is not to mention, the warships that were originally leaning on the dock started their engines and left the dock along the safe route.

Several frigates have relatively shallow drafts, and the mines are located relatively deep. The bottom of the ship can't touch the mines at all. They simply don't care what they can't navigate. They drive directly over the mines and rush to the alien's submarine at the highest speed. , immediately activated the depth bomb launcher on the ship, and each depth bomb was thrown into the sky and fell into the water through an arc.

Before long, the depth bullets exploded at different depths, trailing the battleship in streaks of water, as if something in the water had been following the battleship.

Depth charge is not an advanced weapon. This thing must be thrown by warships. The accuracy, power and range are not very good. Once the depth charge is used, it means that the enemy's submarine has approached the fleet.

Take the anti-submarine rocket as an example, the maximum range of this thing is only ten kilometers, while the most advanced torpedo has a range of up to 140 kilometers!

The target of the depth bomb is the submarine, but the depth bomb with the rocket has a short arm and cannot reach the submarine at all. Conversely, submarines can launch torpedoes at enemy ships at a distance of tens or even hundreds of kilometers.

In other words, the role of depth bombs in anti-submarine is very limited. Before the war, the main function of depth bombs was not anti-submarine, but to intercept underwater torpedoes!

As the role of deep bombs is becoming more and more tasteless, some countries before the war have eliminated this weapon, and anti-submarine aircraft and anti-submarine torpedoes are used to deal with enemy submarines.

Deep bombs have many shortcomings, but the biggest advantage of this thing is that it is cheap. At present, the space fleet is the key development direction of various countries. The funds of the navy have been compressed again and again, and this old but economical weapon has to be reactivated.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible to have so many deep bombs on these warships.

Of course, there are not only anti-submarine weapons such as deep bombs, but also certain mathematical anti-submarine missiles. After that, it plunged into the water again and released the anti-submarine torpedo.

The frigate's attack regardless of cost should have achieved some results, but even if the alien submarine was hit by a depth bomb and a torpedo, it would not surface.

The two destroyers were only one step behind the frigates, but the destroyers were larger in tonnage and equipped with more weapons. After arriving at the area where the incident occurred, depth bombs and anti-submarine missiles were thrown around like they were free of money.

Don't look at the fun in front of you, but everyone with discernment knows that battleships are not the main anti-submarine force. The real killer is the anti-submarine helicopters that have just taken off from the aircraft carrier.

To put it bluntly, the action of the battleship is only to buy time for the anti-submarine helicopter, not to count on how many enemy ships are destroyed by depth charges.

Several helicopters soon flew over the alien submarine, released sonar in an orderly manner, and after determining the position of the enemy boat, the helicopters released anti-submarine torpedoes into the water.

It's a pity that the alien submarines are too scattered, and it's not worth bombing with nuclear bombs, otherwise Liu Huaidong would have blasted the nuclear bombs long ago.

It was probably the anti-submarine weapons that took turns that put pressure on the alien submarine, and several shadows under the water suddenly began to rise up. As you can see on the satellite image, these shadows became clearer and clearer.

The headquarters immediately issued a warning, and at the same time, the warships in front also found this abnormal sign and immediately launched anti-submarine rockets at these positions - it was a coincidence that the anti-submarine rockets on several warships had just been loaded!

The deep bombs that fell into the water exploded one after another, but the shadows under the water didn't matter, and they still slowly floated up on their own.

Witnessing this scene, Liu Huaidong couldn't help shrinking. He was about to give an order. One of the shadows had already surfaced, but only a small corner emerged from the water. From the satellite image, we couldn't see how big the corner was. The main body of the enemy ship remained hidden underwater.

But the scene was different. The officers and soldiers on the battleship and helicopter found that the east-west radius was only three to five meters, like a breathing tube sticking out of the water.

No one knows what the use of this thing is, but everyone understands that this thing must be hiding some kind of danger.

Several warships immediately turned their guns, and the guns frantically fired at the breathing tube.

Most of the shells landed on the water near the Only a few hit the target, but after the smoke from the explosion dissipated, apart from rippling ripples, no other effects could be seen.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly surprised that the alien submarine was so strong? If that's the case, wouldn't all the deep bombs thrown before were useless?

At this time, several other influences from the water also surfaced. Five or six horns just broke through the water, and then the tops of those horns suddenly opened, revealing a black hole.

Before everyone could react, a group of servants flew out with their wings.

Everyone suddenly realized, what kind of corner is this special, it is obviously the channel for the aliens to release their servants!

Don't say anything, hit!

Several anti-submarine helicopters immediately pulled up, but the servants were much more flexible than helicopters, catching up quickly, swept away in all directions, the fragile helicopter disintegrated on the spot, and fell to the sea piece by piece.

The occupants of the helicopter were without exception, all sacrificed on the spot, and the sea was stained with blood.

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