Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1486: Resolutely destroy the enemy ship

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Witnessing this scene, everyone was out of anger, and the unstoppable naval guns let out a roar of revenge, but the shells were no longer the armor-piercing shells just now, but were quickly replaced with high-explosive shells for air defense, and each shell exploded in the air. , threw thousands of steel **** violently with the force of the explosion, and swept away the air targets within the killing radius.

A series of shells smashed past, countless steel **** covered the sky, and the newly-flying servants fell into the water like dumplings, but no matter how many servants they killed, they could not save the disintegrated helicopter.

More alien submarines floated up, and groups of servants flew into the sky. After identifying the human warships, they swooped on them regardless of their lives, and fired at the human warships while dashing. superior.

The position of the enemy's water exit is too close, and the anti-aircraft missiles are useless, but there are also close-range artillery on the battleship, which is better than anything else. As long as the servants approach, the close-range artillery will automatically activate, sending death to The servants who rushed over desperately.

The number of servants is quite large, but no matter how many, it can't stand the abnormal rate of fire of tens of thousands of rounds per minute of the close-in defense artillery. As long as there are shells, how many servants come will be killed.

The battle between the fleet and the enemy changed rapidly, and everyone on the shore was stunned by the battle at sea.

It turns out that the confrontation between the fleet and the aliens is like this!

He Xiangdong is willing to help, but the battlefield is too far away, and none of the weapons in his hand has such a long range... I can't say the same, the wheeled self-propelled artillery has enough range, the problem is that he has The maximum caliber of these guns is only 120.

The naval guns of the navy can't be penetrated. Even if he hits the target with his wealth, it is estimated that he will tickle the alien submarine, and it will have no effect at all.

At this time, several lasers fell from the sky, hitting the enemy ship on the water without error, and just hit the corner where the servants were released.

The high-power pulsed laser directly drilled into the hole in the corner, and blocked the servants who were about to fly out. Fortunately, they could not get out of the block, and if they were unlucky, they were simply vaporized by the laser.

Not only lasers fell from the sky, but also a lightning-fast line of fire. This line of fire did not hit the corner that was exposed to the surface of the water, but smashed directly into the water. After stirring up the water column, it hit the shadow underwater.

There were thunderous cheers on the pier, and the space battleship was indeed extraordinary!

Although I couldn't see what happened to the underwater enemy ship, the laser first and then the electromagnetic gun would definitely be enough for the aliens to drink a pot.

At this point in the battle, the defenders have mastered the initiative on the battlefield. If they continue to develop, it is only a matter of time before they win.

But how can aliens be willing to fail? They have realized that continuing to release servants is not only useless, but will actively send weaknesses to humans.

The aliens immediately changed their strategy. The alien submarines that had already surfaced dived one after another, and the other submarines that were hidden underwater quickly surfaced, but their positions were not on the empty sea surface, but human warships on the water!

The intentions of the aliens are too obvious. Individuals know what they want to do. The naval battleships on the water are no exception. The battleships that have not stopped quickly turned to avoid them.

They all thought that avoiding the enemy ship was not a problem, but I didn’t expect the speed of the enemy ship to be much faster than expected. The frigate was also lifted high, and when it fell, the bow of the ship was directly inserted into the water. Even if the bottom of the ship did not leak, it would be a complete sinking.

The fastest frigates were not able to escape the collision, let alone the other warships, both destroyers were hit by underwater enemy ships.

Like a frightened rabbit, the hit destroyer suddenly jumped out of the water and fell heavily.

Destroyers are much heavier than frigates, but they are useless, and they cannot withstand the impact of enemy ships. Although they do not go directly into the seabed like frigates, they are also knocked out of large holes by enemy ships.

The enemy ship that completed the collision quickly dived, and after the alien submarine evacuated, a large amount of seawater poured into the battleship, and the two destroyers were about to die.

But the two destroyers only sank a little, then stabilized again and continued to fire on the enemy.

The hole in the bottom of the ship is not small, but the aliens probably don't know what a watertight compartment is, and they don't know that the reserve buoyancy of the warship is extremely high, especially when a large amount of ammunition is used, the sinking resistance is amazingly good. There is no sign of sinking.

No matter how sturdy the battleship was, it couldn't stand the repeated collisions of aliens. The two captains were like birds of a feather, and immediately issued an order to withdraw from the battlefield.

However, the power system of one of the battleships was damaged, coupled with a large hole in the bottom of the ship, and the speed was as slow as a snail. Raised high, even the spinning propeller was exposed to the air.

The stern of the ship, which was raised so high, slammed down heavily, and even the deck was submerged by the sea water.

The battleship was no longer saved, and the captain reluctantly ordered the ship to be abandoned.

But at this time, the ship is not so easy to abandon. If it is not good, the underwater enemy ship has to be overturned.

The sailors on the ship flocked to the side of the ship, using lifeboats and lifebuoys to escape the battleship.

This scene is both shocking and powerless, and I can't wait to tear the alien submarine underwater with my hands.

Not everyone is Space warships do have a chance to destroy enemy ships, but the enemy ships are hiding right under the destroyers, and the human warships are just blocking the enemy ships. Qionghe wanted to open fire several times, all because Had no chance and had to give up.

You can't sink your own warships in order to destroy enemy ships, right? The Qionghe could only watch the destroyer sink.

Qionghe thought that the opportunity had come, because the destroyer was sinking, and the underwater enemy ships would definitely avoid it. This was the opportunity Qionghe was waiting for!

However, the development of the battle situation was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did the enemy ship below the destroyer not dodge, but instead resurfaced, putting the deep destroyer on top.

The Qionghe was impatient and angry. If there were not many of its own personnel nearby who had not had time to leave, it would have bombarded the enemy ship. The laser cannon had good directivity, but it decayed too quickly after entering the water. In view of the situation, the electromagnetic gun is the best choice.

The problem is that the electromagnetic gun is not so accurate. It is good to be able to hit the enemy ship. It is not a problem to be 20 or 30 meters away, and it is not surprising that it misses one's own personnel.

At the critical moment, Liu Huaidong turned his heart: "Please open fire on the Qionghe, and resolutely destroy the enemy ship!"

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