Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1488: embarrassing sinking

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The helmsman slammed the rudder to the left, the wake of the aircraft carrier pulled out a conspicuous arc, and the heavy hull suddenly tilted to the left.

All the sailors on the ship immediately grabbed everything that could be grabbed around them and fixed themselves firmly.


There was a sudden thunderous noise from the bottom of the ship, and there was a sound of steel tearing. The hull of Yuzhou suddenly trembled violently, just like a high-speed racing car was suddenly rear-ended by another car. A strong stumble, leaning sharply to the left, the deck nearly plunged into the water.

The underwater alien submarine firmly held up the Yuzhou, until the Yuzhou moved sideways for more than 100 meters before it stopped.

The alien submarine came to reverse at full speed and pulled out the bow of the boat that had hit the Yuzhou, and the sea immediately poured into the huge breach.

Although Yun Bo gave an order in advance, the impact was too sudden and too violent, and many soldiers were thrown to the ground by the strong inertia.

There are pipelines and equipment everywhere on the battleship, and many people slammed into the protruding edges and corners.

On the coast in the distance, all the warriors who climbed the city wall witnessed this scene.

The walls were filled with infantry soldiers, with only rifles and machine guns in their hands. That range was not enough for aliens to tickle them.

It was more than ordinary officers and soldiers who were anxious. Liu Huaidong in the headquarters had already become an ant on a hot pot, but he didn't understand the naval battle at all. Apart from insisting on asking Qionghe for assistance, he couldn't think of any other way.

It's not that he doesn't want to think about it, but that the weapons with enough range are either not powerful enough or too powerful. If he wants to help but can't find suitable equipment, Liu Huaidong almost turns his hair white.

There is no shortage of anti-ship missiles in the base. The problem is that all return missiles are nuclear warheads!

Dou Gaoyang is even more depressed than Liu Huaidong. His current situation is no better than Liu Huaidong. He knows where the enemy is, but he can't kill the enemy.

He also thought of a nuclear bomb, but there was still the Yuzhou on the water. Unless Beidu gave an order, who would dare to throw a nuclear bomb on his own aircraft carrier?

The feeling of being in a hurry and not being able to help is like having a litter of mice in your arms, which is called a hundred claws scratching your heart, wishing to drive a space battleship and crash down, smashing all the enemy ships into pieces.

Everyone wanted to know what was going on on the Yuzhou, and the communications troopers desperately called the Yuzhou, but received no answer.

It's not that the Yuzhou number was not received, and Yun Bo didn't have time to answer at all.

When the two ships collided, Yun Bo slammed his head against the podium and knocked out a bag the size of an egg on his head, but he didn't notice the horn on his head at all, and immediately got up: "What happened to the bottom of the ship? "

"Report, the specific situation is not clear!"

"Where did it hit?"

"Aft of the middle of the port side... The report came out, the port side was damaged, and the bottom of the boat leaked!"

Yun Bo's heart was beating wildly: "What about the tube damage? Immediately block it..."

"It can't be blocked, it's too big!"

"Close the damaged area!"

"Yes!" With an order, all the sailors in the damaged area took action and closed the watertight door as quickly as possible.

The damage to the underwater line was too great. The sea water rushed into the battleship frantically, and the bottom tank was almost submerged by the sea water. The strong current made it impossible to close the watertight door. Door closes.

Fortunately, the watertight door was not closed in time, and many sailors in the damaged area could escape. Otherwise, once the watertight door was closed, it would be impossible to open it again - opening the watertight door means that the warship may sink, no matter who it is. It is impossible to let the warship take such a big risk in order to save one person or a few people.

At the critical moment, the special combat team members on the ship played a big role. They were the only motorized infantry in the entire aircraft carrier battle group, and there were only more than 30 people in total.

But even with the power of the power armor, a single person cannot push the watertight door. Three to four people must go together to close the watertight door.

The soldiers tried their best, but there were too few motorized infantry and the damaged area was too large, and the Yuzhou sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yun Bo broke out in a cold sweat, and kept asking about the situation in the bilge, but what he got was not good news.

As the saying goes, good fortune will come, and misfortune will not come singly. The blockade here has not yet come to fruition. The sonar operator once again issued a warning. The alien submarine changed direction and was rushing towards the starboard side of the Yuzhou.

Yun Bo almost didn't faint, he wanted to swallow these **** aliens alive, but he didn't have the chance at all, the only thing he could do was to issue a collision warning again.

There was another muffled sound, also accompanied by the sound of tearing steel, and the Yuzhou was pushed by the alien submarine and moved laterally for tens of meters. hole.

The aircraft carrier has a lot of reserve buoyancy, but no matter how much the reserve buoyancy is, it can't withstand the water entering the two holes together, and the sinking of the Yuzhou is inevitable.

At a critical juncture, Yun Bo calmed down instead.

It's not how good his psychological quality is, but all the worries have become reality, and the situation has reached the point of no return. Wouldn't it be okay to break the pot?

In a panic, he loudly ordered: "Right rudder fifteen, full speed ahead, everyone evacuate the bilge, fast!"

Everyone didn't understand what Yun Bo wanted to do, but the helmsman faithfully executed the order, steering the aircraft carrier like a giant at sea.

Don't look at both starboard and starboard being crashed by alien But there is no problem with the power compartment at the stern. Yuzhou still has the ability to sail, but the speed is slow enough, and the higher the speed, the more The faster the speed of the water, at the current speed of Yuzhou, the seawater will engulf the bottom tank in half a minute.

What Yun Bo wanted was this half a minute. After more than 20 seconds, the sea water had already submerged half of the hull, and the sinking Yuzhou suddenly shook, and the sinking momentum actually stopped slowly.

Yun Bo let out a sigh of relief, and finally a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, the dog is raised, want to sink Lao Tzu's battleship? Dream!"

Many people still didn't understand what was going on, but some responded quickly and immediately realized what Yun Bo meant.

The reason is very simple. Yuzhou has not left the bay yet, and the water depth here is only 178 meters.

The fully loaded draught of Yuzhou is a little over ten meters, and the vertical height between the flight deck and the waterline is twenty-four meters. That is to say, after the battleship sinks for seven meters, the bottom of the ship will touch the seabed, and it will not sink even if it wants to sink. Go down, and at this time, the hull is still 17 meters above the water!

This is so embarrassing!

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