Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1487: ready to hit

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After receiving the request from the Equator base, the bridge of the Qionghe was silent, but the battle situation was waiting for no one. Captain Dou Gaoyang gritted his teeth fiercely: "Fire!"

The only electromagnetic cannon of the Qionghe fired again, and the shells penetrated into the atmosphere one by one, turning into a rapid fall of fire.

The power of the electromagnetic gun is unquestionable, but the battleship is located in space at an altitude of more than 120 kilometers. After the shell leaves the battleship, it takes a full seventeen seconds to hit the target.

This still ignores the data of atmospheric resistance. If the air resistance is included, the time to hit the target will be slower.

The resistance of the water is so great that the submarine can't go any faster underwater, but it takes nearly half a minute for the enemy ship to run out of more than a dozen positions, and it's not that easy to hit.

What makes everyone more depressed is that even if the shell hits the target, it may not be destroyed.

It’s still a problem of resistance. The Qionghe is not equipped with supercavitating shells. The speed of ordinary shells is super fast, and the resistance encountered after entering the water is stronger, and the faster the shells are, the higher the resistance they encounter. Completely cancel the power of the cannonball!

Various factors are like ropes, tying Qionghe's hands and feet layer by layer, and Qionghe can only give priority to targets close to the water.

One after another line of fire fell into the sea, stirring up a high water column, and I don't know if it hit the target.

The frigates and destroyers sank one after another, and countless sailors fell into the water and swam desperately to the shore.

The aliens were busy dealing with human warships, and had no time to manage the sailors who were fleeing for their lives. Instead, the firepower from space accidentally injured many sailors.

No one wants to hurt their own people by mistake, but this is the battlefield of your life and death, and there is no room for hesitation and pity.

Kindness is not in charge of soldiers and righteousness and does not do business. Even if the commanders don't want to see this scene, they must harden their hearts and turn a blind eye to hearing.

There is no runner-up on the battlefield, and many times, in order to win the victory must be unscrupulous.

Although the Equator base resisted with the assistance of the Qionghe, the scale of victory was still stubbornly biased towards the aliens, and the aircraft carrier Yuzhou, which was one step behind, became a new target for the aliens.

The attack from space made the aliens much more cautious. In order to avoid the electromagnetic shells, all the alien submarines quickly dived.

At this moment, the air on the Yuzhou was almost frozen, everyone's faces were tightly tensed, Captain Yun Bo's face was sinking like water, and his expression was lackluster.

But his mood was not so calm, instead it was as choppy as the sea swept by a storm.

The core combat power of an aircraft carrier is carrier-based aircraft. Without carrier-based aircraft, an aircraft carrier is like an eagle with broken wings, a tiger with all its teeth lost, and the remaining combat power is almost negligible.

A good aircraft carrier battle group sank several battleships one after another as soon as the battle started, and very few were able to float on the water. Yuzhou was almost alone and had to face powerful aliens alone.

Yuzhou had fought against aliens before, but it was the first time that they had been blocked by aliens in the port. If possible, Yunbo would definitely park all the warships on the dock. In that case, the mines placed outside the port would be How much can play a little role, so as not to be directly sunk by enemy ships.

However, Xidan Port is a half-moon-shaped bay. The average water depth in the bay is only 17 to 18 meters. It is a **** outside the bay, and the water depth rapidly increases to more than 50 meters.

If an aircraft carrier or other warships are sunk in the bay by an enemy ship, the sunken ship will block the waterway of Sidan Port and directly abolish the navigability of Sidan Port. At that time, only small ships with shallow draft can enter the port. A large ship, don't even think of berthing in port.

In other words, sinking the aircraft carrier battle group in the bay is equivalent to cutting off the equatorial base and domestic traffic. Ships from China must be berthed dozens of kilometers away, and the transfer of materials and personnel will be greatly affected. .

Therefore, the aircraft carrier battle group cannot remain in the bay in any case, which is not only a tactical need, but also a strategic need.

However, leaving Hong Kong means having to face outsiders, it means having to confront the enemy head-on, everyone knows the fate of fighting with aliens, but at this point, there is no better way, or there is no time to give Yun Bo tried to find a way, but he could only fight hard.

Yun Bo knew that his face at the moment must be very ugly, and he really wanted to go back to the shore. That way, he wouldn't have to face the aliens, let alone fight the aliens.

But his feet were firmly nailed to the deck, gritted his teeth in the face of what was to come.

He is the captain of the ship and the backbone of all the officers and soldiers of the ship. No matter how chaotic he is, he can't show it. Otherwise, the rest of him will only be more chaotic. When the time comes, there is no need to fight, and it will be more pleasant to directly wipe the neck.

Seeing that the Yuzhou was about to leave the bay, the sonar soldier suddenly shouted: "Report, the alien submarine is approaching, the direction is two holes and four, and the distance is 1,200 meters. The speed is very fast!"

Yun Bo's heart tightened, and his face became even worse, but he snorted coldly with his neck stuck in his throat: "Don't worry about it!"

There were numerous mines inside and outside the bay, and there was a large area of ​​mines between the enemy ship and Yuzhou.

However, the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations. The enemy ship did not dodge or evade, and rushed directly into the mine array like a crazy bullfight.

I saw a series of water columns suddenly burst on the water surface on the port side of the aircraft carrier. All the water columns were connected into a line. According to the blasting speed of the mines, the enemy ship would collide with Yuzhou soon.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, when did the alien submarine become so strong? Could it be that the aliens have been hiding before? Or were new submarines built to deal with mines?

At this time, if someone dives into the water, UU reading will see another scene completely different from the guess: the alien submarine releases giant insects while advancing, and this giant insect swims underwater. Extremely fast, they quickly swam to the front of the submarine, actively collided with the mines in front of the submarine, and made way for the submarine at their own sacrifice.

Of course, giant insects have no intelligence at all, and they don't know what death is, let alone what sacrifice is. They just passively accept orders and strictly implement them.

To put it bluntly, the giant insect is just a living weapon to the aliens, and nothing else.

On the bridge of Yuzhou, Yun Bo's face turned pale in an instant. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared, and he was not panicking. He immediately gave an order: "Go ahead at full speed and launch interception depth bombs!"

"Full speed ahead!"

"Deep bomb launch... The enemy ship corrects its course!"

On the electronic chart, the light spot representing the enemy ship formed a curved arc, which still coincided with the route of the Yuzhou.

Yun Bo's face changed in an instant, and he used all his strength to shout: "Left full rudder, ready to hit—"

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